Out of breath when I walk

Disneynutt Member Posts: 134 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Anybody else experience this? Ever since I started Taxotere/Avastin I am so out of breath. My oncologist ordered a lot of cardiac test and it's not my heart. It seems that even when I just get up and walk a little distance I get out of breath. Although when I go swimming it doesn't seem to affect me. What gives? I will talk to my oncologist tomorrow (I have an appointment) but I'm curious if anybody else experiences this.



  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    How's your hemoglobin? (RBC)?
    When my RBC was low from chemo it made me breathless from even mild exertion. I remember walking DOWN a flight of stairs with a basket of laundry and having to sit down on the bottom step to catch my breath. I was given a blood transfusion a few days later and that breathlessness went away, although I did need transfusions following the next 3 chemos I got.

    Ascites is the other possibility that jumps to mind, but I'll bet it's anemia.
  • Disneynutt
    Disneynutt Member Posts: 134 Member

    How's your hemoglobin? (RBC)?
    When my RBC was low from chemo it made me breathless from even mild exertion. I remember walking DOWN a flight of stairs with a basket of laundry and having to sit down on the bottom step to catch my breath. I was given a blood transfusion a few days later and that breathlessness went away, although I did need transfusions following the next 3 chemos I got.

    Ascites is the other possibility that jumps to mind, but I'll bet it's anemia.

    Thanks Linda. I was
    Thanks Linda. I was thinking it was anemia. I'm going to ask the doctor tomorrow for a blood test. It really is an odd feeling.. I get up and I'm out of breath. It's weird. I sure hope it isn't ascites. I don't like that word. :-)

  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    I agree that it could be the RBC count being too low. But for me the big reason was low blood pressure. My BP is about 106/70 under normal circumstances. Chemo brings it down even more. During chemo, it got as low as 82/75. It was horrible - out of breath, couldn't stand for even a few seconds let alone walk, felt like I wasn't getting oxygen to my brain, rapid heart rate. After one episode of this I was prepared for the next chemos. I would nibble on little pices of potatoe chips to get some salt in my system. I would have either a small glass of Coke or coffee for the caffiene to help raise the blood pressure. And I would walk around, SLOWLY, a little at a time to circulate blood throughout my body.

    Hope this helps. And I hope you feel better soon! Let us know what you find out.

  • Disneynutt
    Disneynutt Member Posts: 134 Member
    mopar said:

    I agree that it could be the RBC count being too low. But for me the big reason was low blood pressure. My BP is about 106/70 under normal circumstances. Chemo brings it down even more. During chemo, it got as low as 82/75. It was horrible - out of breath, couldn't stand for even a few seconds let alone walk, felt like I wasn't getting oxygen to my brain, rapid heart rate. After one episode of this I was prepared for the next chemos. I would nibble on little pices of potatoe chips to get some salt in my system. I would have either a small glass of Coke or coffee for the caffiene to help raise the blood pressure. And I would walk around, SLOWLY, a little at a time to circulate blood throughout my body.

    Hope this helps. And I hope you feel better soon! Let us know what you find out.


    Thanks Monika. I saw the
    Thanks Monika. I saw the doctor today. BP was 120/82 and red blood cells were normal. No ascites she said so I'm having a CT scan tomorrow to see if I have a clot in my lungs. I don't think I have but best to rule all the bad stuff out.
    This feeling is awful isn't it? I have a rapid heart beat too when I get out of breath. It's a mystery to me. I can hardly do anything and it seems to be worse at night. I've gained a few pounds since I quit smoking but am starting to take them off now. It can't be the weight can it? I just hate this feeling. I feel I haven't even recovered from the last chemo and I have another one scheduled for the 23rd. I've been on chemo for a year straight and am looking forward to a break.

    So taking things slowly helped? I will try that. Sit before standing... stand before walking.. walk before practicing for the marathon. :-) Wow I wonder if it's emphysema but my doctor said my lungs sound great. Curiousier and curiousier. :-)

  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member

    Thanks Monika. I saw the
    Thanks Monika. I saw the doctor today. BP was 120/82 and red blood cells were normal. No ascites she said so I'm having a CT scan tomorrow to see if I have a clot in my lungs. I don't think I have but best to rule all the bad stuff out.
    This feeling is awful isn't it? I have a rapid heart beat too when I get out of breath. It's a mystery to me. I can hardly do anything and it seems to be worse at night. I've gained a few pounds since I quit smoking but am starting to take them off now. It can't be the weight can it? I just hate this feeling. I feel I haven't even recovered from the last chemo and I have another one scheduled for the 23rd. I've been on chemo for a year straight and am looking forward to a break.

    So taking things slowly helped? I will try that. Sit before standing... stand before walking.. walk before practicing for the marathon. :-) Wow I wonder if it's emphysema but my doctor said my lungs sound great. Curiousier and curiousier. :-)


    Out of breath
    Its a horrible feeling isn;t is, being out of breath. Thats how they found my cancer - I had fluid around my lungs (plueral effusion) from the cancer cells and I could not breath, even when I was sitting.

    My treatment is over now and I know the fluid is long gone but I am too struggling a little with my breathing.

    I am putting this down to:

    1. Putting on weight. I have gained about 2 stone (28 pounds) and for someone who is only 5'2" is alot.
    2. I was an active person before (a runner) and have not been able to maintain my energy levels. So I have become un-fit. So I think the reason I am out of breath is because of all the inactivity and my body has adapted to it.
    3. The effects of ALL THE DRUGS they pump into your system. They are bound to talk their toll.
    4. Anaemia, that can also cause fatigue thus making you tired and out of breath.

    I hope you get some answers for your own peace of mind.

    Tina xx

    It sounds like you have had a thorough investigation and so far everything is looking good.
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member

    Hi. I too become short of breath on excertion. I never had a work up. I never really thought too much about it. I always assumed it was the chemo, fatigue, anemia. I'm glad you had a work up. Since there is nothing obvious yet...pending the ct scan of course, this is good news. Let us know what happens.

  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
    nancy591 said:


    Hi. I too become short of breath on excertion. I never had a work up. I never really thought too much about it. I always assumed it was the chemo, fatigue, anemia. I'm glad you had a work up. Since there is nothing obvious yet...pending the ct scan of course, this is good news. Let us know what happens.


    have them check the fluid on lungs
  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    I too have had bouts with
    I too have had bouts with breathlessness.

    I would get so winded walking (I used to power-walk regularly 4 miles a day pre-cancer).

    I had 3 x-rays of my lungs because my breathing kept getting more labored. It was really scary. They never found anything. Finally, they discovered that I had an upper respiratory infection. I never get sick, but apparently because of my suppressed immune system, I had picked up a nasty bug that hung with me for an entire month and a half!

    So you might want to see if it could be an infection also.

    Also I had gained a lot of weight gain during my last treatment and I always have a difficult time breathing. So I have begun to work on losing my excess weight of which I've already lost 11 lbs.

    Take care,
