Dear Meghan

Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1

I don't know how often you are checking in on the web site but I wanted to start a thread for you so you could come here and have messages from people who care about you and loved your Mom. I am so sorry for your loss. No one should have to lose their mother at such a young age. Please know that your mother loved you soo much and will be watching out for you from heaven. Your mother was a wonderful and caring person who contributed greatly to the board. please check in any time you want. Please take care of yourself right now. You are cared about by all of us.


  • dorion
    dorion Member Posts: 183
    What just happened?
    It took a little for it to kick in. But now i realise it. I feel like a part of me is missing. I don't feel like myself. I don't eat as much as i used to. And i'm devestated. All i've ever had was my mom. Thats all. And now all of the sudden i have to drop everything a move to hawaii with my dad, and suddenly today him and his girlfriend were talking about marrage, I'm confused, i'm tired, and i don't know what to do! My dad isn't easy to talk to, and I don't know his girlfriend AT ALL. And honestly right now my head is pounding and i feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head.

    Good night.
    And thank you for listening.

  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    dorion said:

    What just happened?
    It took a little for it to kick in. But now i realise it. I feel like a part of me is missing. I don't feel like myself. I don't eat as much as i used to. And i'm devestated. All i've ever had was my mom. Thats all. And now all of the sudden i have to drop everything a move to hawaii with my dad, and suddenly today him and his girlfriend were talking about marrage, I'm confused, i'm tired, and i don't know what to do! My dad isn't easy to talk to, and I don't know his girlfriend AT ALL. And honestly right now my head is pounding and i feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head.

    Good night.
    And thank you for listening.


    I lost my dad while still in
    I lost my dad while still in my teens, and even though I got to keep my mom until I was grown and had children of my own, I still wasn't ready for it. Part of you IS missing...your mom is missing and it will take some serious time for that big hole to begin filling up with new experiences and all the things that are still ahead of you. You will always miss your mom, but it won't always hurt the way it does now. I promise.

    There is probably no way to get out of moving to Hawaii. I know that's going to be tough - leaving your friends and your school and everything familiar to you. I'm sure your dad knows how hard it will be and I'm equally sure he loves you dearly and would give anything not to have to put you through this. Sometimes we just don't have a choice.

    Even though you think your dad is hard to talk to, please try. It can only help. If you aren't ready for a new stepmother, let him know that. He probably thinks he is doing the best thing for you. Don't pout or sulk or be a brat....just tell him quietly and sincerely that you really, really wish they would wait a while.

    By the way, when you are ready, you need to give her a chance. Stepmothers have gotten a really bad rep, but some of us are actually pretty cool people.

    You are dear to our hearts, Meghan. We will always be here for you.

  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member

    I posted this under 'DEAREST MEGHAN' but I think it got pushed to the bottom. So, I've cut and pasted here.

    I am so, so sorry to hear that your mother has passed away. We shared many personal emails and developed quite a friendship across the miles. Not to mention her wonderful posts here, and how many lives she has touched. I wish I could ease your pain, and be there to help you cope during this difficult time. I am glad to hear you have support of a friend, and I hope that your Dad will also be there for you.

    You mother tried so hard, and she had such a sense of humor about everything she was going through. Nonetheless, it really breaks my heart to know that we'll never hear from her again. Please know that while we weap here, she is in no pain, and in the Father's arms. May you find comfort knowing that, and knowing that she will be watching over you.

    May God bless you, dear Meghan. And may He give you peace that passes all understanding. Soon, your pain and emptiness will be replace with the many memories you have of your dear mother.

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  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    unknown said:

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    So glad we got to chat last night & I hope you got some sleep.
    Meghan, after we finished chatting last night, I brushed my teeth and fell asleep and slept for 11 hours!! I woke up hoping you'd done the same. Please let me know what your dad thinks about getting some counseling for the 2 of you. An objective outside person may be able to help you work through all these adjustments and your grief and may slow down some of the changes your dad is considering that he thinks will help you and that you aren't quite ready for. He may be relieved to have something, anything, he can do to make this transition easier for all of you. (((Meghan))).

    And I meant it about taking vitamins and getting some regular sleep. You are under incredible stress, honey, and you don't want to get a cold or the flu to add to your misery. Take good care of your little self, honey. Reach out to me anytime. I may not have any answers but I do care. And Hawaii may really be wonderful; it looks like paradise to me and one day I hope it will look like that to you. Maybe not today. But one day. hugs, kiddo.
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Dear Meghan,
    you have been on my heart and mind these last few days. This world was a cooler place, because of your mom, and I know I will miss her, I can't imagine the hole you have in your heart right now. She was mad about you and I know will continue be with you, even though you can't see her. She has had an amazing deposit in your life, and you are an awesome kid. Take it a day at a time, and let yourself grieve this when you need to. Meanwhile, you will find people to support and help you when you need it. Please don't hesitate to come here anytime. We do love you, and want to be there for you.
    Warm hugs,
  • BrittanyC
    BrittanyC Member Posts: 100
    kayandok said:

    Dear Meghan,
    you have been on my heart and mind these last few days. This world was a cooler place, because of your mom, and I know I will miss her, I can't imagine the hole you have in your heart right now. She was mad about you and I know will continue be with you, even though you can't see her. She has had an amazing deposit in your life, and you are an awesome kid. Take it a day at a time, and let yourself grieve this when you need to. Meanwhile, you will find people to support and help you when you need it. Please don't hesitate to come here anytime. We do love you, and want to be there for you.
    Warm hugs,

    Meghan,.. I know exactly how you are feeling..
    Dearest Meghan,

    In December of 2009, I lost my dear mother to Ovarian Cancer. My heart goes out to you at this time. I wish I could comfort you and give you a hug.

    I too, have gone through similar trials that you are going through. I had to move in with my dad soon after as well.

    It is a tough time right now, by talking to your dad, he will learn how you are feeling right now. Fathers do amazing things and unbelieveable sacrifices for their daughters. My mother had a step mother as well. My mom did not like her at first but got to know her. They had a very long relationship. In fact, that woman is who I call "grandma." She was there for me when my mother got sick.

    If you would like to talk, I am here to listen. I have a Facebook as well.

    Sending lots of love and hugs,
  • sanam
    sanam Member Posts: 106
    BrittanyC said:

    Meghan,.. I know exactly how you are feeling..
    Dearest Meghan,

    In December of 2009, I lost my dear mother to Ovarian Cancer. My heart goes out to you at this time. I wish I could comfort you and give you a hug.

    I too, have gone through similar trials that you are going through. I had to move in with my dad soon after as well.

    It is a tough time right now, by talking to your dad, he will learn how you are feeling right now. Fathers do amazing things and unbelieveable sacrifices for their daughters. My mother had a step mother as well. My mom did not like her at first but got to know her. They had a very long relationship. In fact, that woman is who I call "grandma." She was there for me when my mother got sick.

    If you would like to talk, I am here to listen. I have a Facebook as well.

    Sending lots of love and hugs,

    Dear Meghan
    I am so sorry

    Dear Meghan

    I am so sorry for your loss.It is great that all these beautiful people here are standing for you.
    I wish you go through this tough time with lightness and pull yourself together.
    You are in my parayers.
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645

    Just got on!! So sorry about your mom.

    Will keep you in prayer and please let us know how you are doing anytime.
