Ahcc anyone tried it

azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
my white count took another dive this week, i heard ahcc is suppose to bring it up, anyone every try it


  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569 Member
    raising WBC
    Hello. I have no experience with this, there was an older post on this a couple of months ago. In fact, I think you asked about it then.Just do a search on AHCC in the search box. In the meantime, there are alot of foods that are helpful in raising your WBC. Basically veggies (broccoli, pumpkin,beets, carrots, spinach, asparagus) and fruits (oraanges, melon, figs) Garlic is supposed to be very good for raising WBC and also lean meat, fish. Good luck and take care.
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    I use AHCC. It is a mushroom extract, and enhances killer cell and T-cell production. The first time I had my level checked it was next to nothing, about a 2. After taking AHCC it rose to about 23. I'm not sure of it's affect on the white count, but it is vital for the killer cells which aid in fighting infection and disease. Hope this helps!

  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    mopar said:

    I use AHCC. It is a mushroom extract, and enhances killer cell and T-cell production. The first time I had my level checked it was next to nothing, about a 2. After taking AHCC it rose to about 23. I'm not sure of it's affect on the white count, but it is vital for the killer cells which aid in fighting infection and disease. Hope this helps!


    where to buy?
    Where do you buy this?
  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569 Member
    nancy591 said:

    where to buy?
    Where do you buy this?

    Nancy, not sure if health food stores might carry it. We have The Mustard Seed and also an all natural pharmacy, Ritzman Pharmacy in Ohio. I do know that Amazon.com carries it and it's helpful to read reviews and see other people's thoughts on the product. If you google it, you can probably find alot of places online carry it, but I know Amazon.com offers it.
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    nancy591 said:

    where to buy?
    Where do you buy this?

    Hi, Nancy:
    Research the internet for the best prices (and quality!) as well as your local stores. I get it on-line because that's where I found the best price so far. I re-research every few months because things can change. Just be sure it is truly AHCC, which is patented and made in Japan. I started with capsules from my homeopathic doctor. But when I reordered, I got the powder but it was more cost effective. Now I think I will go back to the capsules, just for convenience.

    Hope this helps!

  • Yaziza
    Yaziza Member Posts: 14
    Finally the cancer stopped growing and two of the tumors are smaller. The latest alternative we are trying is AHCC which claims to increase the Lymph cells. These WBC are the brains of the WBC. From my research meaning they can see the cancer, then the Neut's are the fighters. I saw on his blood test that he had a shift to the left with raised white blood cells Atypical Lympho. A Positive Morph. I researched it and it was saying a good prognosis. Today he got his CSAN Good Results Yes. Dads eyes are Smiling.