My little alien....

Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Saw my gyn/oncologist and got my (I think) number 5 maintenance (aka consolidation) chemo. I introduced him to my little alien - the abdominal hernia that was recently diagnosed by my PCP.

My PCP referred me to a surgeon - a referral I ignored until I could ask my oncologist if I could have the surgery without interrupting my chemo. The short answer was "No."

Turns out the hernia is a lot larger than my PCP thought. It truly feels like the head of an unborn baby in late pregnancy (most of you will know what I'm talking about).

The good news is that I can put off the surgery until next Spring if the thing doesn't give me a really hard time, and of course, as long as it does not strangulate. I have to wear some kind of support garment. I'm thinking Spanx??? And no lifting, of course.

The better news is that if they can't repair it with lap surgery, they will take off my belly flab while they are at it. (It helps improve chances that you won't have another hernia if there is nothing to "pull down" the tissue.) Free tummy tuck! Yea me!

The best news is that my oncologist thinks it would be a great opportunity to check out my diaphragm and abdomen, provided it can be done without turning a relatively simple surgery into a big belly invasion.

Notice how I ranked these? Peace of mind (AKA "second look" for cancer) now out-weighs my desire for a flat tummy.

I'm telling you, girls......perspective is everything.



  • leesag
    leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
    It sounds like you have everything under control Carlene! Regarding perspective: I just learned from my principal that my classroom (completely packed into 96 boxes), which I thought I would be able to start working on in the beginning of August, will now, not be ready for me until the exactly 7 days before the kids start back. Any other year, this would have resulted in high anxiety. This year, meh...I can do it and if it's not all done, it's not the end of the world.

    Anxiety over limited time to organize classroom: highly overrated
    Perspective on the important things in life: priceless.

    Although, I did notice that the tummy tuck is better news than the removal of the hernia ;)

