Anyone had success with just using diet and maintaining PH Balance with no surgery and raidation for

JenE Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was just diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma In Situ a few weeks back after my lumpectomy came back cancer. I did not have clear margins so there is some left in my breast. Also, possible DCIS in my other breast. At this point the cancer is not invasive. I am looking at all possible avenues. I wanted to see if there was anyone out there that has had breast cancer and was successful at changing their diet and becoming alkaline and was able to beat cancer. Thank you!


  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    I have DCIS .. but have opted for chemo .. TCH, and
    bi-lateral mac'ty.

    Sorry I can not help you here .. perhaps 1 of the other sisters in PINK can.

    Good Luck ..

    Vicki Sam
  • j2twin
    j2twin Member Posts: 28
    I have DCIS had lumpectomy
    I have DCIS had lumpectomy and found invasive. Second lumpectomy lympnodes were clear. Didnot have chemo. Have not tried diet. Good luck
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    j2twin said:

    I have DCIS had lumpectomy
    I have DCIS had lumpectomy and found invasive. Second lumpectomy lympnodes were clear. Didnot have chemo. Have not tried diet. Good luck

    If diet and PH balance was a cure for cancer you would
    be seeing headlines in the paper and no one on this board would be discussing chemo and radiation. Did I understand you that you still have some cancer left after the lumpectomy and no one has suggested a re-excisional biopsy to obtain clean margins?

    I don't mean to sound harsh but cancer left untreated does not go away, it spreads. I'm sure your doctors have suggested regular cancer treatments...nothing,s perfect but they are the best we've got to date. Educate yourself on your dx, have serious talks with your onc, get a second opinion.

    For me I could never intentionally leave cancer in my body and put my money on "diet" curing me. What kind of diet did you have in mind?

    I know you're scared and the thought of further treatment seems impossible, but the decisions you make right now will impact the rest of your life. Down the road you don't want to have to say "If only...."
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi Jen
    I was diagnosed with DCIS also. I had the lumpectomy and my margins didn't come back clear either. My surgeon told me that he could go back in and do another lumpectomy, but couldn't guarantee he would be able to get it all the second time either. Or I could have a mastectomy. I opted for the mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. I have no regrets. It's your decision. Good luck to you and keep in touch. Hugs :>) Jean
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    I have not heard about
    I have not heard about anyone being cured of cancer by ph balanced diet, but there does seem to be evidence that such a diet does reduce risk factors. I don't remember all I have read about it, but I think the diet is just a matter of eating more of certain foods and less of others...don't see how it could hurt. I would say: first, find out which foods are best and which are worst for PH balance, then talk to a nutrutionist as well as your Dr., then do the chemo and the diet to give yourself the best chance of becoming cancer-free.

    I did chemo, radiation, mastectomy, and reconstruction, did not try to follow ph-balanced diet, but do try to be somewhat low sugar, carb, and fat and higher fiber and veggie.

    Hope this is helpful, seof.
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    I have to agree with Skeezie.
    I have to agree with Skeezie. Cancer is something you do not want to experiment with. If left untreated, it will spread. Meet with your oncologist to discuss your situation. Best of luck with your journey.
  • JenE
    JenE Member Posts: 2
    I have done quite a bit of
    I have done quite a bit of research and have talked with people that have changed their diet to an alkaline diet and have gone in for their mammo and the cancer is gone. Have never heard of this through the mainstream news which doesn't surprise me. The medical field would go out of business I think if it did. However, there are many books on people doing this. I was just curious if anyone here has done it. Thank you for all of your comments. It's encouraging! Jen
  • swalters
    swalters Member Posts: 33
    Diet for DCIS
    Jen E,
    After my lumpectomy in 2007, my pathology report showed not all margins were clear either. Based on this, my surgeon recommended a mastectomy. Because DCIS is non-invasive I also explored other options. The first thing I did was get a 2nd pathology opinion from Dr. Michael Lagios, a world renowned DCIS expert and pathologist that any one can consult with.

    He disagreed with my local pathologists, which is not uncommon at least 25 percent of the time. He said that in fact my margins were clear. He also used the Van Nuys Prognostic Index to calculate my recurrence risk at only 4 percent. Because of this I also omitted radiation, since the typical 50 percent risk reduction that radiation brings was not significant enough,for me, with that small a risk. I also did not take tamoxifen because Dr.Lagios said it would again only lower my recurrence risk by at best 2 percent.

    Although my risk is low,I am trying several things as preventive strategies. I changed my diet to a vegan diet and started exercising more (although I always exercised). I also balanced my hormones with bio-identical progesterone. After reading Anti-Cancer by Dr. David Servan-Schreiber, I now include foods known to have specific anti breast cancer properties in my diet. I also take extra vitamin D and fish oil along with DIM and Wobenzymne N.

    So as you can see, there are many strategies you can try. However I would recommend them in addition to surgery, not in place of it.

    Although the approach I am taking is not exactly what you asked for, I believe it has had similar results, besides making me feel better than I have in years.

    Please feel free to send me a private message if you have any questions or want to discuss any of this further.

    Best wishes and hugs,