Komen, Relay, Strides, Avon...which do you chose?

elm3544 Member Posts: 748
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was just wondering, which event does everyone like the best and why? I always participate in the Komen 5k and have participated in the Light the Night for lymphoma and leukeima. The Komen race was the only one I knew about for a long time and I think I will participate every year but now I wish I could do more.


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    ALL functions need to be more publisied!
    I haven't done any of them yet but I'm really bummed that when I was at the feed store yesterday, I found a flyer about a "Ride In Pink" ride (horse) this past weekend that I hadn't heard at all about. (About 20-25 miles from us). Hubby and I would both have done it and have an extra horse we could have taken for someone else (even a 'Dude'/beginner) if they needed a horse to ride.

    YEAH - bummer!

  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    Rague said:

    ALL functions need to be more publisied!
    I haven't done any of them yet but I'm really bummed that when I was at the feed store yesterday, I found a flyer about a "Ride In Pink" ride (horse) this past weekend that I hadn't heard at all about. (About 20-25 miles from us). Hubby and I would both have done it and have an extra horse we could have taken for someone else (even a 'Dude'/beginner) if they needed a horse to ride.

    YEAH - bummer!


    Make Strides
    I did the Stride for Life walk in April in Albuquerque. It's not so much that I "chose" it, but that it was happening and I wanted to participate. Other events will be happening through the year, but some of them are a little too rigorous for me, or the location is not right. Even though I don't live in the city, I know the venues, and some are too dusty and have very limited shade. I am planning to do the Stride again, every year that I'm able. The way I feel right now, that could be many repeats.

    Rague, I'm sorry you missed out on the Ride in Pink. It sounds like it would be great...that is one I would do too, providing someone would help me onto the horse--LOL
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    Make Strides
    I did the Stride for Life walk in April in Albuquerque. It's not so much that I "chose" it, but that it was happening and I wanted to participate. Other events will be happening through the year, but some of them are a little too rigorous for me, or the location is not right. Even though I don't live in the city, I know the venues, and some are too dusty and have very limited shade. I am planning to do the Stride again, every year that I'm able. The way I feel right now, that could be many repeats.

    Rague, I'm sorry you missed out on the Ride in Pink. It sounds like it would be great...that is one I would do too, providing someone would help me onto the horse--LOL

    We'd get you on Doe with no prob.!
    If there is another one (I left a voice mail to see if there will be) and you're here - we will get you on Doe with no problem. He's big but with my ladder (yes ladder I use all the time) it's not hard. Literally he's a 'gentle giant' - takes care of little kids and non riders (he was used in the 'jumping' portion of Equine Management program at NAU for a very timid ride and they missed 3 weeks due to injuries (2 weeks her injury and 1 to a hoof abcess he had) but he got her an "A". Doe is Hubby's guy but he could ride G-daughter's little gelding. (My mare is blind so I'm the only one that rides her. My other mare - we won't even talk about - she has lots of issues going back years before she was given to me when she was used as a "tripping horse" in Mexician [not PRCA/'Americian'] rodeos in WA - google Mexician rodeos or 'tripping horses' if you want to see what they do to horses). The first time I had Doe on a trail ride (10 years ago next month), his 'common sense' did literally save my life.

    Anywho - If you're ever near we can do rides in the Hills (Black Hills or Badlands)
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    I do the Relay, Making
    I do the Relay, Making Strides, and the Revlon Entertainment Industry 5K for Women's Cancers. ( Though I have always thought the 5K should actually be AGAINST and not FOR Women's cancer!)

    I Relay because there are at least 6 of them within 40 miles of me in almost any direction, so if I miss one I can do another, I did my first Making Stides in June because it is also an ACS event and it was held for the first time here where I live. At Fess Parker's beautiful winery, walking thourgh the vineyards early in the morning~ lovely! And the Revlon5K because I was invited by friends a few years ago, loved it, and have gone for 4 years now! I also do a Lance Armstong challenge, and the Santa Barbara half-marathon. The half marathon isn't a fundraiser, or a cancer event, but in my mind it is! Why? Because I am a survivor, and if I can do the half-marathon it is a personal victory!

    Seriously, the Avon is just too expensive for my blood, especially if I wanted Reggie and my sis and her husband to come along too~ and I have never actually checked into any Komen events. No reason, I may have to look into when they are in my area!

    Thought-provoking post~ thanks!

  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    In the past
    In the past I have walked the "Walk in the Park" in CT for bc. My brother-in-law recently did the Relay for Life in NH for me. In August my son-in-law is riding his bike 100 miles in the Lance Armstrong race in Philadelphia, PA. They are all good causes!
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    I've done the Komen walk
    I've done the Komen walk in Baltimore for about the last 6 years. I love it. It is always in October. Since I was diagnosed with breast cancer this past March, this will be my first walk as a survivor and get to wear a pink shirt. I usually get there when the "village" opens and get all the free give-aways (bags, shirts, hats, pens, pins, etc. etc. etc.). The 5K run starts at approximately 8 and then the walk there after. It started as my sister and I, but each year, we add one or two. However, this year I have many friends and more family that already said they want to walk with me.

    I didn't know about the Relay for Life until I seen it here on Chen's post (thanks Chen). I will definitely do it next year.

    Hugs to all, Jean
  • alexlib_mom
    alexlib_mom Member Posts: 46
    My husband and I are doing the 3 day walk this year. The fundraising is a bit daunting at first, but we had no trouble raising money. We ended up raising over $8000 between us!

    My problem is going to be that my surgeons don't want me walking 60 miles only 6 weeks after surgery. So, I will do a few miles each day. I'm planning to do it next year as well.

  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    Heaven Can Wait
    Heaven Can Wait 5k walk is what I did. It is our local (Bend, OR)Breast Cancer walk. I wanted to do the Relay for Life but I was at a point in treatment that I could not make it. I will do it next year for sure.
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    ladyg said:

    Heaven Can Wait
    Heaven Can Wait 5k walk is what I did. It is our local (Bend, OR)Breast Cancer walk. I wanted to do the Relay for Life but I was at a point in treatment that I could not make it. I will do it next year for sure.

    Im actually now signed up for two walks. One is in August right before my reconstruction surgery and its very simple, four laps around a high school track which is one mile. This one is for the I have wings breast cancer foundation. The other one is The Making Strides against breast cancer and five miles. Its in October and is Cincinnati's biggest walk for any cause. Im forming a team for that one and my son is going to design the tshirts for us. My profile picture is one of his drawings. Hes very talented. My kids came up with a name for our team, Pink never fades; Neither does hope. And i have my own personal phrase that is forever pink; forever me. And survior on it as well. I cant wait.

  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    Thanks for all the replies!
    ISorry it took me so long, I was on a 5 day motorcycle ride with my husband!..... I'm glad so many of us participate in these events! It would be great if everyone could keep us all posted on local events, then if any of us are able to get to an event out of our area we could join whoever is participating! I would love that.
    I will be doing the Komen 5k. My team is called Pink Positive and I am the team captain. The event takes place 10/10/10 here in Phoenix. I challenged my team to try to raise at least $10 from 10 people each. We have already made that goal and now I am pushing for more. So far I have 10 on the team but am trying to double that number. We have less than 3 months left to do it!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    elm3544 said:

    Thanks for all the replies!
    ISorry it took me so long, I was on a 5 day motorcycle ride with my husband!..... I'm glad so many of us participate in these events! It would be great if everyone could keep us all posted on local events, then if any of us are able to get to an event out of our area we could join whoever is participating! I would love that.
    I will be doing the Komen 5k. My team is called Pink Positive and I am the team captain. The event takes place 10/10/10 here in Phoenix. I challenged my team to try to raise at least $10 from 10 people each. We have already made that goal and now I am pushing for more. So far I have 10 on the team but am trying to double that number. We have less than 3 months left to do it!

    Sometimes people ask me
    Sometimes people ask me how much I want them to donate ~a fundraising "trick" that I have come up with is One dollar for each year you have known me. I have been friends with a core group since 8th grade, and I will be 61 next month! And even if someone has known me a year or 2, it is unlikely they will hand over just a dollar~ it ends up being a $5 or a $10 anyway! :-)
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    chenheart said:

    Sometimes people ask me
    Sometimes people ask me how much I want them to donate ~a fundraising "trick" that I have come up with is One dollar for each year you have known me. I have been friends with a core group since 8th grade, and I will be 61 next month! And even if someone has known me a year or 2, it is unlikely they will hand over just a dollar~ it ends up being a $5 or a $10 anyway! :-)

    I just did my FIRST Relay
    I just did my FIRST Relay For Life and it was a magical, wonderful experience that I will never forget?

    Did you read my post? If not, I hope you do. It was such a great day and night!

    I am so happy I went. Thanks to all of you wonderful sisters that encouraged me to go!

    Sue :)