Just tell me I'll feel better soon

gertskid2 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My first chemo (for breast cancer) was last Tuesday and there are 7 to go. I was mentally prepared and in good spirits (so I thought).I have chosen to look at chemo as a blessing, not a curse. It just works better that way for me. Some might say I'm unrealistically optimistic but up to now it's been working for me.The first couple of days after treatment I felt unusually good (from the feel good meds)then it hit me; extreme tiredness, nausea and hunger at the same time, can't sleep at night and a reaction to the feel good meds: My right knee swelled up, followed by my left arm. I already have lymphadema in the right arm. I wasn't expecting this kind of reaction at all. I really don't know what I was expecting.I'm just too tired to do much of anything.I'm looking for some emotional support from a positive person. I'm really down today.


  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    I see this is your first
    I see this is your first post, so welcome to this board. I was originally diagnosed July 2008 with breast cancer and i am currently going thru chemo again due to a reoccurence. I am on Taxol and Herceptin. I have had 4 treatments so far, so i know about the tiredness and hunger, I honestly pray for someone to feed me and hold a water bottle for me, or cover me with a blanket! But then, I do have some good days. I spent yesterday on the beach in New Jersey, it was awesome. I was in the ocean and I ate pizza and ice cream, I try to keep my life as normal as possible, I go grocery shopping, eat out, go shopping. I, too am very tired, but i try to stay positive about this, so i hope that i can help you. I love to read, if you like reading, i have found the perfect author. Her name is Elin Hilderbrand, she writes books that take place in Nantucket. I am losing my hair, but I have hats, scarves and a wig ready. My hubby and i were able to get away for 3 days twice, and i felt really good. Where do you live, i live in Philadelphia and it is stinking hot here, another heat wave! I drink a lot of water and i try to take walks. Hmmm, i know that you are saying "take a walk, is she crazy..i am too tired", but sometimes a walk can help. Too hot, i head to a mall and walk around. You have to take care of yourself, try and find something you like to do and do it. I hope this helps you, please post again, we are here for you. Take care
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544
    Welcome Gertskid2- So sorry
    Welcome Gertskid2- So sorry that you have had to join this discussion board, but you will find a supportive group here like nowhere else...
    I am sorry that you have had problems the last few days. I don't know if you onc told you to expect these things or not, but if you think the swelling is something they can help with, do not hesitate to call them.
    I did not have to have chemo, but I did have rads. It was rough at times. I just forced
    myself through each day. Try to keep your "eye on the prize."--that is, getting done with your treatments.

    Hugs & prayers sent your way...
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Aw, sweet soul....we are here....
    Yeah, most of the time, chemo SUCKS!!! And, you are right on, the 'feel good meds' you get at chemo time (they call them 'pre-meds') wear off 2 days later. My body established a routine:

    Wednesday: infusion
    Thursday: 'hampster on a wheel' day (I felt SOOOOO good!!!)
    Friday AM: See Thursday
    Friday PM: Oh boy, here it comes!!!! I prepared the couch in front of the TV, and made sure that I had all of my comfort foods, and ginger ale, by my side.
    Saturday: Forget the whole day. If I wasn't in the toilet, I was sleeping.
    Sunday AM: Early rise. Baked some (of all things!) crescent rolls. Ate at least 2.
    Sunday lunch: Fried rice from my fav Thai place (bought on Friday morning).
    Sunday dinner: see Sunday lunch
    Monday: Back to normal, at a BIG turkey sandwich from a place called Farmer Bros. Whole Wheat honey bread, 1-2 inches of turkey, tomato, lettuce. That's IT...

    I was caught rather by surprise. The chemo for my first cancer (rectal) was so different...much longer recovery...I was VERY happy when Sunday rolled around the first time, and I felt better!!!

    I agree with others...just remember there is an end to this, and you can get on with living...As you can see by my bio and my posts...I'm doing it up LARGE!!! (My pic is on a tour bus in Rome, Italy. One of the stops on a 7-day med cruise we just took).

    You WILL get thru this, just take care of yourself for the moment...

    Hugs, Kathi
  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    it does get better
    hang in there! we all have good days and bad days - and chemo seems to up the number of bad days, but you can do it! you show you have a positive attitude by considering chemo a blessing (i agree!). there is nothing wrong with being optimistic - having a positive attitude certainly helps me. that's not to say that i don't have my moments (but i try to have them in private at home) - to the world i try to be as normal as possible. this is my second go-around with chemo, the first one finished in april. this one is more difficult, but i still manage to putter around in the garden, enjoy my library books and bubble baths. i wish that i could satisfy my hunger but the sores in my mouth and yucky taste are prohibiting that. instead, i read recipes and plan fabulous meals for when this is all over.

    anytime you are feeling down, check in here! this website is full of amazing women with wonderful information and stories to share. we are here for you! sending you tons of hugs and positive thoughts!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    You will feel better
    It will take some time to get there. You were not being unrealistically optimistic -- you were trying to be positive. No one knows in advance how chemo will hit them. What are you taking for the nausea? It's important to stay ahead of it, if possible. I took Emend the first 2 days after chemo and then Zofron the next 5 days. I also had compozine (sp?) for breakthrough nausea in case I needed it. If your current anti-nausea pills aren't working, your doctor can adjust things to make you feel better. Don't be afraid to ask. Keep a log of your symptoms and ask the doctor about all of them. There are many things they can do to alliviate some of them. The fatigue, unfortunately, is tough to deal with. Believe it or not, light walking can actually help. You can also get a sleep aid from your onc. so you can get some rest. Someone I knew rented a bunch of comedies for the nights when she just couldn't sleep. Things will get better.

  • Cshell
    Cshell Member Posts: 2
    You WILL feel better, eventually
    Dear Gertskid2,

    Two years ago I was exactly where you are now. Chemo hit me like a fast runaway train. The first one was the worst, so you have already accomplished a major feat! I have always been optimistic during and since my cancer treatment. I thought of my surgery for my cancer as the tummy tuck and boob job I sometimes half jokingly fantasized about, but was never going to go do at my own will. Chemo, especially the red stuff, was my hero, since it was the key to me eventually surviving this awful mess in the long run. Radiation was another front line attack on the cancer that I viewed as the key to my ultimately having a "rest of my life". I never bemoaned treatment, just it's side effects. I distracted myself with dvds...sometimes my major form of entertainment was watching my ceiling fan go round and round or watching the birch trees outside of my bedroom window sway in the breeze. My world was very small and quiet and that was all I could handle. I wanted to know who exactly those folks were that had chemo and then went right back to work or on with their lives...I still haven't met one yet! I kept thinking, this chemo is really working well on me, because I am devastated by it. I just kept telling myself that this was all temporary and that I would get back to my life soon.

    This is exactly the case...in fact, I just completed my first post-treatment triathlon this past Sunday. Recovery from my cancer treatment has been up and down, but I have just kept at it and am now feeling like myself, maybe better.

    You WILL feel better, eventually. Keep reaching out and getting the support you need. Do you have a Wellness Community where you live? They are a great resource for support for cancer patients and their caregivers. Check them out at www.twc.org.
  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    Cshell said:

    You WILL feel better, eventually
    Dear Gertskid2,

    Two years ago I was exactly where you are now. Chemo hit me like a fast runaway train. The first one was the worst, so you have already accomplished a major feat! I have always been optimistic during and since my cancer treatment. I thought of my surgery for my cancer as the tummy tuck and boob job I sometimes half jokingly fantasized about, but was never going to go do at my own will. Chemo, especially the red stuff, was my hero, since it was the key to me eventually surviving this awful mess in the long run. Radiation was another front line attack on the cancer that I viewed as the key to my ultimately having a "rest of my life". I never bemoaned treatment, just it's side effects. I distracted myself with dvds...sometimes my major form of entertainment was watching my ceiling fan go round and round or watching the birch trees outside of my bedroom window sway in the breeze. My world was very small and quiet and that was all I could handle. I wanted to know who exactly those folks were that had chemo and then went right back to work or on with their lives...I still haven't met one yet! I kept thinking, this chemo is really working well on me, because I am devastated by it. I just kept telling myself that this was all temporary and that I would get back to my life soon.

    This is exactly the case...in fact, I just completed my first post-treatment triathlon this past Sunday. Recovery from my cancer treatment has been up and down, but I have just kept at it and am now feeling like myself, maybe better.

    You WILL feel better, eventually. Keep reaching out and getting the support you need. Do you have a Wellness Community where you live? They are a great resource for support for cancer patients and their caregivers. Check them out at www.twc.org.

    wrong web address
    i was intrigued by the idea of a wellness community, but the web address given is for teachers & writers collaborative, not wellness. i googled it and this is what i found: http://www.thewellnesscommunity.org/
  • putzie
    putzie Member Posts: 66 Member
    Hang in there, Gerts!! The
    Hang in there, Gerts!! The chemo is definitely a hard step in this battle but keep in mind how it is killing those cancer cells while it is making us feel bad. It is doing great things!! The side effects do stink but you will get through and be well. I am getting my last of 6 this week and it has been an up and down road. Just do what you feel like when you can and listen to when your body needs to rest. Good luck and God Speed to you!!! XX OO
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Welcome to this place, although I'm very sorry for the reason you have to be here. Have you talked to your doctor about your nausea and about the swelling? Please don't suffer in silence. Although coming to these boards will give you tremendous emotional support, we aren't doctors so we can't help directly with making you feel better. We can encourage you and hopefully point you in the right direction to get the help you need to feel better.

    As others have said, you definitely WILL feel better. How soon, however, is another question. I wish I could tell you that you'll feel better tomorrow, or better yet in the next 5 minutes, but each of us is different so I don't know the time your feel-better might take.

    Try to rest when you're tired, and I know that the doctors usually recommend excercise to increase your energy level as well during chemo, but I just couldn't summon up the gumption to do that most days myself even though I knew in my mind it would probably help me.

    I hope that you do feel better really soon. Feel free to come back as often as you like for questions and sharing. There's always someone here to share with you.

    Take care,
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    I agree with so

    I agree with so much everyone has said so far, good days will come. Last week I was an emotional basket case.. today I feel amazing. Keep those comfort foods & the ginger ale close on the days it just sucks. I was very unfortunate to have the most bizzar side effects from chemo, from twitch in both eyes, to very teary eyes, looked like I was constantly crying to sort of like a burn on my skin which I called it chemo burns. The 1st chemo burn was on my face, it looked like a rash and burn at the same time. Pretty depressing, lasted a few weeks. The next one was at the back of my feet, hurt but at least it was not my face again. The last burn to show up was on my arms, the left where I was already suffering from lymphadema was the worst. But so glad all done with chemo, rad, now only on Herceptin till Oct and started Tamoxifen, all weird side effects all gone!
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hi,I am sorry you are feeling so bad.My last treatment was in Oct. Then followed with Radiation.Now I am taking the pill tamoxifin for 5yrs.We all have felt like you are now.You will get through it.Me and many more on this board are proof of it.Just relize that you will need to rest and take extra good care of your self.Someone wrotte on here when I was going through treatments,that it is ok to cry,but then we need to pull our big girl pantys up and go on.Keep us posted when you feel like it.I will Pray it gets easier for you.God Bless you. PPurdin.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    ppurdin said:

    Hi,I am sorry you are feeling so bad.My last treatment was in Oct. Then followed with Radiation.Now I am taking the pill tamoxifin for 5yrs.We all have felt like you are now.You will get through it.Me and many more on this board are proof of it.Just relize that you will need to rest and take extra good care of your self.Someone wrotte on here when I was going through treatments,that it is ok to cry,but then we need to pull our big girl pantys up and go on.Keep us posted when you feel like it.I will Pray it gets easier for you.God Bless you. PPurdin.

    Wonderful advise from our experienced Sister in PINK
    Good luck, and may God have his hand on you.

    Vicki Sam