looking for support during my treatments/emotional low!

chriskaput Member Posts: 109
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Looking to speak with ladies who are undergoing treatment for BC. I am 39 yrs old and was diagnosed on 5/3/10 with stage 2 ductal carcinoma. I've had 4 rounds of agressive chemo. so far (AC) and will be starting weekly sessions of Taxol/Herceptin on Monday. Been sick alot but have had some good days too. Hoping to hear about your experiences too. Need some uplifting! thanks for reading!


  • positivethoughts
    positivethoughts Member Posts: 7
    My experience is differant
    However, I am also looking for people who have been there. I was diagnosed in Jan. It has been very strange, as I have had to do the estrogen therapy and wait for it to shrink enough to do the mastectomy. I don't really feel like I fit on this board. My body on the other hand says that I do.
    I will be having the surgery the first week of August. (I hope!)
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    To chriskaput and positive thoughts both
    I cannot relate to your exact diagnosis but someone here will be able to. This board is a wealth of info and caring supportive people. My situtation was, dx in Jan.10 with stage 1 grade1 IDC had lumpectomy and just finished 4 rounds of cytoxin and taxotere. I will be stating rads soon and tamoxifen in a few weeks. My chemo experience was fairly good, lots of fattigue no sickness, but we all handle it differently. I know someone will respond that will be of more help than I am. Wishing you both the very best God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • MNLynn
    MNLynn Member Posts: 224
    With you in spirit . . .
    chriskaput & positivethoughts,

    I didn't have chemo, so I can't be of much help with what you are going through, but I just want to say that, as another person who has had her world turned upside down, I will be keeping you in my thoughts & prayers - and I hope that you will be feeling better soon . . . just remember that you are not alone!

    ♥ Lynn ♥
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    Sorry you are feeling so
    Sorry you are feeling so sick with your treatments. Did they give you nausea meds to take home with you. They gave me several kinds and i would take them even if i didnt have to nausea and it helped alot. Im now 37, was diagnosed at 36. I had AC chemo as well. Didnt have to do herceptin. Hang in there. Keep your spirits up
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Stage II....4 years ago!!! (Well, 5 since dx) NED now!
    AC, then Taxol....'ACT' it was called...

    My best suggestion is water. I drank 4 quarts the day before infusion, the day of, and the day after...it really helped with flushing the chemo out of places it didn't need to be (namely my bladder...).

    I had just come off chemo for rectal cancer, 6 months earlier, so I was reeling!

    You CAN do this!!! The AC was the worst for me...the rest was tolerable...and you are already thru it!!! See? You ARE vanquishing the beast!!!!!

    My cancer treatment was 3 pronged. Faith in myself. Faith in my treatment team. Faith in my higher power...

    I also thought of a place I would treat myself to AFTER treatment was over...I picked a spa in Palm Springs. This was during my first cancer, so when I was dx'ed with the BC, I had to postpone it, but it REALLY helped get me thru to plan all that I was going to do for the 3 days I would be there. It also invested me into the future...

    BIG hugs! Kathi
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    For chriskaput &
    For chriskaput & positivethoughts
    I ws dx BC stage II, HER/positive both estrogent and proges. in Sept 09, everything went really fast after that, had lumpectomy, started chemo, Taxotere, Carbo and Herceptin every 3wks for almost 6months, then Radiation everyday for 6wks. Today I'm only on the Herceptin till Oct and already started on the pill Tamoxifen. Not long ago I put a post..."I should be happy and grateful" it was one of my low days. Today I had a good conversation with husband about our lack of intimacy, turns out my insecurities are just that,mine. He was just scare and unsure due to my moodiness, being tired and in pain all the time, not because he did not desire me anymore. Silly of me. But fighting BC is not easy on anyone in the family. Make sure you keep your lines of communication open. Today is a good day for me... just found out I'm going to be an Auntie again.
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Just keep in mind this too will pass - I promise
    It gets hard but try to focus on spoiling yourself. Lots of liquids, Ginger tea (Yogi brand) is fabulous
    for nausea. Try to take short walks, smell the flowers, listen to music, read poetry... all the things
    that make you feel good. Don't deprive yourself of anything.

    A pet is great. I have cats that kept it real for me and gave me all the cuddling I could ask for. And
    sometimes the neighbor's dog would come over for added effects. She's always happy and gave me
    so much joy.

    Remind yourself of all the things that you enjoy doing, things that bind you to your life and HANG ON.

    Persevere, since this too will pass.

  • sohardbnme
    sohardbnme Member Posts: 129
    I'm 37 I need support too...
    I like on line support...But I need to talk to individuals when I am down...
    I just am going crazy, uuuggghhh... got my pathology report back from my June 30, 2010 lumpectomy...Found out my margins are not clear... Additionally, out of 13 lymph nodes 11 were positive...Medical oncologist wants me to start chemotherapy before another lumpectomy or mastectomy... I am 37 and I am going crazy... I am scheduled for a pet scan Tuesday... I will get my port inserted July 26, 2010...Lastly, I am triple positive...
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I'm 37 I need support too...
    I like on line support...But I need to talk to individuals when I am down...
    I just am going crazy, uuuggghhh... got my pathology report back from my June 30, 2010 lumpectomy...Found out my margins are not clear... Additionally, out of 13 lymph nodes 11 were positive...Medical oncologist wants me to start chemotherapy before another lumpectomy or mastectomy... I am 37 and I am going crazy... I am scheduled for a pet scan Tuesday... I will get my port inserted July 26, 2010...Lastly, I am triple positive...

    Too all my new Sisters in Pink .. Hello, and Welcome
    to our sisterhood of PINK Warriors. Many of us have endured months of chemo treatments, and or Rad's. We've had lumpetomies, mastectomies or bi-lateral mastectomies. Lymph nodes cancer involvement as well. Please do not go crazy, or think that you are the only woman out there - stunned and confused. The term itself 'You have Breast Cancer' will TURN YOUR WORLD UPSIDE DOWN.

    My suggestion is this -- take 1 step at a time - Path report, breast cancer specialist, oncolgist, plastic surgeon .. Pet scan, MRI will be needed before chemo treatments start, along with echo - if you will be having Herceptin. A port will be necessary - please request this.

    What I did: DCIS - High Grade - Stage 1, Grade 2 - Also Her2 neu Positive -- from my path report .. size of orange taken from my left breast .. called lumpetomy -- Margins: Clear
    -- Had my doctor explain .. Stage and Grade for me... wrote it down (breast cancer specialist)

    Chemo Cocktail: Taxotere, Carbo, Herceptin - length of Chemo -- 18 weeks // every week, not 3 week cycles
    -- Had my Oncologist explain chemo course .. side efforts .. and what I needed to prepare myself and family.

    Write everydown - if you do not fully understand the process, treatment plan or chemo cocktail - call and make another appt'mt with your doctor. Take a family member or friend,if there is no one to accompany you - take a tape recorder.

    Just try to understand what you have, and what will happen to you .. it was the only thing that keep me SANE.

    Good Luck and God's Blessing:

    Vicki Sam
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member

    I'm 37 I need support too...
    I like on line support...But I need to talk to individuals when I am down...
    I just am going crazy, uuuggghhh... got my pathology report back from my June 30, 2010 lumpectomy...Found out my margins are not clear... Additionally, out of 13 lymph nodes 11 were positive...Medical oncologist wants me to start chemotherapy before another lumpectomy or mastectomy... I am 37 and I am going crazy... I am scheduled for a pet scan Tuesday... I will get my port inserted July 26, 2010...Lastly, I am triple positive...

    chriskaput and sohardbnme
    I am more than happy to talk to you over the phone.
    If you are interested you can private message me and
    I can call you - for some added support.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Pinkpower said:

    For chriskaput &
    For chriskaput & positivethoughts
    I ws dx BC stage II, HER/positive both estrogent and proges. in Sept 09, everything went really fast after that, had lumpectomy, started chemo, Taxotere, Carbo and Herceptin every 3wks for almost 6months, then Radiation everyday for 6wks. Today I'm only on the Herceptin till Oct and already started on the pill Tamoxifen. Not long ago I put a post..."I should be happy and grateful" it was one of my low days. Today I had a good conversation with husband about our lack of intimacy, turns out my insecurities are just that,mine. He was just scare and unsure due to my moodiness, being tired and in pain all the time, not because he did not desire me anymore. Silly of me. But fighting BC is not easy on anyone in the family. Make sure you keep your lines of communication open. Today is a good day for me... just found out I'm going to be an Auntie again.

    My beau was the same>
    He said 'I didn't want to hurt you, I know you have so much pain!'

    CONGRATS on being and Auntie!!! YEA!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Chriskaput, Positivethoughts and Sourdham
    So sorry that your here, but you'll be so glad you came. I "had" IDC, HER2 positive ER andPR positive, and 18/20 nodes positive. This is the site you want to be on for support, questions, venting and anything else you need. There's interesting stories, jokes and ideas here. Please just say whatever you need to. Positive energy and thoughts to you all. Sorry for misspell Sou??? lol
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    I had chemo/ AC and Taxol. I
    I had chemo/ AC and Taxol. I didn't have Herpacin though. The RX drug Emmend was a life saver for me. I took pills before chemo and also had it administered through my drip. I am sorry that you're sick but you will get through it even though there are days that it feels like you won't. Get plenty of rest and try to drink as much water as you can. One of my nurses explained it to me like I had to flush all the toxins out of my body. I really think that helped too.
    Good luck and come here anytime for some support.
  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member

    I had chemo/ AC and Taxol. I
    I had chemo/ AC and Taxol. I didn't have Herpacin though. The RX drug Emmend was a life saver for me. I took pills before chemo and also had it administered through my drip. I am sorry that you're sick but you will get through it even though there are days that it feels like you won't. Get plenty of rest and try to drink as much water as you can. One of my nurses explained it to me like I had to flush all the toxins out of my body. I really think that helped too.
    Good luck and come here anytime for some support.

    Taxol and Herceptin - strong stuff! My onc had me skip the AC and went straight to this combination along with Zometa for the bone mets. The cancer in my breast was lobular unlike your ductal carcinoma. The similarity is being HER2 positive. I also have mets to the liver, lymph nodes and skin, in addition to what's in the breast and bones - Stage IV.

    The GOOD NEWS I want to convey to you is how well Taxol and Herceptin work! After only 2 treatments, the 6cm tumor in the breast as well as the lymph nodes in the armpit and above the collar bone had been greatly reduced in size. My onc assured me that what was happening there was more than likely happening in the liver and bones too. To know for sure I had to wait for another scan. When it was done, it confirmed good results in the bones and liver too. After 10 straight weeks on that combination treatment, it was time to drop the Taxol and try just Herceptin and Zometa. So after 10 more weeks I had another scan on July 12th. Again, the tumors in my liver have continued to shrink in size. Most are now under 1 cm, but one remains that is still 3cm. To others this may sound bad but when you consider they were all between 1 and 5cm to begin with, this is really good progress. Also, the spots in my bones are stable. I've now had 21 straight weeks of treatment and feel really good (and remain positive). Yes, I've had many side effects, but they are very individual and life is do-able.

    So, I give credit to Taxol, Herceptin, Zometa, my medical team, and lots of prayer. My message to you is to enter your next phase of treatment in a positive frame of mind. Side effects vary greatly from one individual to another, but the end result makes it all worthwhile!

    Best wishes, let us know how it goes. MM
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    KathiM said:

    Stage II....4 years ago!!! (Well, 5 since dx) NED now!
    AC, then Taxol....'ACT' it was called...

    My best suggestion is water. I drank 4 quarts the day before infusion, the day of, and the day after...it really helped with flushing the chemo out of places it didn't need to be (namely my bladder...).

    I had just come off chemo for rectal cancer, 6 months earlier, so I was reeling!

    You CAN do this!!! The AC was the worst for me...the rest was tolerable...and you are already thru it!!! See? You ARE vanquishing the beast!!!!!

    My cancer treatment was 3 pronged. Faith in myself. Faith in my treatment team. Faith in my higher power...

    I also thought of a place I would treat myself to AFTER treatment was over...I picked a spa in Palm Springs. This was during my first cancer, so when I was dx'ed with the BC, I had to postpone it, but it REALLY helped get me thru to plan all that I was going to do for the 3 days I would be there. It also invested me into the future...

    BIG hugs! Kathi

    Spa in Palm Springs...
    i So love that city! my father in law lives there & we try to go yearly to visit :) that's a good idea of thinking of somewhere to go afterwards to treat yourself. gives you something to look forward to and plan. My husband and I were just a week back from a Jamaican vacation to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary when I was diagnosed. I told him when I'm done with chemo and all better, I want us to take our 2 daughters back to the resort we stayed at there to celebrate.
    My story is, I'm 34, stay at home mom of 2 girls, just celebrated 10th wedding anniversary, just diagnosed with IDC in my right breast. Last thursday I had a double mastectomy with expanders put in for immediate reconstruction. I start chemo in about 3 weeks. Sentinal node biopsy came back negative (yaaay!) This site is a great resource for information, compassion, and understanding, there are no stupid questions or none too trivial to ask! I'm getting stronger by the day, mentally and physically, and I'll be right here with you as we tackle this together :)
  • yallpaint
    yallpaint Member Posts: 2
    You can do it...you ARE doing it
    Congratulations on being done with the red devil! From here out it gets easier. It sounds as if you are getting the same treatments I recieved. (for reference I had my last chemo on June 16 and have completed 14 out of 33 radiation treatments). I felt much better (almost normal) on the taxol and what a relief! Finally I could see and believe that there was life after chemo. In the beginning it seemed like it was going to be so long that all I could think about was the present.
    Strangely, my eyelashes and eyebrows fell out during this second phase, even though my hair started to grow. I felt great for about 8 weeks although very emotional. I don't know if it is the drugs, or maybe it is finally "safe" to feel something. One day I'd be fine and the next a basket case and the next I'd be a growling dog looking for someone to bite. (kind of like teen-age PMS). Try not to take it out on your family or take your dark moods too seriously. It's a mood, not an issue to be resolved.

    I got pretty tired and overwhelmed during the last 4 weeks of the taxol and finally took a full leave of absence from work. I've never heard this from anyone else, but the first couple weeks off of chemo were filled with weired aches and pains and I just didn't feel good. Maybe there is some withdrawl from all the drugs, or maybe I just expected to feel instantly great. After about 3 weeks I finally felt normal - the old normal!

    You have done the hardest part. This is where you start getting control of your life again. You can research diet, exercise, stress management so you can get the most out of your life. You might not be able to do some of the things yet, but now you can plan. You will be able to see there is life after chemo and it's coming soon. Happy days are ahead for you. Be strong.
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    Hey there. I am 44 yrs

    Hey there. I am 44 yrs old, with stage 3a invasive and 50% of my breast was DCIS. I had a mastectomy on the left with DIEP flap reconstruction. I had my last AC on 5/4/10 and started the Taxol and Herceptin a month later. I found the AC particularly difficult and had some anxiety about starting Taxol however the Taxol so far has been significantly easier.

    On the AC I found myself at some all time lows, hated having no hair, hated the 30 lbs I put on, hated going on in public, found it hard to be motivated to get up and just take shower ....and so on, not to mention all the physical side effects which were nasty. However so far on the Taxol, I have had more energy to workout, eat well and really take care of myself. As a result I actually feel good about myself, despite the lack of hair, the 30 extra lbs and so on. And at times I actually feel quite sexy in my new look. I do need to take it easy, take naps in the afternoon, I do suffer from stomach problems and a diarrhea. And there are some 'friends' that I prefer not to be around right now and others that know they come around anytime. I also found the not so good days are not really as bad as the bad AC days.

    I know this is my experience and for each person it is different. My Onc. did say that 'most' women tolerate Taxol much better than the AC.

    BTW: I did skip a week of Taxol because of low WBC and went in for only the Herceptin which seemed like a breeze.

    Hang there and just keep taking one day at a time.