Margins are Not clear

sohardbnme Member Posts: 129
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
What to do Uuuggghhh. When does it end? I need support. HELP, HELP, HELP.
I had a lumpectomy on Wednesday June 30 Th and cancerous lymph nodes removed (auxiliary lymph nodes removal). I have a Jackson Pratt drain. My cc’s is still over 100 in a 24-hour period (as of today).
My pathology report states that my margins are not clear. I do not want numerous surgeries (another lumpectomy). I seen where people had to have the surgery twice after the first lumpectomy and ultimately had to get mastectomy anyway.
I am 37 this is turning my world upside down. I am thinking about having a nipple saving masomectomy, if I qualify. Will I need another drain after the surgery?
I have an appointment on Wednesday to discuss my options, and to go over the pathology report with a fine toothcomb.


  • sohardbnme
    sohardbnme Member Posts: 129
    I am tired of it all
    How am i going to get through all this...I have very little support...I am hating my life at this second...uuuggghhh...
  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325

    I am tired of it all
    How am i going to get through all this...I have very little support...I am hating my life at this second...uuuggghhh...

    I am so sorry you have to go
    I am so sorry you have to go through this and do it with little support. Take it one step at a time, you will make it through the surgeries and treatments. Hating your life right now is totally normal, but it will get better, I promise.


  • Balentine
    Balentine Member Posts: 393
    Hubby said:

    I am so sorry you have to go
    I am so sorry you have to go through this and do it with little support. Take it one step at a time, you will make it through the surgeries and treatments. Hating your life right now is totally normal, but it will get better, I promise.



    Just my opinion
    I would do a total mastectomy. You have to do what YOUR heart tells you but if I were in your position I would let them take my breast. You don't want to have to worry about it later. Please pray about it and go with what your heart tells you. I will be praying for you. God bless.
  • sohardbnme
    sohardbnme Member Posts: 129
    Balentine said:

    Just my opinion
    I would do a total mastectomy. You have to do what YOUR heart tells you but if I were in your position I would let them take my breast. You don't want to have to worry about it later. Please pray about it and go with what your heart tells you. I will be praying for you. God bless.

    total mastectomy
    do they take fat from your stomach? I am 37, I want my breast...
  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425

    total mastectomy
    do they take fat from your stomach? I am 37, I want my breast...

    Talk to your doctors and discuss your options with your family and/or friends. I did not have clear margins after my lumpectomy but for me the only next step was a bi-lateral mastectomy (stage 3 in margin tissue).

    I ask you this: In the end would you want your breast or your life? Just think about it. When dealing with bc, none of the choices are easy and they each have their own set of problems. Your health and staying alive are what is most important right now. You will be beatiful no matter what happens.

    Take care.
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Sorry for the news
    I had the same thing. I had a lumpectomy and the margins weren't clear. My surgeon said he could do another lumpectomy, but there was no guarantee that he would be able to get everything again. So I opted to have a mastectomy and start reconstruction with expanders. I did come home with one drain, that was in there for 10 days. They did remove all of the cancer when they did the mastectomy, but my oncologist recommended 4 chemo treatments. I have had 1 and have 3 left to go. It's your decision, but I'm glad I opted for the mastectomy. Hugs, Jean
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    I had a very similar situation
    Had a lumpectomy in Dec. '09 and axillary node dissection. My margins were not clear, so I had a revision of the lumpectomy 11 days later. That time they felt the margins were clear. I still had my JP drain in from the first surgery, but did not have a second drain put in after the second surgery. I had to have the JP drain in for 5 weeks total. It was a pain in the neck, but I guess better than taking it out too soon and having it drained. My surgeon wanted 3 days of less than 30 ml. of drainage. I finally got to that stage. I had 6 rounds of chemo and now am doing radiation therapy. My surgeon felt the lumpectomy revision was the way to go and since he is one of the top docs in my city, I felt comfortable in the decision not to have a mastectomy. I don't think there is one answer for everyone. Get as much info as you can, talk to people who know and try to make a decision you can be okay with. Hang in there sweetie. I know it seems very dark and frustrating right now, but we've all been there with you and will stay by your side through this. Keep us posted.

    Hugs, Renee
  • alexlib_mom
    alexlib_mom Member Posts: 46
    so sorry
    So sorry you are going through this. I had a lot of the same fears. Talk to your surgeon, do research, and come up with the best treatment options for you. Talk to a plastic surgeon too if you think you want reconstruction.

    I just had a mastectomy with reconstruction 12 days ago (July 1) and had the first drain out in 5 days and the other two out three days later. So, a week after surgery I was really lucky to have no drains - they said it's not usually that fast. My doctor wanted everything to be less than 30 cc for two days straight before taking out any drains. Remember that they're just there to help you though.

    Hang in there.
  • positivethoughts
    positivethoughts Member Posts: 7

    I am tired of it all
    How am i going to get through all this...I have very little support...I am hating my life at this second...uuuggghhh...

    I'm so sorry that you are feeling so down. Making tough decisions is easier if you have support.
    I have not been able to have my mastectomy yet. They are waiting for it to shrink enough to get clear margins. I will be seeing the surgeon the end of this month and will be very glad to be able to move forward with this. I also feel that it is important to choose my life over my breast. (I will have it fixed later, when I can enjoy having it.)
    Take it one day at a time. You are much stronger than you think. Go do what you need to and enjoy the rest of your life!
  • terri805
    terri805 Member Posts: 122

    I am tired of it all
    How am i going to get through all this...I have very little support...I am hating my life at this second...uuuggghhh...

    Be strong
    Be strong for yourself because when all is said and done you are the only one that you can depend on. I didn't have much support from my husband or 3 kids (teens) once I had my surgery they all thought that I was fine. I went through 33 radiation treatments and my immediate family acted as though I was going to a picnic.They never offered to lift a hand to help around the house or cook a meal or anything. I was completely on my own. I felt sad many times when I felt they didn't really care what I was going through physically and emotionally. As long as I was breathing and walking and talking they thought I was just fine and did not bother to even ask me how i was or try to make my life a little better my just showing they cared. After my radiation treatments were over I felt it was a big deal but it wasn't to anyone else. No hugs no surprises nothing. I felt sad that my family couldn't be like a lot of other sisters family and walk the walk with them and give encouragement along the way. You will get through this. I really got a lot of support here from our sisters on this site. They kept me going when I was feeling down. We will all be here for you anytime day or night.Hang in there and be strong for yourself.Hugs.
  • MNLynn
    MNLynn Member Posts: 224
    Thinking of you . . .
    Just want you to know that I'm praying that you'll get some answers to your questions that will give you some direction.

    I had a mastectomy in Feb, and then an ALND since there were small amounts of cancer in two of the sentinel lymph nodes. I think both my surgeon & rad onc thought I would be a "good candidate" for a lumpectomy and radiation, but I choose the mastectomy, and I've never regretted it. Of course, you are younger than I am - by about 20 years, so I understand that you may not be satisfied with that same option. I needed a drain for each of my surgeries - had each of them in for two weeks.

    Do you have any family history of bc? I do, and that was part of why I made the decision I did. I know that I can choose to have reconstruction in the future if I want, and that I can do that now or years down the road, so I've left that option open. It took me awhile to get used to a different body, but that really has been one of the things that has not bothered me much. My husband has said over & over again to me that he is just fine with the "new" me. I am more afraid of having this cancer return or being dx with a new cancer in the future, and I feel like having the mastectomy has, hopefully, reduced those chances.

    I hope you will get some good reports from your dr on Wed . . . please keep us updated on how you are doing and what you end up doing for your treatments.

    with thoughts & prayers,

    ♥ Lynn ♥