July Surgeries - exchanging "Expanders" ??? I seem to recall ..... there are several of us schedule



  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Jean 0609 said:

    I was supposed to have my implants in July
    However, when I finally got to see my Oncologist, she decided for me to have 4 chemo treatments. So for now my exchange has been postponed until after chemo. I don't need anymore saline fills, so once the chemo is done, I'll be ready.

    Same thing happened to me, Jean
    Jean, I also had 4 chemos (Taxotere/Cytoxan) after expander placement, so had to wait for my implants. The PS said it only postponed my implants "a while," but I felt like I had them forever! Glad to hear your fills are done at least.
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Menda said:

    Thursday July 8
    Double masectomy scheduled for Thursday, reporting at 9:30. Just finished my last 12 hour day for a while. I am spending tommorrow at the spa. Then doing laundry and those chores I didn't do this weekend.

    Thinking of you today,
    Thinking of you today, Menda, and hoping all is going smoothly!
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    Good Luck Ladies
    To each and everyone of you, I'm wishing you all the best in this transition.

    Love Ronda

    Adding my good luck to my bc
    Adding my good luck to my bc sisters also!
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823

    Tomorrow - July 7!!!
    Thanks for doing this, Vicki Sam. I get my lovely, soft, gorgeous implants at 7:30 tomorrow morning. Woooo! Just in time -- my expanders have gotten soooo annoying this last week. I will certainly let you all know how it goes. Woooo!

    thanks for the update!
    thanks for the update! sooooo glad you're doing so well! :)
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    VickiSam said:

    Ladies .. I have taken M-Star's advise and I am now
    wearing my 'support' bra again. I almost feel perky .. my right football breast is still somewhat now on the same level playing ground as my left breast -- but the shape is different. Just knowing that my exchange is 2 weeks away, I can handle this and walk in pride.

    I am curious .. where can I get some additional support bra's .. snaps in front .??? I've been looking on line ... fastened in the back ...

    Any ideas?

    Vicki SAm

    I found some exercise bras
    I found some exercise bras that hook in the front at Wal-Mart and Target. Had to buy them a little big because can't stand tightness and squishing on my expanders. They really do hurt. Cannot wait to get them out. I feel like I'm sounding like a broken record ....
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    jo jo said:

    Im scheduled for my exchange
    Im scheduled for my exchange in one week July 14th...I cant wait. Vickisam mine are two different shapes as well...one round and one looks like a football. LOL!
    I already had my preop visit and they said id only have to wear the bra for 2-3 weeks. Heck i havent wore a bra since my mastectomy about 8 months ago...im not sure i would know what one felt like anymore.

    good luck, jo jo!

    good luck, jo jo!
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    VickiSam said:

    Thank you so much .. Dawne.Hope .. I go in for my
    pre-OP on 7/15/10. I seem to recall my plastic nurse stating that I would have to wear a 'support bra' .. clasp in front for 1 year .. Has anyone said anything to you regarding wearing a bra - 24 hours a day ?

    Dawne -- Please confirm with Plastic .. issues with anesthesia // perhaps you can get a sit down, or telephone call with anesthologist a few days before surgery and express your concerns. I know how everyone seems to think that the general meeting - 5 minutes before being wheeled in surgery serves as a meeting.

    Yes, thank you for remembering my never ending battle iwth infections. hehehehehe

    God's hand on you my friend.

    Vicki Sam

    I know nothing about what
    I know nothing about what bras to wear, if any post-surgery. He hasn't told me yet. Maybe I'll hear something about this at my pre-op.

    I am so going to let them on at pre-op about the nausea post-surgery. Don't want to deal with that again. I live 2.5 hours away and don't want to deal with that on the drive home.

    When I know something about a bra, I'll let you know!

    God's hand upon you too! :)
  • b7pima
    b7pima Member Posts: 16
    VickiSam said:

    Thank you so much .. Dawne.Hope .. I go in for my
    pre-OP on 7/15/10. I seem to recall my plastic nurse stating that I would have to wear a 'support bra' .. clasp in front for 1 year .. Has anyone said anything to you regarding wearing a bra - 24 hours a day ?

    Dawne -- Please confirm with Plastic .. issues with anesthesia // perhaps you can get a sit down, or telephone call with anesthologist a few days before surgery and express your concerns. I know how everyone seems to think that the general meeting - 5 minutes before being wheeled in surgery serves as a meeting.

    Yes, thank you for remembering my never ending battle iwth infections. hehehehehe

    God's hand on you my friend.

    Vicki Sam

    I just had a bilateral mastectomy on June 25th and I went for a bra fitting. The bra I received, with the front closure is an ego bra. It does make one feel like on has boobs. The problem is that it hurts to have it on for a long time. So, I wear it for a quick run for groceries and the run home to take it off. Since I'm not opting for reconstruction, I will be fitted in about six weeks for more permanent boobs. I hope this helps you.
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member

    Tomorrow - July 7!!!
    Thanks for doing this, Vicki Sam. I get my lovely, soft, gorgeous implants at 7:30 tomorrow morning. Woooo! Just in time -- my expanders have gotten soooo annoying this last week. I will certainly let you all know how it goes. Woooo!

    Do you just love your new implants?

    I hope your surgery went over well and that
    you are satisfied with your results.

  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Ritzy said:

    I am wishing all of you
    I am wishing all of you wonderful ladies the best of luck with your upcoming surgeries!

    I will be saying prayers for you and thinking of you!

    Sue :)

    Thank you, Ritzy!
    Thank you, Ritzy and Kylez!
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Sally5 said:

    Good luck
    Good luck to everyone with the exchange.... I have one more fill and then I need to wait two months.

    I'll be anxious to hear how you are all doing... Anything must be better than these rocks.. (my expanders).

    Congrats and take care.

    sally 5
    yes, it has to be better than these rocks, or tortoise shells, or coat of arms or whatever else hard, painful objects one wishes to use to describe them.

    Hang in there! You're time is coming ...
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Same thing happened to me, Jean
    Jean, I also had 4 chemos (Taxotere/Cytoxan) after expander placement, so had to wait for my implants. The PS said it only postponed my implants "a while," but I felt like I had them forever! Glad to hear your fills are done at least.

    JoJo .. I feel your pain .. It's so WERID ..
    Sounds like there is HOPE ..

    Christine Louise - Thank you so much for your update ..

    Next Survivor .. JOJo surgery scheduled for 7/15, right?

    Vicki Sam
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    lolad said:

    Hey there!
    Just found out today that im having my exchange on August 12th. I am soooo ready for it. Ive had expanders since july of last year and had to have one removed in Feb because of an infection. Now they have to borrow my dorsal muscle from my back to build more tissue on the left side when they do the reconstruction. When i got my infection, it formed a big hole in the middle of my breast and that is what caused the tissue loss. Plus i have so much scaring that they are using the extra skin they get from my back to cover for the scars. Let me know how it goes!!

    Take care

    Just want to say good luck
    Just want to say good luck to all of you sisters too!

    Hugs, Angie
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    VickiSam said:

    JoJo .. I feel your pain .. It's so WERID ..
    Sounds like there is HOPE ..

    Christine Louise - Thank you so much for your update ..

    Next Survivor .. JOJo surgery scheduled for 7/15, right?

    Vicki Sam

    Vicki Sam
    This Wednseday July 14th...i guess this makes me next in line on this board!
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    jo jo said:

    Vicki Sam
    This Wednseday July 14th...i guess this makes me next in line on this board!

    Good luck on Wednesday JoJo!
    Good luck on Wednesday JoJo! Wishing all of you good luck!

    Hugs, Megan
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Posted a post-surgical update
    Wanted to tell you "exchangers" that I just added an update to the "Got my implants installed" topic.
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877
    Not such a good experience
    Not such a good experience for me. I hate my implants, they are so uneven and one is way bigger than the other. I had 25 rounds of radiation on the left after my latisimus dorsi flap. I was so excited to get my expanders out (June 29th, 2010) eleven days ago and now I look in the mirror and just cry, I can't even look, it's so horrible. Surgeon says I have to wait 3 months before he can do anything, says the radiated skin is the cause of this. My right side lays nice and normal, looks like the old breast (good skin) and my left side sits like the expander did, up high and looks like an implant. I'm so so so so so disappointed :(:(:(
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Not such a good experience
    Not such a good experience for me. I hate my implants, they are so uneven and one is way bigger than the other. I had 25 rounds of radiation on the left after my latisimus dorsi flap. I was so excited to get my expanders out (June 29th, 2010) eleven days ago and now I look in the mirror and just cry, I can't even look, it's so horrible. Surgeon says I have to wait 3 months before he can do anything, says the radiated skin is the cause of this. My right side lays nice and normal, looks like the old breast (good skin) and my left side sits like the expander did, up high and looks like an implant. I'm so so so so so disappointed :(:(:(

    Oh my Lord .. KMSmclaughlin .. I am so sorry ..
    I don't know what to say .. a first for me. I wonder, if this is normal with breast that have had radation performed?

    3 months .. Gee, Louise ...

    So Sorry ..

    Vicki Sam
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    VickiSam said:

    Oh my Lord .. KMSmclaughlin .. I am so sorry ..
    I don't know what to say .. a first for me. I wonder, if this is normal with breast that have had radation performed?

    3 months .. Gee, Louise ...

    So Sorry ..

    Vicki Sam

    I'm sorry too, Kim.

    I'm sorry too, Kim.

    Please check out the board 'exchange city' on breastcancer.org.

    What you're experiencing is not uncommon.

    Hang in there. It CAN and DOES get better.

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    Same thing happened to me, Jean
    Jean, I also had 4 chemos (Taxotere/Cytoxan) after expander placement, so had to wait for my implants. The PS said it only postponed my implants "a while," but I felt like I had them forever! Glad to hear your fills are done at least.

    Sending you all good luck!
    Sending you all good luck! Praying all goes smoothly and that you recover quickly!

    Hugs, Debby