Mother passed away March 15th in the morning from stomach cancer.

Allan Frederick
Allan Frederick Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Stomach Cancer #1
My gracious mother 63 years old passed away yesterday morning from stomach cancer. She was diagnosed in July after having flu like symptoms. My mother had a healthy lifestyle and no family history of cancer. In the initial diagnosis, the doctors felt they caught it early but during the surgery they observed that the cancer had spread to the outside lining of the stomach as signet ring cell carcinoma. When the doctors came out to tell us that they were not able to help her with surgery, as you could imagined we were devastated but on the other hand we were happy to have her come out of surgery alive. The doctors did tell us that this type of cancer was very aggressive and she could have 6 months with Chemotherapy. The next morning we were in my mother’s room with the doctors to deliver the bad news. When the doctor told my mom that the cancer had spread and it was stage 4, my mother didn’t dwell on the bad news. She looked at us and said let’s start Chemotherapy and enjoy each day. Weeks later my mother started Chemotherapy and did extremely well. She had the usual side effects like hair loss and fatigue but maintained an upbeat lifestyle. She watched her diet, stayed away from anything spicy, salty and occasionally had small portions of red meat. To gain extra calories she used supplement drinks. After months of treatment and no visible symptoms of the cancer, we were very optimistic about the future. The Oncologist who was treating my mother said she looked great and was very happy with the treatment plan. My mother used to say throughout this journey, that things are going so well and hopefully the other shoe does not drop. Well, Just two weeks ago, one night when I called my mother, she mentioned to me that she felt different. She said son, I think the other shoe has finally dropped. I felt maybe it was just a bad day for mom. She said she could’t breathe well and went to the hospital. The MRI news was not good, the chemotherapy stopped working and the cancer was now invading other parts of her body. The doctors drain the fluid around her lungs and stomach and said they were out of options and it was in God’s hands now. She came home with family surrounding her, good conversations, and passed peacefully without pain and suffering-I thank GOD for that. This past weekend gave my family and I mixed emotions. We are deeply saded by our loss and will always miss mom but I am truly grateful for the extra time and memories we have shared. My mother demonstrated so much courage and never stopped smiling, caring or loving though out her journey. She never complain or said why me, she was positive and spent each day with a greater purpose. My mom is my hero!


  • Aerodragon
    Aerodragon Member Posts: 4
    My heart goes out to you and
    My heart goes out to you and your family. I can empathize with you as my family lost our mother to Breast cancer in 2001 and my father in law to pancreatic cancer in 1998. Currently I am also fighting stomach cancer.

    I'm sure you will always cherish those extra moments that you got to spend with your Mom.
  • Allan Frederick
    Allan Frederick Member Posts: 2

    My heart goes out to you and
    My heart goes out to you and your family. I can empathize with you as my family lost our mother to Breast cancer in 2001 and my father in law to pancreatic cancer in 1998. Currently I am also fighting stomach cancer.

    I'm sure you will always cherish those extra moments that you got to spend with your Mom.

    My thoughts and


    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I will pray for your surgery and your journey to recovery. Be strong my friend.
  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569 Member
    Allan, You are not alone
    Hi Allan. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. She sounds like a wonderful lady. I lost my mother June 09 (Stage IV uterine cancer) and I am still devastated. Like your mother, she was a brave little warrior. She took chemo even though it scared her to death . If it had been up to me, I probably would have talked her out of it .. but my sisters, and other family and friends said, "oh great that's treatement' Well she made it through the first 3 rounds okay and then the bottom fell out. Diagnosed in Feb 09, gone 4 mos later. I have anger and sadness and alot of unanswered questions. My mother, like yours, never said, Why me?? like yours, she lived a very healthy lifestyle but she's still gone. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. It will be hard and you will survive. It's a slow painful process. Keep breathing and put one foot in front of the other. Don't forget to take care of yourself and your needs during these trying times. And be prepared for bills. My mother has been gone 9 mos and we are still getting bills for her treatment. Some of them for service over a year ago. They just keep trickling in..15 dollars, 30 dollars .. dates but no explanation. I find this aggravating and infuriating, salt being rubbed into a wound.
  • hayden0902
    hayden0902 Member Posts: 4
    Your mother
    I know this had to be so difficult for you to write, but thank you for doing so. My father has stage 4 stomach cancer and is doing so well, but the lingering thought in the back of my head is always there, when is it going to be his time. Like your mom, my dad has done excellent on the chemo, no nausea, no weight loss, no pain, I want that to continue on, no pain...that is my biggest fear for him. But for now we are enjoying every minute that God gives us with him and will continue to do so. Thank you again for writing such a beautiful post about your mother.
    Many Blessings