No hair and no tears!!! At least not yet.

Hubby Member Posts: 325
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
While there may be tears to come, Donna did GREAT with the head clipping and wig fitting. They buzzed and she looked good; she has a nice shaped head. The funny thing is that even though her hair is cropped so short, you can still see her part. The wig is a real hair wig, which was then styled. Not exactly the style she was looking for, but it still looks great. I dropped it off this morning for more hair to be added; picking it up on the way home tonight.

It was 15 days after the first treatment (1 day after the second) when the hair started coming out. It's hard to believe that someone who shed so many tears about her hair before chemo was smiling through the whole thing.



  • MNLynn
    MNLynn Member Posts: 224
    stronger than I think I would be . . .
    I don't know that I would have been able to smile . . . but, then, my husband has kept me laughing more than I would have thought possible through all of this (which I desperately needed). You are obviously a great support for your wife - I'm sure that helps a lot.

    Hope things go well for both of you!

  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    i cried too. . . .
    before chemo. when i saw my shaved head, i cried only because i looked exactly like my dad before he died. it reminded me that i so am my father's daughter. after that, i was fine.

    sending hugs to both of you ;)
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    heidijez said:

    i cried too. . . .
    before chemo. when i saw my shaved head, i cried only because i looked exactly like my dad before he died. it reminded me that i so am my father's daughter. after that, i was fine.

    sending hugs to both of you ;)

    Bob .. believe me when I say .. we all cried .. some of
    us in silence, while others did it with friends or family members.

    It is natural and normal to grieve.

    Perhaps, Donna is the exception ... I hope so.

    Vicki Sam
  • Balentine
    Balentine Member Posts: 393
    VickiSam said:

    Bob .. believe me when I say .. we all cried .. some of
    us in silence, while others did it with friends or family members.

    It is natural and normal to grieve.

    Perhaps, Donna is the exception ... I hope so.

    Vicki Sam

    God's grace is truly sufficient
    It is always hard to imagine going through something at the initial impact, but God in His amazing grace gives us the ability and strength through Him to endure and He promised to not give us more than we can handle. He asks us to take His yoke upon us and learn from Him...when we take on His yoke, he carries the heavier side of the load as we come up under our side of the becomes much easier to bear because we know He is with us to lead us and direct our steps and walk through this alongside us. He never promised it would be easy but He does promise to never leave us and we know that in the end we win because He already has overcome....we too shall overcome whatever this life throws at us. It is not our greatest need to know why but to KNOW He is in control. Be blessed!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Bob, that's great to hear!!
    Bob, that's great to hear!! I thought I was prepared for it but I cried like a baby throughout the buzzing. That was August of 2009 and I am happy to report that I now have hair. I actually had someone come up to me at a 4th of July party and comment on what a cute hairstyle and who is my hair dresser. I just smiled and gave her my hairdresser's name. So, you see, the moral of this story is that our hair does in fact grow back, in time. I hope Donna's positive attitude continues but how could it not with you as her supporter. Keep up your wonderful support!!
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    In my case, I cried, in
    In my case, I cried, in silence by myself the night my husband buzzed my short hair. But in front of him and my girls I was strong and confident. But I embraced not having my own hair. I have 4 diff wigs I use, depending on my mood. One day Im a flaming red head, nxt day I was a brunnett. Its been 2 months I finished with chemo Taxotere and carbo and my hair is growing in slowly but nicely and even though I have had fun dressing up, I will ge glad when I no longer feel I have to wear a wig. Tell Donna, wish her the best, and yea have fun with it.
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Bob -
    Yeah for Donna! I know the hardest thing for me was anticipating that it was going to happen and making the decision to go ahead and shave my head. I had a few tears at the beginning (my husband and daughter did the shaving) but was laughing by the end and relieved that it was over with. It still took me a while to get used to going out with the scarves and all but it got easier as I went along. I'm glad it went so well for Donna - it sounds like you were both as well prepared as you can be for this event!

  • gobluegirl90
    gobluegirl90 Member Posts: 53

    Bob -
    Yeah for Donna! I know the hardest thing for me was anticipating that it was going to happen and making the decision to go ahead and shave my head. I had a few tears at the beginning (my husband and daughter did the shaving) but was laughing by the end and relieved that it was over with. It still took me a while to get used to going out with the scarves and all but it got easier as I went along. I'm glad it went so well for Donna - it sounds like you were both as well prepared as you can be for this event!


    Hubby-Shaving head
    You are an great supporting husband, just like mine is.
    I had an amazing plan to have a head shaving party with my mom that was visiting, my kids and hubby, which we did do, but I also got an abscessed tooth that weekend of the shaving, so my pics are not as nice as I wanted....and I cried like a baby..for about the first few swipes of the razor, then we were all laughing by the end of things. I have a pic of me and my oldest son (10) with mow-hawks. too cool.
    Then my hubby came home from work in the next morning with his head shaved bald too, and that was about 6 weeks ago, and I shave it for him every week, he is keeping it bald until mine grows back too. I love him...
    I wish you and your wife the best, I am sure your wife is beautiful with or without the wig. I chose to not do the wig thing, I do the scarves and big earrings, I get to shop a lot and it is like playing dress-up everyday before going to work. (like a little girl pretend playing) You and your wife are in my thoughts and prayers.
    My hair fell out on the exact same day as your wives did to, after 2nd AC.
  • alexlib_mom
    alexlib_mom Member Posts: 46
    no tears for hair
    I don't think I cried over losing my hair. Not that I looked forward to it, but it was ok. The only time I cried was in surprise/happiness when we went to visit my parents and my father had his head shaved in solidarity with me. Now we are both growing our hair out! He looked a lot younger without his hair, which isn't the same for me! LOL. It was really sweet though.

    My 13 year old boy who is so proud of his hair (and the fact that girls like it) refused to shave his head. My daughter is growing her hair out to donate for a wig. She did it two years ago, long before I was diagnosed.

    hair is hair. It grows back. I wish I could say mine was growing back blond, but it appears to be the same brownish color it was before. Sigh.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    no tears for hair
    I don't think I cried over losing my hair. Not that I looked forward to it, but it was ok. The only time I cried was in surprise/happiness when we went to visit my parents and my father had his head shaved in solidarity with me. Now we are both growing our hair out! He looked a lot younger without his hair, which isn't the same for me! LOL. It was really sweet though.

    My 13 year old boy who is so proud of his hair (and the fact that girls like it) refused to shave his head. My daughter is growing her hair out to donate for a wig. She did it two years ago, long before I was diagnosed.

    hair is hair. It grows back. I wish I could say mine was growing back blond, but it appears to be the same brownish color it was before. Sigh.

    I didnt cry I went to salon
    I didnt cry I went to salon 10 on Newbury street and she buzzed it. She also had done my wig. I just went to get my hair dyed and trimmed. It came in a mousy color with gray, and curly and all over the place, so they trimmed it to get it set to grow and the color is more brown. I guess it has to be that color for a better base. I really want my blond back but the hair has to grow more to foil it. I have to admit with the hot weather it feels nice tho. I did cry, because I realize this growing out thing is going to be a process and I have changed so much I dont know who I am. I have lost alot of weight and my hair is different and frankly people dont recognize me. this can be hard. But after my cry, I realized that I just am happy to be doing better, to have hair at all, and wonderful friends and family who love me regardless and CSN people I can vent to.
    I am glad your wife did ok, perhaps like me she was prepared. glad she has you to support her. You guys will be fine and we will support you.