Chemo #5 today...need encouragement



  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    aysemari said:

    Cavediver - you are more than half-way done!
    Who's to hold you back? Hurry up and get her DONE!

    I had my days where I dragged my feet but I knew
    with each one I got closer to my finish line.

    I actually got upset one time when my doctor was
    hesitant and almost sent me home because my
    blood counts.


    Cavediver .. Neulasta shot .. have you tried taking
    benedryl to help with the sore and acky feeling that some of us feel as side efforts from the shot ? I am sure you know this .. for some reason this came to me as I am drinking my morning cup of coffee out here in California.

    My blood pressure for the past month has been 211/110 - as I heal from my latest surgery, I am down this a.m. 140/92 - it's taken a month. I am not taking my med's .. instead I am staying away from salt and all sugar products - lots of lemon water. My onc and doctors would flip if they knew that I'm not taking my med's. I am so tired of all the pills, chemo .. okay - I sound like a 10 year spoiled little girl. Sorry ..

    Vicki Sam
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    cavediver said:

    bp and heart rate
    glad to hear I am not alone on this one too. Onc said it is just another side effect from one of the cocktail mixes. Since I have stopped taking my bp meds....bp seems within normal ranges now. the elevated pulse I was told today would be addressed if they were in the 100 plus all the time. Now I range from 90 - 121.........but mostly in 90's. Again, nice to hear I am not the only one and feel better as always after hearing from all of you.
    Obviously, chemo night I have gotten a second breath...cannot get to sleep yet...........

    More than 1/2 done with
    More than 1/2 done with chemo! Soon, we will be celebrating you as a chemo chick grad!

    Hoping you got some sleep.

    Hugs, Leeza
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    I didn't want to go to chemo
    I didn't want to go to chemo either. My daughter who brought me, observed the strangest thing, she told me.
    She said, Mom, when I pick you up you are in a good mood, then when we pull into the chemo center, your mood just changes drastically.
    I became angry and bitchy. Once I settled in, I was usually ok, but it took all my strenght to keep going through those doors!
    I guess my anger gave me my courage although I would have been much easier to be around if it hadn't! LOL
    I guess the flip side of that would have been tears, andI never wanted to give into my fear.
    I of course, cried and I had my days, but I was so pissed off at this cancer that I wasn't going to let it beat me.
    Hope this helps.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    You're MORE than halfway done. HUGE accomplishment today. :-)

    Yep - we're all here to support & encourage each other, no matter what.

    Kind regards, Susan

    Sending a kick that doesn't
    Sending a kick that doesn't hurt to help you get thru chemo!

    We are all here to support you in any way that we can.

    Good luck!
  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    #5 done..few bumps
    Chemo #5 done Tuesday...thanks for the encouragement from all. Had the nuelasta shot next day, but today I had to go in for hydration and get injection since the nauzia meds did not work. This is the first time my meds did not work after infusion....but the side effects change and are cumulative I am told. But, it is all happening...and yes, I am over the hump for chemo (3 more to go)....and I can do this because of all of you and your support. Also, now my eyebrows and lashes are disappearing.....lost the head hair, legs, arms, etc by the 2nd infusion...thought I was keeping the eyebrows...but this week they are almost all gone now. Oh well.....just part of the fun and journey! Whatever it takes to beat the beast!
  • barbb516
    barbb516 Member Posts: 4
    cavediver said:

    #5 done..few bumps
    Chemo #5 done Tuesday...thanks for the encouragement from all. Had the nuelasta shot next day, but today I had to go in for hydration and get injection since the nauzia meds did not work. This is the first time my meds did not work after infusion....but the side effects change and are cumulative I am told. But, it is all happening...and yes, I am over the hump for chemo (3 more to go)....and I can do this because of all of you and your support. Also, now my eyebrows and lashes are disappearing.....lost the head hair, legs, arms, etc by the 2nd infusion...thought I was keeping the eyebrows...but this week they are almost all gone now. Oh well.....just part of the fun and journey! Whatever it takes to beat the beast!

    Chemo #5
    Hang in there, I lost all hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, my eyesight was affected since you don't have eyelashes to keep the pollen, etc. off your eyeballs I scratched my corneas and everything was out of focus for 3 months. But in the end its all worth it. I have a healthy head of wavy hair and all eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. came back about a month and 1/2 after the last chemo. Do you have any trouble with your nail beds? Mine all lifted and then the nails seemed to stick to the skin and i had to pry them off and get all the dead skin out from under, it happened to my toes to.

    Keep on Keeping on!!
  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member
    barbb516 said:

    Chemo #5
    Hang in there, I lost all hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, my eyesight was affected since you don't have eyelashes to keep the pollen, etc. off your eyeballs I scratched my corneas and everything was out of focus for 3 months. But in the end its all worth it. I have a healthy head of wavy hair and all eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. came back about a month and 1/2 after the last chemo. Do you have any trouble with your nail beds? Mine all lifted and then the nails seemed to stick to the skin and i had to pry them off and get all the dead skin out from under, it happened to my toes to.

    Keep on Keeping on!!

    Congratulations on making it through week 5! It is really nice to come here and read about the experiences of others and see the support we all have for each other. made it through because YOU ARE STRONG, DETERMINED, and COURAGEOUS! MM
  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    barbb516 said:

    Chemo #5
    Hang in there, I lost all hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, my eyesight was affected since you don't have eyelashes to keep the pollen, etc. off your eyeballs I scratched my corneas and everything was out of focus for 3 months. But in the end its all worth it. I have a healthy head of wavy hair and all eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. came back about a month and 1/2 after the last chemo. Do you have any trouble with your nail beds? Mine all lifted and then the nails seemed to stick to the skin and i had to pry them off and get all the dead skin out from under, it happened to my toes to.

    Keep on Keeping on!!

    my nails have ridges now...and I see dark color at the beds....hands and far they have not lifted....but each day brings something new. I have not worn my contacts for months due to the vision issues/dry I do have glasses that give me some protection and drops and night cream for eyes to hydrate. Thanks for your encouragement....
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    You CAN!
    And you will do just fine....

    Sometimes, as I suspect for you this time, the enormity of what's happening hits you...and you just don't want to do anything....

    We all have experienced it...I actually made a calendar and marked off each treatment...with little encouraging words along the way...

    You GO, girl!!! OVER half way!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    cavediver said:

    #5 done..few bumps
    Chemo #5 done Tuesday...thanks for the encouragement from all. Had the nuelasta shot next day, but today I had to go in for hydration and get injection since the nauzia meds did not work. This is the first time my meds did not work after infusion....but the side effects change and are cumulative I am told. But, it is all happening...and yes, I am over the hump for chemo (3 more to go)....and I can do this because of all of you and your support. Also, now my eyebrows and lashes are disappearing.....lost the head hair, legs, arms, etc by the 2nd infusion...thought I was keeping the eyebrows...but this week they are almost all gone now. Oh well.....just part of the fun and journey! Whatever it takes to beat the beast!

    5 done, 3 to go! We all are
    5 done, 3 to go! We all are cheering you on to the finish line!

    ♥ Noel