For Chen - Chenheart - Claudia - our 50-Ft. Woman & Kindred Spirit...



  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    a sing is ceremony by a shaman. I will have to look into how/if we can do this long distance.


    I see now that you did
    I see now that you did indeed write the word SING and not SONG~ obviously 2 different things altogether! It seems to me that prayers, songs, sage, ceremony, tobacco being given to the fire or the waves~ and being in the presence of things spiritual is powerful. I believe that the intent and ceremony travels way past the immediate, and into the hearts of those being thought of. Even if they are hundreds of miles away....

  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    Thinking of you
    When summer vacation arrived and I finally found the time to sit at my computer to check the discussion groups, I was upset to see that you too have more doctor visits to go to and battles to face. Much as I like my doctor, I much prefer to stay well and OUT of his office since that means things are stable. I'll be praying that you will be able to stay OUT of the doctor's office sometime soon too. Take care!

    C. Abbott
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    My dearest Chen
    When I first got here your post were some of the first I read. I remember thinking what a strong lady.. You gave me courage and strength to fight my fight. And I want to give it right back to you now. I stand with every one here for you now. My prayers are with you. We got your back. You mean a great deal to me. I know you will beat this beast. Ned is waiting for the next dance with you. Take care Kay,
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613

    My dearest Chen
    When I first got here your post were some of the first I read. I remember thinking what a strong lady.. You gave me courage and strength to fight my fight. And I want to give it right back to you now. I stand with every one here for you now. My prayers are with you. We got your back. You mean a great deal to me. I know you will beat this beast. Ned is waiting for the next dance with you. Take care Kay,

    Chen, this takes me to...
    WE can do all things in Christ who strenghtens...and what a source of strength he is!

    If you're not a writer, you should be. You've been blessed with the ability to capture your feelings in words.

    Thanks for sharing "you". You inspire :)

    Praying daily for your healing,

  • JuJuBeez
    JuJuBeez Member Posts: 332
    chenheart said:

    Roseann,Bless your heart! I

    Bless your heart! I have gotten so much encouragement and hope from so many sources!
    I have also NOT talked to my Dr about prognosis or any statistical data for the exact reasons you mentioned. I mean, why???? What good would it do me to know where I fit on some actuarial chart? Would it tip me over some edge of despair and make me give up on Life, Love, and meds? That would be horrible! Or, do I just know that I am in fighting mode, taking the meds which are best known to modern science, confidant that I am not a number, but a woman, a human with a "condition"...

    I have also been inundated by friends/acquaintences etc who send me links to web-sites showing how I can be CURED using non conventional routes. They are all on the bandwagon of modern cancer treatment being a giant conspiracy while the only desire of the pharmaceutical companies is a money making one. I won't say what sites I was sent to,but evidently I can be cancer free in less than 5 minutes. oh puh-leeeeze! I do know that there are no doubt Drs, scientists, etc who are greedy and only looking for the dollars lining their pockets. But I refuse to believe that they are all so callous as to watch babies get chemo, and lose hair, and vomit all in the name of greed! I do not think that this is a conspiracy of the highest order which is keeping us from living a cancer free life! Whoa! Sorry for the Soap Box ramble...I don't know where that came from! LOL

    I have heard of the "Crazy Sexy Cancer", but have not seen the CD nor read the book. Evidently you recommend it!

    Thank you again for writing~ the love and support from the Warrior Survivors here at CSN has been more than I ever dreamed of! I honestly wish none of us needed to be encouraged, but being that we do, this is the best place ever!


    I had not read this


    I had not read this thread yet when I read your "Hogwarts" post. I'm sorry to read that you are in the ring again. I sense you have your gloves ready, though. Each step I've gone through, I've searched the posts to read the advice of this wonderful group. I believe there is safety and power in numbers, and we got your back, Girl! The power of prayer, positive thoughts, good juju, whatever everyone calls it, does work!

    I also recommend the 'CrazySexyCancer' books and video. She is one tough little birdie! (One side note about the video, if you have small children in the room.. there are some f-bombs you may not want them to hear...)

    You are highly thought of in this group! Take care!!

  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    sea60 said:

    Chen, this takes me to...
    WE can do all things in Christ who strenghtens...and what a source of strength he is!

    If you're not a writer, you should be. You've been blessed with the ability to capture your feelings in words.

    Thanks for sharing "you". You inspire :)

    Praying daily for your healing,


    Prayin' for you~
    One day at a time, take today for what it holds, and hold on with all you got! I am thinking of you, and meena....we band together!