up date on Angela

Angelasmom2 Member Posts: 146
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Angela got throught the surgery. They removed all the cancer they found, they beleive they got it all! Had to remove her spleen. Level 3c cancer. She is in recover now. PRAISE GOD, they got it all! I am claiming VICTORY! Please continue to pray for her recovery. Linda


  • Tasgirl
    Tasgirl Member Posts: 85
    Hi Linda
    That is fantastic

    Hi Linda
    That is fantastic news. Will keep praying for her.
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    glad to hear
    Glad to hear she had a successful surgery. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
  • Angelasmom2
    Angelasmom2 Member Posts: 146
    nancy591 said:

    glad to hear
    Glad to hear she had a successful surgery. Wishing her a speedy recovery.

    Thanks for all your prayers. I pray for you all daily.
  • South Jersey
    South Jersey Member Posts: 89
    So glad to hear everything
    So glad to hear everything went well with Angela's surgery!
  • South Jersey
    South Jersey Member Posts: 89
    So glad to hear everything
    So glad to hear everything went well with Angela's surgery!
  • Angelasmom2
    Angelasmom2 Member Posts: 146

    So glad to hear everything
    So glad to hear everything went well with Angela's surgery!

    Praise God!
    Now for the recovery. Can anyone tell me what to expect after this kind of surgery?
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    I am so glad to see this wonderful news! To God be the Glory! And to all of you, blessings for continued strength, health and joy!

  • ggggsister
    ggggsister Member Posts: 38
    This is great news for Angela and your family. Will continue to keep you in my thoughts.
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834

    Praise God!
    Now for the recovery. Can anyone tell me what to expect after this kind of surgery?

    I'm the wrong person to ask.
    I'm the wrong person to ask. I had tons of complications and they kept me in the hospital for 16 days. Most people are up and out inside of a week, I think.

    Angela is young and hopefully will have a speedy, uneventful recovery. They will probably want to start chemo right away. The standard is Carboplatin and Taxol, every 3 weeks for a total of 6 treatments. Her hair will start to fall out within a couple of weeks after she starts chemo, so I suggest that before it starts, she might want to get it cut very short. It's less traumatic that way, and does not create such a huge mess. Otherwise, you find it everywhere - all over the pillow, clogging the shower drain, etc.

    Refer to Leesa G's posts/photos if Angela is the light-hearted type. Leesa had a party and her friends/spouse shaved her head into a Mohawk with multi-colored liberty spikes. Very empowering. Then after a bit of wine and a long photo op, they shaved the rest of it off. My grandkids were very impressed. They were so disappointed they didn't think of talking me into something like that.

    Did they place an IP port in her tummy?

    DX 9-17-09, Stage IIIc, CA 125 was 4000
    Completed Carbo/Taxol 2/28/10
    Now on one year of Taxol maintenance
    CA 125 as of 7/2010 is 4.8
  • Angelasmom2
    Angelasmom2 Member Posts: 146

    This is great news for Angela and your family. Will continue to keep you in my thoughts.

    Thank you for all of your prayers and beat wishes, along with the info. I will keep you posted. Linda
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    Wonderful news. Don't know what to expect as we are all different and have had different experiences after surgery. I had to stay in several days longer due to several things.

  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    Oh This is just wonderful
    Oh This is just wonderful news,

    To have survived this surgery is a major hurdle your daughter has overcome.

    Lots of prayer and focusing on keeping her strong will be very important during the upcoming weeks as she will probably begin her chemotherapy treatments.

    But for now, praise God for bringing her and you through this .

  • Angelasmom2
    Angelasmom2 Member Posts: 146

    Oh This is just wonderful
    Oh This is just wonderful news,

    To have survived this surgery is a major hurdle your daughter has overcome.

    Lots of prayer and focusing on keeping her strong will be very important during the upcoming weeks as she will probably begin her chemotherapy treatments.

    But for now, praise God for bringing her and you through this .


    Angela had a dream last
    Angela had a dream last night. Some might call it a vision. God asked her to look at the wall across from her hospital bed. She looked and saw the bulletin board with some charts that are crooked, part of the window frame that has a smudge, and some places on the wall that need paint touchup. He told her, “That is because the world is not perfect.” Then he said, “Do you believe I can fix that?” Angela said, “Yes.” She saw each imperfection become “fixed” - the charts were straightened, the smudge was gone, the wall and the whole room became beautiful. God told her, “Even though I can fix you like that, I'm going to use others to get you better.” Angela looked out and saw the nurses doing their work.
    This is not a neat poem. Angela told me about it this morning and I told her I would share her dream with others.
    Angela's husband posted this on facebook. That very night, I was up in the middle of the night praying for Angela. I asked God to comfort her in her dreams. This was the very night she had this dream.
  • Angelasmom2
    Angelasmom2 Member Posts: 146

    Angela had a dream last
    Angela had a dream last night. Some might call it a vision. God asked her to look at the wall across from her hospital bed. She looked and saw the bulletin board with some charts that are crooked, part of the window frame that has a smudge, and some places on the wall that need paint touchup. He told her, “That is because the world is not perfect.” Then he said, “Do you believe I can fix that?” Angela said, “Yes.” She saw each imperfection become “fixed” - the charts were straightened, the smudge was gone, the wall and the whole room became beautiful. God told her, “Even though I can fix you like that, I'm going to use others to get you better.” Angela looked out and saw the nurses doing their work.
    This is not a neat poem. Angela told me about it this morning and I told her I would share her dream with others.
    Angela's husband posted this on facebook. That very night, I was up in the middle of the night praying for Angela. I asked God to comfort her in her dreams. This was the very night she had this dream.

    You are all in my prayers. Linda