For Chen - Chenheart - Claudia - our 50-Ft. Woman & Kindred Spirit...



  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    VickiSam said:

    Chenheart -))) You are ONE CLASSY Lady
    Strength, Love and Courage - jump off each posting from you.

    Vicki Sam

    Chen, I am responding welll
    Chen, I am responding welll to chemo. I get the blah, blah syndome when i see the doctor also. but, it appears i am responding to chemo as the swelling and pain have lessened. I am also estrogen positive, I have been getting Herceptin with my chemo and it seems to working. Do you notice that I use words such as "appears", "seems', i have learned that that cancer is never a sure thing. Oh, how were these things missed. Did we not see the signs? I am thinking positive thoughts for both of us.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    meena1 said:

    Chen, I am responding welll
    Chen, I am responding welll to chemo. I get the blah, blah syndome when i see the doctor also. but, it appears i am responding to chemo as the swelling and pain have lessened. I am also estrogen positive, I have been getting Herceptin with my chemo and it seems to working. Do you notice that I use words such as "appears", "seems', i have learned that that cancer is never a sure thing. Oh, how were these things missed. Did we not see the signs? I am thinking positive thoughts for both of us.

    I am sooo happy you are
    I am sooo happy you are responding so well! I am not anxious to start chemotherapy, but I must say I find it odd that I think that Tamoxifen seems like "passive treatment" as opposed to chemo. I will ask my oncologist about that when I see him in a few weeks. The fluid build up around the lining of my lung also had cancer cells in it; not too happy about that development! It is putting a definite cramp in my 5 mile a day routine, I can tell you that!! I am a bit winded and much as I try to ignore it and pretend that I'm not...well, I just am! My liver is causing me no pain at all; I honestly believe that if not for the shortness of breath I wouldn't know I am sick at all! This damned cancer is a sneaky beast, isn't he? Master of deception!

    Did you have a grand time away? I thought of you and was hoping you were laughing and putting "stuff" as far out of your mind as humanly possible.

    Hugs, and continue to respond well~ that is the best news ever! And yes, we always remain cautiously optimistic with our words, don't we? We are much more polite around cancer than it has ever been to us!

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    VickiSam said:

    Chenheart -))) You are ONE CLASSY Lady
    Strength, Love and Courage - jump off each posting from you.

    Vicki Sam

    Sweet VickiSam~ you have it backwards!
    Seriously, I am truly the recipient of Love, Strength, and Courage! I come in here like a sponge, ready to soak up all of that and more that I get regularly from each one of you. I think I could do this alone, but I am beyond words glad that I don't have to! I sit and reflect every day, and especially now about how calm and relaxed you all help me to be.
    Thank you, and I hope to Pay It Forward to those who need it from me in return.

  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    chenheart said:

    Sweet VickiSam~ you have it backwards!
    Seriously, I am truly the recipient of Love, Strength, and Courage! I come in here like a sponge, ready to soak up all of that and more that I get regularly from each one of you. I think I could do this alone, but I am beyond words glad that I don't have to! I sit and reflect every day, and especially now about how calm and relaxed you all help me to be.
    Thank you, and I hope to Pay It Forward to those who need it from me in return.


    Without Knowing
    Without knowing, you have been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement to me (The Hogwarts piece was priceless). Now I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.
    Wishing you nothing but the best. Hugs, Sally
  • florist
    florist Member Posts: 45

    Without Knowing
    Without knowing, you have been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement to me (The Hogwarts piece was priceless). Now I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.
    Wishing you nothing but the best. Hugs, Sally

    Meena1 and Chen
    You both have been an inspiration to all of us on this site. We will as sisters, be here for you as you have been for us. Hugs, love and prayers, Joanne
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    Without Knowing
    Without knowing, you have been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement to me (The Hogwarts piece was priceless). Now I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.
    Wishing you nothing but the best. Hugs, Sally

    Wizards Rule!
    Thanks, Sally~ as a matter of fact, I had a Hogwarts Moment just this weekend! I saw an acquaintence I don't see too often, and when she found out that I now have liver mets, she said "Oh, my brother died of liver cancer!" Gosh, those Muggles sure know how to brighten a room, don't they?? LOL Not ONE of us in here has said any such thing...imagine that!

  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    chenheart said:

    Wizards Rule!
    Thanks, Sally~ as a matter of fact, I had a Hogwarts Moment just this weekend! I saw an acquaintence I don't see too often, and when she found out that I now have liver mets, she said "Oh, my brother died of liver cancer!" Gosh, those Muggles sure know how to brighten a room, don't they?? LOL Not ONE of us in here has said any such thing...imagine that!


    What a thing to say! Let's hope you don't run into this aquaintence too often- lol. But isn't it great that there are Muggles out there who do know what to say to us witches and wizzards and they are priceless. I'm sure she probably meant well and it just came out and she's probably kicking herself for saying what she did. At least that's what I'd like to think.

    Hang in there, Chen. Hugs, Sally
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    What a thing to say! Let's hope you don't run into this aquaintence too often- lol. But isn't it great that there are Muggles out there who do know what to say to us witches and wizzards and they are priceless. I'm sure she probably meant well and it just came out and she's probably kicking herself for saying what she did. At least that's what I'd like to think.

    Hang in there, Chen. Hugs, Sally

    I wasn't offended ...I
    I wasn't offended ...I shrugged it off and didn't think a thing about it! There are indeed priceless Muggles out there, and I value them. The other Muggles who just don't get it? I can chalk it up to ignorance rather than meanness! Trust me, we all know when someone is being mean rather than thoughtless, and this person was just making conversation.

    Just the same, I am still glad that we don't run into many(if any) Muggles here on the boards!

  • sausageroll
    sausageroll Member Posts: 415
    chenheart said:

    I wasn't offended ...I
    I wasn't offended ...I shrugged it off and didn't think a thing about it! There are indeed priceless Muggles out there, and I value them. The other Muggles who just don't get it? I can chalk it up to ignorance rather than meanness! Trust me, we all know when someone is being mean rather than thoughtless, and this person was just making conversation.

    Just the same, I am still glad that we don't run into many(if any) Muggles here on the boards!


    We all know from the start that this may be part of our future...we just hate to see it happen to someone like you....go for it lady and give it all you've got!!! Take care. Pat
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    We all know from the start that this may be part of our future...we just hate to see it happen to someone like you....go for it lady and give it all you've got!!! Take care. Pat

    Oh those muggles can be
    Oh those muggles can be soooo funny!
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    chenheart said:

    My heart is so full of
    My heart is so full of gratitude and love for all of you here on the boards. You have become such an important part of my life! I have always said that this is a safe place to land, especially during the scary and uncertain true it is for me right now!

    The fight is truly in full force~ the liver biopsy showed Estrogen Positive BC, and also BC cells in some fluid which has been filling the lining of my lung. I responded very well to 5 years of Arimidex~ I hope that the Beast hates the Tamoxifen just as much! Chemo may also be part of my near future, and I am gearing to Be Stronger Than, Not Angry At.

    I also want to thank everyone here who gave me "permission" to be afraid~ you all know that I have been hesitant to post so as not to frighten any of you~ especially the newer ones to the boards. But~you have let me realize that these boards are FOR me as well!Who knew??? LOL

    I have often said how humbled and honored I am to be a part of this amazing group of Warrior Survivors, which of course includes all of the caregivers and partners who grace our boards. Today is no different~my heart is filled with an absolute pride that I can call you my Friends.


    You are a strong woman! Can you send some of your strength my way?
  • Chickadee1955
    Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member
    carkris said:

    Oh those muggles can be
    Oh those muggles can be soooo funny!

    Please consider me another link in your 'chain' of prayers. Your posts have been priceless.

  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Whenever I see you post, I always want to be able to respond as eloquently as you do, and always fall short of my goal.

    I think of you every day and am adding my hopes and prayers to those of so many others whose lives you have made better by just being you.

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    Whenever I see you post, I always want to be able to respond as eloquently as you do, and always fall short of my goal.

    I think of you every day and am adding my hopes and prayers to those of so many others whose lives you have made better by just being you.


    Cindy,You have responded

    You have responded with complete eloquence, every single word touched my heart. And, as a fellow dolphin rider (OMG, wasn't that the best experience ever??) we are connected in ways which transcend the beast.

  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    chenheart said:

    My heart is so full of
    My heart is so full of gratitude and love for all of you here on the boards. You have become such an important part of my life! I have always said that this is a safe place to land, especially during the scary and uncertain true it is for me right now!

    The fight is truly in full force~ the liver biopsy showed Estrogen Positive BC, and also BC cells in some fluid which has been filling the lining of my lung. I responded very well to 5 years of Arimidex~ I hope that the Beast hates the Tamoxifen just as much! Chemo may also be part of my near future, and I am gearing to Be Stronger Than, Not Angry At.

    I also want to thank everyone here who gave me "permission" to be afraid~ you all know that I have been hesitant to post so as not to frighten any of you~ especially the newer ones to the boards. But~you have let me realize that these boards are FOR me as well!Who knew??? LOL

    I have often said how humbled and honored I am to be a part of this amazing group of Warrior Survivors, which of course includes all of the caregivers and partners who grace our boards. Today is no different~my heart is filled with an absolute pride that I can call you my Friends.


    me too!
    That's the best title I can give. Of course you have everyone's prayers wishes and *anything* else you need! You have been an awesome sister in pink and will continue to do so! You lead by example although there are experiences we would rather do without.

    How do you feel about a Navajo sing?

  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    chenheart said:

    Cindy,You have responded

    You have responded with complete eloquence, every single word touched my heart. And, as a fellow dolphin rider (OMG, wasn't that the best experience ever??) we are connected in ways which transcend the beast.


    So much more in the works!
    Hi Chen,

    I'm sure you are hearing this from many people but I don't think we can hear encouraging words too much. A woman in my support group was just told her bc is now in her liver and bones. She is in her early 40s. She was really tired of doctors telling her information that was of no statistics and other blah, blah, blah facts. She's quite a strong woman and finally gave them her mind. She is not a statistic! So, she went to a different doctor who happens to be the head of bc research at Yale New Haven Hospital. She told her, "I don't want to hear what you think my prognosis is because that's of no value to me." "Just tell me what I can do to have the best quality of life I can have for the longest possible time." The doctor was wonderful. She said they had just approved 2 new drugs and there were more behind that. This cancer is definately a chronic disease and every drug brings them closer to a cure. This directly from the mouths of a researcher! She suggested my friend consider her disease controllable because that's how researchers look at bc today. It is a very exciting time in bc research.

    I don't think any of us lives "fear free" but we can learn to live a great life in the face of death. Let's face it, none of us gets out of this adventure alive so every day is a gift. Check out the book, "Crazy Sexy Cancer". There is also a documentary on this woman. She was diagnosed in her 20s with an incurable cancer but has gone on to live a very full life. She is now married and is planning on having children. I have a cd of the film. If you would like me to send it to you, PM me with your address and I'll get it off to you.

    Hugs and hope!

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    roseann4 said:

    So much more in the works!
    Hi Chen,

    I'm sure you are hearing this from many people but I don't think we can hear encouraging words too much. A woman in my support group was just told her bc is now in her liver and bones. She is in her early 40s. She was really tired of doctors telling her information that was of no statistics and other blah, blah, blah facts. She's quite a strong woman and finally gave them her mind. She is not a statistic! So, she went to a different doctor who happens to be the head of bc research at Yale New Haven Hospital. She told her, "I don't want to hear what you think my prognosis is because that's of no value to me." "Just tell me what I can do to have the best quality of life I can have for the longest possible time." The doctor was wonderful. She said they had just approved 2 new drugs and there were more behind that. This cancer is definately a chronic disease and every drug brings them closer to a cure. This directly from the mouths of a researcher! She suggested my friend consider her disease controllable because that's how researchers look at bc today. It is a very exciting time in bc research.

    I don't think any of us lives "fear free" but we can learn to live a great life in the face of death. Let's face it, none of us gets out of this adventure alive so every day is a gift. Check out the book, "Crazy Sexy Cancer". There is also a documentary on this woman. She was diagnosed in her 20s with an incurable cancer but has gone on to live a very full life. She is now married and is planning on having children. I have a cd of the film. If you would like me to send it to you, PM me with your address and I'll get it off to you.

    Hugs and hope!


    Roseann,Bless your heart! I

    Bless your heart! I have gotten so much encouragement and hope from so many sources!
    I have also NOT talked to my Dr about prognosis or any statistical data for the exact reasons you mentioned. I mean, why???? What good would it do me to know where I fit on some actuarial chart? Would it tip me over some edge of despair and make me give up on Life, Love, and meds? That would be horrible! Or, do I just know that I am in fighting mode, taking the meds which are best known to modern science, confidant that I am not a number, but a woman, a human with a "condition"...

    I have also been inundated by friends/acquaintences etc who send me links to web-sites showing how I can be CURED using non conventional routes. They are all on the bandwagon of modern cancer treatment being a giant conspiracy while the only desire of the pharmaceutical companies is a money making one. I won't say what sites I was sent to,but evidently I can be cancer free in less than 5 minutes. oh puh-leeeeze! I do know that there are no doubt Drs, scientists, etc who are greedy and only looking for the dollars lining their pockets. But I refuse to believe that they are all so callous as to watch babies get chemo, and lose hair, and vomit all in the name of greed! I do not think that this is a conspiracy of the highest order which is keeping us from living a cancer free life! Whoa! Sorry for the Soap Box ramble...I don't know where that came from! LOL

    I have heard of the "Crazy Sexy Cancer", but have not seen the CD nor read the book. Evidently you recommend it!

    Thank you again for writing~ the love and support from the Warrior Survivors here at CSN has been more than I ever dreamed of! I honestly wish none of us needed to be encouraged, but being that we do, this is the best place ever!

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    me too!
    That's the best title I can give. Of course you have everyone's prayers wishes and *anything* else you need! You have been an awesome sister in pink and will continue to do so! You lead by example although there are experiences we would rather do without.

    How do you feel about a Navajo sing?


    By myself I am not strong~ I
    By myself I am not strong~ I am strengthend by the those around me, and especially by my family, both natural and Tribal, who love me! So...a Navajo song? By all means!

    My next appointment with my oncologist is July 26, and just in time, the annual Bear Ceremony will be held at the Tribal Hall on July 24th. It is something I have attended the past 3 or 4 years; this year however, it literally has my name all over it~and I am bolstered just thinking of the power of the Bears, and the drums and the songs sung around the fire. My husband is part of a Native singing group; he and his fellow singers will be there to sing to/for me ( and to many others in need, of course!) and I feel stronger just knowing that

    Isn't it amazing and lovely just how contagious positive things are? Thank you for being part of the positives in my life!

  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    chenheart said:

    Roseann,Bless your heart! I

    Bless your heart! I have gotten so much encouragement and hope from so many sources!
    I have also NOT talked to my Dr about prognosis or any statistical data for the exact reasons you mentioned. I mean, why???? What good would it do me to know where I fit on some actuarial chart? Would it tip me over some edge of despair and make me give up on Life, Love, and meds? That would be horrible! Or, do I just know that I am in fighting mode, taking the meds which are best known to modern science, confidant that I am not a number, but a woman, a human with a "condition"...

    I have also been inundated by friends/acquaintences etc who send me links to web-sites showing how I can be CURED using non conventional routes. They are all on the bandwagon of modern cancer treatment being a giant conspiracy while the only desire of the pharmaceutical companies is a money making one. I won't say what sites I was sent to,but evidently I can be cancer free in less than 5 minutes. oh puh-leeeeze! I do know that there are no doubt Drs, scientists, etc who are greedy and only looking for the dollars lining their pockets. But I refuse to believe that they are all so callous as to watch babies get chemo, and lose hair, and vomit all in the name of greed! I do not think that this is a conspiracy of the highest order which is keeping us from living a cancer free life! Whoa! Sorry for the Soap Box ramble...I don't know where that came from! LOL

    I have heard of the "Crazy Sexy Cancer", but have not seen the CD nor read the book. Evidently you recommend it!

    Thank you again for writing~ the love and support from the Warrior Survivors here at CSN has been more than I ever dreamed of! I honestly wish none of us needed to be encouraged, but being that we do, this is the best place ever!


    I agree!
    One of my biggest frustrations in this bc deal is that the traditional docs and the alternative experts don't work together to heal us. Just when I think I know the drill, I read something else. Soy for example, some say in moderation, some say not at all and some say it helps to keep us from recurrance. It has been the same with just about everything I have read and/or heard. Make up their minds already! I think both the conventional and traditional methods have a lot that can help us live longer with less side effects. It shouldn't be an either or situation. I do not believe that there is a conspiracy with the drug companies. Much of the research is also done at hospitals like Yale New Haven. I refuse to believe that I have put myself into the hands of people who only care about making money and would rather have me die than be cured. I think that the medical profession has well meaning people who don't have much background in alternative medicine. I love my oncologist but she has read none of the books I have read on nutrition and alternative treatments. Why? No one is going to spend time and money educating doctors on things that don't bring in that's where I agree that the drug companies have gotten in the way of full spectrum treatment. I'm all about balance and keeping an open mind. Most of all I am about hope. There is no such thing as false hope...all hope is true. My uncle lived 14 years with pancreatic cancer. While the docs were waiting for him to die, he was on the golf course and taking great vacations with his love...his wife. When he died, he was in his 80s and it wasn't cancer that got him. I smile whenever I think of him. He and his wife had a son who they had named after him. She used to say that my uncle was "Big ****" and her son was "Little ****". LOL.

    You are a great inspiration to all of us.

  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    chenheart said:

    By myself I am not strong~ I
    By myself I am not strong~ I am strengthend by the those around me, and especially by my family, both natural and Tribal, who love me! So...a Navajo song? By all means!

    My next appointment with my oncologist is July 26, and just in time, the annual Bear Ceremony will be held at the Tribal Hall on July 24th. It is something I have attended the past 3 or 4 years; this year however, it literally has my name all over it~and I am bolstered just thinking of the power of the Bears, and the drums and the songs sung around the fire. My husband is part of a Native singing group; he and his fellow singers will be there to sing to/for me ( and to many others in need, of course!) and I feel stronger just knowing that

    Isn't it amazing and lovely just how contagious positive things are? Thank you for being part of the positives in my life!


    a sing is ceremony by a shaman. I will have to look into how/if we can do this long distance.
