For Chen - Chenheart - Claudia - our 50-Ft. Woman & Kindred Spirit...

Christmas Girl
Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Got her final pathology results tonight, from the biopsy last Monday. Sending positive thoughts, heartfelt hopes & prayers her way - via cyberspace. Her second fight has now begun, in earnest.

We're with you, dear friend. All the way.

Kindest regards, 12/25 xo


  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    Since i was off here for a
    Since i was off here for a while, could someone tell me what is going on with Chen? Did she have a reoccurence? She is such a wonderful, funny and spiritual person. I will say prayers for her and could someone update me. Keep your head up Chen!

    Take care
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    We are all with you in spirit.
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    lolad said:

    Since i was off here for a
    Since i was off here for a while, could someone tell me what is going on with Chen? Did she have a reoccurence? She is such a wonderful, funny and spiritual person. I will say prayers for her and could someone update me. Keep your head up Chen!

    Take care

    Bumping up a thread
    Laura, I'm bumping up a thread where Chen talks about her recurrance. It's called "Just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water ..."
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Thinking of you
    Thinking of you, Chen, and hoping for the best.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    Thinking of you
    Thinking of you, Chen, and hoping for the best.

    My heart is so full of
    My heart is so full of gratitude and love for all of you here on the boards. You have become such an important part of my life! I have always said that this is a safe place to land, especially during the scary and uncertain true it is for me right now!

    The fight is truly in full force~ the liver biopsy showed Estrogen Positive BC, and also BC cells in some fluid which has been filling the lining of my lung. I responded very well to 5 years of Arimidex~ I hope that the Beast hates the Tamoxifen just as much! Chemo may also be part of my near future, and I am gearing to Be Stronger Than, Not Angry At.

    I also want to thank everyone here who gave me "permission" to be afraid~ you all know that I have been hesitant to post so as not to frighten any of you~ especially the newer ones to the boards. But~you have let me realize that these boards are FOR me as well!Who knew??? LOL

    I have often said how humbled and honored I am to be a part of this amazing group of Warrior Survivors, which of course includes all of the caregivers and partners who grace our boards. Today is no different~my heart is filled with an absolute pride that I can call you my Friends.

  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    Go for the Fight! We are behind you
    you are in my thoughts and prayers as you go for this fight! Thanks for inspiring me...and all the other newbies here. You are our hero!
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    chenheart said:

    My heart is so full of
    My heart is so full of gratitude and love for all of you here on the boards. You have become such an important part of my life! I have always said that this is a safe place to land, especially during the scary and uncertain true it is for me right now!

    The fight is truly in full force~ the liver biopsy showed Estrogen Positive BC, and also BC cells in some fluid which has been filling the lining of my lung. I responded very well to 5 years of Arimidex~ I hope that the Beast hates the Tamoxifen just as much! Chemo may also be part of my near future, and I am gearing to Be Stronger Than, Not Angry At.

    I also want to thank everyone here who gave me "permission" to be afraid~ you all know that I have been hesitant to post so as not to frighten any of you~ especially the newer ones to the boards. But~you have let me realize that these boards are FOR me as well!Who knew??? LOL

    I have often said how humbled and honored I am to be a part of this amazing group of Warrior Survivors, which of course includes all of the caregivers and partners who grace our boards. Today is no different~my heart is filled with an absolute pride that I can call you my Friends.


    somewhere in you
    is in fact that 50 ft woman that cancer has to come eye to eye with.

    I truly believe it - the more of your postings I read.

    Keep posting, you add so much to this site.

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    cavediver said:

    Go for the Fight! We are behind you
    you are in my thoughts and prayers as you go for this fight! Thanks for inspiring me...and all the other newbies here. You are our hero!

    You give me courage! Thank
    You give me courage! Thank you for the inspiring words!

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    aysemari said:

    somewhere in you
    is in fact that 50 ft woman that cancer has to come eye to eye with.

    I truly believe it - the more of your postings I read.

    Keep posting, you add so much to this site.


    I have always felt that I
    I have always felt that I give to the site exactly what I gain from it~ this is a two way street with all of us oddly enough going on the same journey though from more than one direction...I am so glad that the warriors here are standing behind me and in front of me, and most importantly, beside me. As I stand with all of you.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    chenheart said:

    You give me courage! Thank
    You give me courage! Thank you for the inspiring words!


    we will be with you in every doctor's appointment, test, infusion... Please keep posting .
    Sending positive thoughts and a big hug.
    New Flower
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Claudia, I hope you know
    Claudia, I hope you know that I am beside you all the way. If it gets to the point that I need to get in front or behind you to protect you, just say the word and I'm there. I am truly hopeful that the Tamoxifen does the deed and slays this beast for you once and for all!!! This is an amazing place filled with people that I am proud to call my sisters and you are at the top of the list!!!! I think I can speak for all of us and say we are with you ALL THE WAY. Fight on!!
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    chenheart said:

    My heart is so full of
    My heart is so full of gratitude and love for all of you here on the boards. You have become such an important part of my life! I have always said that this is a safe place to land, especially during the scary and uncertain true it is for me right now!

    The fight is truly in full force~ the liver biopsy showed Estrogen Positive BC, and also BC cells in some fluid which has been filling the lining of my lung. I responded very well to 5 years of Arimidex~ I hope that the Beast hates the Tamoxifen just as much! Chemo may also be part of my near future, and I am gearing to Be Stronger Than, Not Angry At.

    I also want to thank everyone here who gave me "permission" to be afraid~ you all know that I have been hesitant to post so as not to frighten any of you~ especially the newer ones to the boards. But~you have let me realize that these boards are FOR me as well!Who knew??? LOL

    I have often said how humbled and honored I am to be a part of this amazing group of Warrior Survivors, which of course includes all of the caregivers and partners who grace our boards. Today is no different~my heart is filled with an absolute pride that I can call you my Friends.


    Chen... I know there must be
    Chen... I know there must be a hundred different emotions flowing through you right now... but I know the strong fighting side is the one that will prevail! We are all here for you... you have been a pilar of streangh for so many... now it's your turn to lean... and we will not let you fall.

    My sincerest hopes, prayers and positive thoughts my friend... in the mean time... be good to yourself...

    ♥ & hugs,

  • MGNS
    MGNS Member Posts: 197 Member
    chenheart said:

    My heart is so full of
    My heart is so full of gratitude and love for all of you here on the boards. You have become such an important part of my life! I have always said that this is a safe place to land, especially during the scary and uncertain true it is for me right now!

    The fight is truly in full force~ the liver biopsy showed Estrogen Positive BC, and also BC cells in some fluid which has been filling the lining of my lung. I responded very well to 5 years of Arimidex~ I hope that the Beast hates the Tamoxifen just as much! Chemo may also be part of my near future, and I am gearing to Be Stronger Than, Not Angry At.

    I also want to thank everyone here who gave me "permission" to be afraid~ you all know that I have been hesitant to post so as not to frighten any of you~ especially the newer ones to the boards. But~you have let me realize that these boards are FOR me as well!Who knew??? LOL

    I have often said how humbled and honored I am to be a part of this amazing group of Warrior Survivors, which of course includes all of the caregivers and partners who grace our boards. Today is no different~my heart is filled with an absolute pride that I can call you my Friends.


    I'm keeping you in my
    I'm keeping you in my prayers dear warrior sister. You have been an inspiration to all of us.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    MyTurnNow said:

    Claudia, I hope you know
    Claudia, I hope you know that I am beside you all the way. If it gets to the point that I need to get in front or behind you to protect you, just say the word and I'm there. I am truly hopeful that the Tamoxifen does the deed and slays this beast for you once and for all!!! This is an amazing place filled with people that I am proud to call my sisters and you are at the top of the list!!!! I think I can speak for all of us and say we are with you ALL THE WAY. Fight on!!

    I am going to give this all
    I am going to give this all I have~ I don't know what else to do! I have a new marriage, a daughter in college, a Tribe who loves me, family, friends, and OMG...all of YOU ! I hate that we have to be here, that encouragement is needed, but of course on the other side of that coin, I am so glad to have you.

    Bless all of your ♥ for your giving are invaluable to me.

  • Balentine
    Balentine Member Posts: 393
    chenheart said:

    I am going to give this all
    I am going to give this all I have~ I don't know what else to do! I have a new marriage, a daughter in college, a Tribe who loves me, family, friends, and OMG...all of YOU ! I hate that we have to be here, that encouragement is needed, but of course on the other side of that coin, I am so glad to have you.

    Bless all of your ♥ for your giving are invaluable to me.


    Chen your strength and resolve are unmatched
    I pray that God will continue to uplift you and give you His strength for this new battle and in the end overcome. Know that we are with you and praying for you and your family. It is a battle and one we cannot handle alone....we have to come under the yoke of God who offers to lighten our burden and carry the heaviest part of it as we remain faithful under our part of that yoke and perform His will as He leads us and directs our steps. He is faithful and will not leave your side. Be blessed and I pray the tamoxifen does the trick.

    I am curious what they feel the tamoxifen will do that the arimidex did not do? I know they work differently but I thought both depleted the estrogen in their own ways.
  • MNLynn
    MNLynn Member Posts: 224
    chenheart said:

    I am going to give this all
    I am going to give this all I have~ I don't know what else to do! I have a new marriage, a daughter in college, a Tribe who loves me, family, friends, and OMG...all of YOU ! I hate that we have to be here, that encouragement is needed, but of course on the other side of that coin, I am so glad to have you.

    Bless all of your ♥ for your giving are invaluable to me.


    adding my prayers
    Just want you to know that I am joining in with all the others here who are keeping you in their thoughts & prayers . . . you are such a strong person and an inspiration to us . . .

    It's so great to have this site and know that no one is alone in this battle - and there are so many of us right there with you now.

    . . . hugs . . .

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Balentine said:

    Chen your strength and resolve are unmatched
    I pray that God will continue to uplift you and give you His strength for this new battle and in the end overcome. Know that we are with you and praying for you and your family. It is a battle and one we cannot handle alone....we have to come under the yoke of God who offers to lighten our burden and carry the heaviest part of it as we remain faithful under our part of that yoke and perform His will as He leads us and directs our steps. He is faithful and will not leave your side. Be blessed and I pray the tamoxifen does the trick.

    I am curious what they feel the tamoxifen will do that the arimidex did not do? I know they work differently but I thought both depleted the estrogen in their own ways.

    My in a nutshell,
    My in a nutshell, estrogen-depleting for dummies kind of understanding is this: There are no long-term studies on the effectiveness of Arimidex past the "magic" 5 year mark. Being as I responded well on the Arimidex, the thought is, those pesky rogue cancer cells will not have the opportunity to yawn at Arimidex and react with quasi-immunity . A similar yet different drug hopefully will catch those cells by surprise and eradicate them! I am picturing my circulatory system as a human Pac Man game...chomp! chomp! chomp!

    On the other hand, I was experiencing shock and blah-blah-blah- Dr speak syndrome when I saw my oncologist~ so I may have completely misunderstood him! LOL

  • contrail
    contrail Member Posts: 129
    chenheart said:

    I am going to give this all
    I am going to give this all I have~ I don't know what else to do! I have a new marriage, a daughter in college, a Tribe who loves me, family, friends, and OMG...all of YOU ! I hate that we have to be here, that encouragement is needed, but of course on the other side of that coin, I am so glad to have you.

    Bless all of your ♥ for your giving are invaluable to me.


    Keep Up Your Spirits
    Chen - I don't write on this site very often, but I have always found great strength here, and you have always been one of our strongest sisters. Your wisdom and advice have helped many, and now we are here for you. We love you and pray for you, and will be with you every step of the way. Stay strong and beat the beast. Connie
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Go get em!
    Since I'm a new-comer to this group, I have not been with you all along your journeys. Nonetheless, I feel a real sense of sisterhood and comfort here amongst everyone. So, Chen/Claudia/Chenheart, I'm adding my prayers to your already strong chain of supporters.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Go get em!
    Since I'm a new-comer to this group, I have not been with you all along your journeys. Nonetheless, I feel a real sense of sisterhood and comfort here amongst everyone. So, Chen/Claudia/Chenheart, I'm adding my prayers to your already strong chain of supporters.


    Chenheart -))) You are ONE CLASSY Lady
    Strength, Love and Courage - jump off each posting from you.

    Vicki Sam