Chemo #5 today...need encouragement

cavediver Member Posts: 607
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
today I go for #5 infusion and I am so not wanting to go....actually dreading it this time...not sure why this one is different. I am scheduled for a total of 8, so this is just past the 1/2 point only....then it all seems so long. Concerned with rapid pulse rate when rested...been 90 to 105 when resting for the last couple of weeks. Very tired. I know I should not be whining, but someone....give me a boost kick to get the fight back on!


  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Here's your boost (but, not a kick)...
    Same exact thing happened to me - 6+ years ago. I had arrived for my chemo treatments ready to "rock & roll" - until that dreaded halfway point. Didn't want to do it, thought I couldn't do it. Was told that it's the most common "drop out" point for patients - that halfway mark. So, you're not alone in your feelings today.

    You know you gotta go. And you have every right to whine! Especially here, to us.

    Please be sure to openly and honestly advise your doctor/nurse of your symptoms and your feelings. When viewed in its entirety - the journey is beyond overwhelming. Remember - you can move forward only one step at a time, always. Try not to think about rads, and all else that will follow later. Right now, focus on getting through today.

    Best wishes to you.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    You can do it!
    I know none of us should have to fight so hard, but I also knpw that when we have to, we can summon up our girl power and kick cancer's butt!

    As Christmas Girl said, make sure to. Let your docs know how you're feeling. Maybe they can help you with your fatigue.

    Sending energy and big (((HUGS)))

  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    thanks for boost & support
    Susan and Cindy, thanks for your is always good to hear others have felt the same way. I will talk to onc prior to the infusion about my concerns and mood. I know I have to go and continue on this journey to get to the end and will follow your advice to think of just today.......that I think I can get through! This site has been a lifesaver in so many ways.
  • Rosie32
    Rosie32 Member Posts: 1
    Encouragement for Chemo!
    You are doing better than me! I have only done 2 of eight and number three is on monday. I am not looking forward to it at all. But you are doing so well, and just remember it will end - and for you sooner than me! Keep going and this time next year you will be singing and dancing just the same as before... Good luck X
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    Well I guess it is a common feeling at the 1/2 or a little over 1/2 mark. I felt the same #5, didnt wnt to go mostly cause I was so tired of feeling tired and fighting, then you get thru it and the weeks that follow. You look at your family and see why it is all worth it. Hang in there, and Im so glad to have joined this site so we can encourage each other cause we know what you are going thru, and that knowledge helps alot.
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    I hope it is going well
    I hope it is going well today. You will be so glad to get ol' #5 behind you. Let us know how it goes.
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Consider yourself boosted!
    I predict you will actually feel a lot better after getting #5 under your belt. Yeah, the effects are cumulative, and yeah, you will have three more afterward. But Moopy still got a second wind after #4, and it really helped. So rock on, and enjoy the sight of the half way point receding in your rear view mirror!
  • putzie
    putzie Member Posts: 66 Member
    Go Go Girl!!!
    You can do this Cavediver!!! Funny, I had the same thoughts on #5 as well...I couldn't put my finger on it but I made it through with flying colors. I am preparing for my 6th and last next week. Sometimes just knowing that you aren't the only person feeling a particular way will push you through, I know it helped me. You are in there right now, probably even halfway through today's treatment and will be done soon. One thing my hubby and I have done for the past 3 chemos is to schedule something fun to do in the days before a treatment. With that, we were looking forward to the activity instead of chemo.
    Hang in there...this is a long road but one we can climb and get through to the other side.

    Let's kick cancer's butt...not the other way!!!!! XXXX OOOOOO big hugs to you!
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    You can do this!
    Good luck today, Cavediver--you're doing so well, but it's totally natural to have a bad day and need a pick-me-up. We've all been there. Don't feel guilty about your feelings--that's what makes us human. Hang in there--this will soon pass and you'll be better and stronger than ever before. We're all holding your hand.

  • waffle8
    waffle8 Member Posts: 234
    Whining? Whats that girlfriend? Go ahead and do what ever gets you thru it.....Sending you lots of blessings....
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    waffle8 said:

    Whining? Whats that girlfriend? Go ahead and do what ever gets you thru it.....Sending you lots of blessings....

    Cavediver and Putzie .. You two WOMEN - Rock
    5 chemo's down .. Anyone who dives in the deep ocean water or pole dances with their IV chemo treatment pole .. are CHEMO Queens in my book.

    I endured 18 weeks of straight TCH chemo treatments .. crawled to the finish line .. fainting and fatigued (no joke) .. so I am with you in spirit.

    We are PINK WARRIORS STUPID chemo treatment is going to keep us down for long:

    Vicki Sam
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hey Cavediver
    Go ahead and whine, cry or whatever you want. I always feel better after I get it out. Sometimes you just have to. Hang in there. This bc stuff is certainly an emotional roller coaster. Keep you chin up and keep a positive attitude. I do have my down days, but more up days. We are all here for you. Hugs. Jean
  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member
    Only had 4
    I swore up and down after my 3rd chemo I was not going again. My husband and oncologist talked to me about my feelings and helped me work my way through the misery. I did manage to go for my last chemo and glad it was finally over. Chemo is such a difficult path to go down but there is light, laughter, and life at the end of the tunnel. We all feel your dread and here to support your battle. Relax, think about cave diving, and get some rest. We will be waiting here for your return and report of your day.

  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    your comments were what got me through
    Thanks to all of you...I met with onc and told him of some new side effects and my 'down mood'...he too pumped me up and said #5 is over the hump, and we stand a good chance to beat this beast! So, I was there for my 3.5 hours...........home and feeling fine now, nuelasta shot tomorrow..............and I know what is coming with side effects and maybe a few surprises. Just knowing many of you had the same feelings makes me feel validated on this. Damn, I am going to get over all these topes that life put in my roadway.......and I will follow the advice to not look back, and not look too far forward...just deal with present one day at a time .. going in the right direction. Can't be any more thankful that I found this site! May we all get through our journey and yes, Kick Cancer's Butt!
  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    Aortus said:

    Consider yourself boosted!
    I predict you will actually feel a lot better after getting #5 under your belt. Yeah, the effects are cumulative, and yeah, you will have three more afterward. But Moopy still got a second wind after #4, and it really helped. So rock on, and enjoy the sight of the half way point receding in your rear view mirror!

    thanks for the rear view mirro image.........Yeah, 5 cycles down, one horrible surgery....good view to have behind me....Thank you! Good luck to you on your journey
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    cavediver said:

    your comments were what got me through
    Thanks to all of you...I met with onc and told him of some new side effects and my 'down mood'...he too pumped me up and said #5 is over the hump, and we stand a good chance to beat this beast! So, I was there for my 3.5 hours...........home and feeling fine now, nuelasta shot tomorrow..............and I know what is coming with side effects and maybe a few surprises. Just knowing many of you had the same feelings makes me feel validated on this. Damn, I am going to get over all these topes that life put in my roadway.......and I will follow the advice to not look back, and not look too far forward...just deal with present one day at a time .. going in the right direction. Can't be any more thankful that I found this site! May we all get through our journey and yes, Kick Cancer's Butt!

    You're MORE than halfway done. HUGE accomplishment today. :-)

    Yep - we're all here to support & encourage each other, no matter what.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    You're MORE than halfway done. HUGE accomplishment today. :-)

    Yep - we're all here to support & encourage each other, no matter what.

    Kind regards, Susan

    I swore EVERY time I wasnt
    I swore EVERY time I wasnt going. My husband would say"get in the car" I did very poorly on chemo and never thought it would be over, but I got through it. and BTW my heart rate was elevated too at rest 131 was the highest.but my blood pressure was low too. Now my BP is still low but my heart rate is in the 70's but it took several weeks. Just to tell you it gets better. In the midst of everything it is so hard to see that finish line but if you look really hard you can see it, and we are beside you pushing you on. !!!!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    cavediver said:

    thanks for boost & support
    Susan and Cindy, thanks for your is always good to hear others have felt the same way. I will talk to onc prior to the infusion about my concerns and mood. I know I have to go and continue on this journey to get to the end and will follow your advice to think of just today.......that I think I can get through! This site has been a lifesaver in so many ways.

    Sending you a boost too! I
    Sending you a boost too! I know the journey seems long, but, you can do it. We will all help you!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    carkris said:

    I swore EVERY time I wasnt
    I swore EVERY time I wasnt going. My husband would say"get in the car" I did very poorly on chemo and never thought it would be over, but I got through it. and BTW my heart rate was elevated too at rest 131 was the highest.but my blood pressure was low too. Now my BP is still low but my heart rate is in the 70's but it took several weeks. Just to tell you it gets better. In the midst of everything it is so hard to see that finish line but if you look really hard you can see it, and we are beside you pushing you on. !!!!

    bp and heart rate
    glad to hear I am not alone on this one too. Onc said it is just another side effect from one of the cocktail mixes. Since I have stopped taking my bp meds....bp seems within normal ranges now. the elevated pulse I was told today would be addressed if they were in the 100 plus all the time. Now I range from 90 - 121.........but mostly in 90's. Again, nice to hear I am not the only one and feel better as always after hearing from all of you.
    Obviously, chemo night I have gotten a second breath...cannot get to sleep yet...........
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Cavediver - you are more than half-way done!
    Who's to hold you back? Hurry up and get her DONE!

    I had my days where I dragged my feet but I knew
    with each one I got closer to my finish line.

    I actually got upset one time when my doctor was
    hesitant and almost sent me home because my
    blood counts.
