Pet Therapy

MNLynn Member Posts: 224
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I would just like to say that I am thankful for my dogs who stayed by my side when I couldn't do anything else but just rest at home after my surgeries. I could tell them all about my worries and they just stayed by my side and listened to me! I see that many of you have animals in your pics . . . did they also help you get through those tough days?


  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Yes, my dog is part of my support group!
    Jake, my Vizsla, has been a large part of my support group every day. I had my surgeries in Dec., chemo from January til May and am now on my third week of rads. Every afternoon I take a rest on the couch while watching old movies. Sometimes I sleep, sometimes not. But, Jake is always with my on that couch--he's loveable, cuddly, and is wonderful to have while I'm at home alone. He seems to understand my ups and downs and is right there beside me, touching me always, when I'm feeling especially low. He's the best!

  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member
    missrenee said:

    Yes, my dog is part of my support group!
    Jake, my Vizsla, has been a large part of my support group every day. I had my surgeries in Dec., chemo from January til May and am now on my third week of rads. Every afternoon I take a rest on the couch while watching old movies. Sometimes I sleep, sometimes not. But, Jake is always with my on that couch--he's loveable, cuddly, and is wonderful to have while I'm at home alone. He seems to understand my ups and downs and is right there beside me, touching me always, when I'm feeling especially low. He's the best!


    I am so jealous
    Miss Renee,

    A Vizsula, how wonderful. We had a female for 11 years and miss her to this day. She (Gretchen) was the nurse dog for my husband while he was in a body cast for 6 months. She was at his side every day. What a wonderful breed of dog. We now have 2 Wire Hair Terrors, which are just as great for warming your sole.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    My horses have always been my strength!
    I do not know how I would have gotten through many things/times in my life without my horses always being there.

    Taxol beat the 'humph' out of me and we had a very bad winter so I didn't always get out to them twice a day (or even once a day) for days on end at time (Hubby and Son took care of them) but just knowing they were there gave me so much strength to keep on "keepin' on".

    My old Gordon Setter started laying beside the couch (which is where I basically spent the days). The day before I had surgery, I stopped at the local Humane Society - don't know why completely but just felt the need to do it that day. Hubby had lost his 'little girl' in Sept. and was looking for a C o o n Hound. (C o o n Hound as in Racoon Hound but it got ****'d) Well - there was a B&T C o o n Hound in there so I told him about her. As soon as I was in my room after surgery, he and Son took off to see her. He got her but she had to stay there for 2 days to be spayed before she left. she's a very rambunctious hound but when she came home, she was a little sweetheart with me while Hubby was at work. thought that was back in Oct., she still is different with me than Hubby but that is more that I DEMAND 'better' behavior from her now than he dose (I was always the disciplinarian with the boys too LOL)
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    We had Howie,a 5 yr old Papillon, who is really my husbands dog. Right in the middle of rads, I found Honey (another Papillon), she was 2 months old and the sweetest thing on 4 legs I'd ever met. She's 6 months old now and still living up to her name.

    We also had 3 cats, but now, just 1 (saddness!) I really need to update the photo.

  • slynch
    slynch Member Posts: 82
    I have the sweetest little chihuahua that stayed right by me everyday that I was at home after my surgery. If I sat down he sat down, if I laid down he was either on my legs or beside me. He would look at me as if to tell me that I was going to be okay that he would be there for me and he was. I was so amazed at what a comfort he was to me. I could fuss, cry, complain about being in pain and he just listened and never judged. It was amazing.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    There are many, many pet lovers amongst us. My profile photo is of Abigail, first dog of my own, and my sole 24/7 companion during the most difficult year of my life - cancer treatment (which began almost 7 years ago). I use her photo to both honor her memory, in rememberance of how much she helped me get through those worst of days, and in hopes that her pretty little face might bring a smile to my pink sisters here. Now, we have Lulu - her photo can be found within the Expressions section of my homepage.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member

    There are many, many pet lovers amongst us. My profile photo is of Abigail, first dog of my own, and my sole 24/7 companion during the most difficult year of my life - cancer treatment (which began almost 7 years ago). I use her photo to both honor her memory, in rememberance of how much she helped me get through those worst of days, and in hopes that her pretty little face might bring a smile to my pink sisters here. Now, we have Lulu - her photo can be found within the Expressions section of my homepage.

    Kind regards, Susan

    There is nothing like a warm, loving kitty or doggie
    laying by your side looking at you with those wonderful, adoring eyes (before they fall asleep). During chemo I was in bed at least 3/4 of the time and I always had my sweet Emily and/or Lucy with me. It was wonderful to see those little furkids laying there. They seemed to know it wasn't just "mama" taking a nap and therefore they never came up directly in my face (like kitties do) but stayed by my side so as not to disturb me. I find looking into those sweet faces always a source of comfort and peace, but during those weeks it was special.

    I also love looking at everyone's animals in your avitars and I am hoping Ragu-Susan will post pics of her horses..... (or did I miss them>?)

    Woof, meow, whinny....Judy :-)
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Skeezie said:

    There is nothing like a warm, loving kitty or doggie
    laying by your side looking at you with those wonderful, adoring eyes (before they fall asleep). During chemo I was in bed at least 3/4 of the time and I always had my sweet Emily and/or Lucy with me. It was wonderful to see those little furkids laying there. They seemed to know it wasn't just "mama" taking a nap and therefore they never came up directly in my face (like kitties do) but stayed by my side so as not to disturb me. I find looking into those sweet faces always a source of comfort and peace, but during those weeks it was special.

    I also love looking at everyone's animals in your avitars and I am hoping Ragu-Susan will post pics of her horses..... (or did I miss them>?)

    Woof, meow, whinny....Judy :-)

    I have instance respect for anyone who considers their
    4 legged dogs part of their families. My girls - Bailey Storm (Morkie Hybrid dog 1/2 Yorkie & 1/2 Maltese) is my shadow and has been for 11 months .. In fact she has gained 3 pounds due to lack of activity - my little angel. Emma Rose is a 4 lb Yorkie .. who has a proud spirit about her .. she has taken over being in charge of our home and yard - while Bailey - watches over me.

    Special Blessings is what they are. In fact, little Emma is sitting on my lap as I type, and Bailey is at my feet.

    When I drive locally - Bailey and Emma are strapped into their pet seat and off we go! It is a site ..

    Vicki Sam
  • KayNYC
    KayNYC Member Posts: 495 Member
    likewise grateful to my dog and cats
    Pets are therapeutic. Yes, my Chihuahua (16 yrs old) and my four cats (three longhaired and one Siamese) were my constant companions after surgery and rads. Petting them was soothing and surely helped me relax when I was uncomfortable with the seroma after my surgery. They stayed close and watchful. My Persian, Abigail took the job as "nurse". I'd wake in the middle of the night and she would be at my side watching, watching for my eyes to open. Interestingly, the dog who cuddled up to my left breast at night for over the last year moved after the Lumpectomy; she moved to the small of my back and remains there now when I sleep. There have been studies showing animals can smell cancer but I guess I'll neer know for sure...