Difficulty swallowing---Needing Prayer
Shared on the prayer discussion boardDLS5419 said:Tomorrow
Tomorrow we hopefully find out Barium Swallow "results"...I say say that in quotes because that only confirmed there was a something poking out in her esophagus. The next step is the Endoscopy on July 23...I guess they might move it up if they are really concerned. I wonder what "it" is exactly? I guess prayer tonight for the doctor to have a clear idea of the next steps for mom...gosh that barium has wreaked havoc on mom...colitis all day. She looked so weak and dehydrated...I felt so bad for her. That stuff is wicked. All the tests are. It just bites you feel bad, so they poke and prod...which makes you feel worse...and then they come up with a solution to make you feel better, but in order to get to that solution you must feel bad...sometimes very bad as treatment progresses...to feel good again. :P The ups and downs. I know it must be hard to feel like she has felt. It amazes me at how strong she is and she doesn't even realize it. I am so blessed to have my mom here. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family, such a wonderful fiancé, and such a marvelous God. We have this poem hanging on the wall in our house. I remember when we received it as a gift before mom was officially in remission...Enjoy. God bless. Details tomorrow.
What Cancer Cannot Do
Cancer is so limited,
(Yet In All These Things)
It cannot cripple love, it cannot
(We Are More Than Conquerors Through)
Shatter hope,
(Him Who Loves Us)
It cannot corrode faith, it cannot
(For I Am Persuaded That Neither Death Nor Life,)
Destroy peace,
(Nor Principalities Nor Powers,)
It cannot kill friendship, it cannot
(Nor Things Present Nor Things To Come,)
Suppress memories,
(Nor Height Depth, Nor Any Created Things,
It cannot silence courage, it cannot
(Shall Be Able To Separate Us)
Invade the Soul
(From The Love Of God,)
It cannot steal eternal life,
(Which Is In)
It Cannot
(Christ Jesus Our Lord) Romans 8:37-39
Conquer the Spirit.
I thought you might like to hear my mom's testimony.
I remember praying the night mom was in the hospital. I had just turned 14 years old (2004). Mom had stage 4 tonsil cancer that had metastasized to her left lymph nodes and reached to her carotid artery. They had given her 22 treatments of radiation and 2 types of chemo...which almost killed her. That night I had seen mom in the most severe pain I have ever seen anyone experience; no meds could touch it. She was burnt from the inside out (esophagus all the way up to her lips were sores) and she was on TPN through a port. She was deaf in one ear and her immune system was completely compromised. They prepared us for the worst. She was only 40 at the time. My dad was in total emotional shock...understandable. But there was something so disturbing about that pain...I could not stand it. I went home and begged God for His help. I just begged for her to have a peace that passes ALL peace...a peace like the sound of angels singing...a peace only HE could give her. I prayed for Jesus to hold her...to take her pain away. That night I gave it to Him. I found this letter from mom to a friend who was losing a father to cancer. Here is mom's version the story and her miracle:
My dear friend,
I did not know (and still do not know who) that you recently lost someone so dear to you. I needed to send you a special message.
We have known each other for so very long and I believe with all I am that our Father is so faithful he puts people into our lives even if it is momentary to remind us that He is carrying us through our pain. I know death. I was so close to death in May 2004. I will tell you that I had people praying for me I did not know. I was in the hospital and had been septic and in so much pain for 4 days. Now, I want you to read what I am telling you and know for certain of God's comfort for His children at death.
I could not see very well and had lost almost all of my hearing due to an overload of chemo and radiation. Nothing was helping and I was being treated for severe burns. I drifted off and woke up to music in the next room over. I was so surprised to actually hear music playing. It was Christian music and I figured I couldn't place the songs due to the level of drugs being forced into me. Each song was so familiar and beautiful, Brad. It did not stop all night. People came into my room and I didn't even care. I was so comforted by the songs being sung and the music of my neighbor. I couldn't see one person from the other because they had to dress in scrubs anyway. I rested all night into the next day feeling less pain than I had in days. I was so glad that the Dr.'s finally found a combination of meds to help me. When Dani and Van insisted I open my eyes to listen to them, I was a little annoyed because I was resting so well. I had lost my voice due to vocal cord burns, but whispered to each of them that I could hear the beautiful songs. I asked what the names of the songs were beause they were so familiar and I knew they would know them. I could not hear them try to talk to me, but remember wondering why they looked so sad when I was obviously feeling better and more rested. For the next 4 days I rested and listened to the beautiful choir sing and the melodies flowed through the room and quieted my thoughts and pain. Time was not important and I was able to focus on the love of my family without having to struggle with words. I thanked God for my neighbor in the hospital and prayed the person would get better, but also secretly wanted them to stay since I could hear music for the first time in so long.
On the 8th morning, I awoke in tremendous pain with no more music. Doctors were in my room with Dani and Van. Nurses were poking and moving me. I hurt so badly and was upset I couldn't hear. I whispered to Dani and Van who were very very happy (which made me confused)...... did my neighbor leave? I miss the music I told them. I need better pain medicine again I explained tears streaming down my face. They were making arrangements for home health care so I could be transported home. I thought to myself that they were crazy! I was worse!
Brad, I was better.......there was no neighbor. There was no music from another room. I had been barely responsive and my medicine had not been changed or lessened.
I was given the chance to hear just a little of the sweet sounds of Heaven. Death does not hurt Brad. To everyone around me, it looked very painful and upsetting. To me, I felt better than I had in months and rested wonderfully to the songs of angels and saints singing. It was as clear as an ipod with headphones. Beautiful and clear. Comforting and soft. The melodies were as familiar as my husband and child. When God let me stay, the pain of life returned. I am so blessed to be here and felt The Holy Spirit telling me to explain death to you. I listen when Christ moves in me. I owe Him!
You can count on prayers of your friends and the Love of your Holy Father. Death, although it seems bad to those around us, does not hurt.
I hope to all who get the chance to read this understand: my prayer was answered. The next day after asking for mom to have peace, I walked in the room to her smiling. It was a strange smile and she could only whisper what she was hearing...beautiful music. The angels were singing. My Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Our heavenly Father is with you every second...even on death's door. My mom lived. She survived. I truly believe she was meant to share her miracle and help others who are going through such difficult times. God is with you. As you walk through this valley, do not be afraid. He is with you.
Dani0 -
A Little bit scared...DLS5419 said:Tomorrow
Tomorrow we hopefully find out Barium Swallow "results"...I say say that in quotes because that only confirmed there was a something poking out in her esophagus. The next step is the Endoscopy on July 23...I guess they might move it up if they are really concerned. I wonder what "it" is exactly? I guess prayer tonight for the doctor to have a clear idea of the next steps for mom...gosh that barium has wreaked havoc on mom...colitis all day. She looked so weak and dehydrated...I felt so bad for her. That stuff is wicked. All the tests are. It just bites you feel bad, so they poke and prod...which makes you feel worse...and then they come up with a solution to make you feel better, but in order to get to that solution you must feel bad...sometimes very bad as treatment progresses...to feel good again. :P The ups and downs. I know it must be hard to feel like she has felt. It amazes me at how strong she is and she doesn't even realize it. I am so blessed to have my mom here. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family, such a wonderful fiancé, and such a marvelous God. We have this poem hanging on the wall in our house. I remember when we received it as a gift before mom was officially in remission...Enjoy. God bless. Details tomorrow.
What Cancer Cannot Do
Cancer is so limited,
(Yet In All These Things)
It cannot cripple love, it cannot
(We Are More Than Conquerors Through)
Shatter hope,
(Him Who Loves Us)
It cannot corrode faith, it cannot
(For I Am Persuaded That Neither Death Nor Life,)
Destroy peace,
(Nor Principalities Nor Powers,)
It cannot kill friendship, it cannot
(Nor Things Present Nor Things To Come,)
Suppress memories,
(Nor Height Depth, Nor Any Created Things,
It cannot silence courage, it cannot
(Shall Be Able To Separate Us)
Invade the Soul
(From The Love Of God,)
It cannot steal eternal life,
(Which Is In)
It Cannot
(Christ Jesus Our Lord) Romans 8:37-39
Conquer the Spirit.
Hey my fellow friends and prayer warriors.
I am hoping tomorrow we will officially receive some information about the Barium swallow and the coming up endoscopy. Today was a tough day on mom...really tough. Even though we entertained ourselves all day with fun bejeweled on facebook, I noticed mom kept repeating herself. She looked pale, and was continuously sweating. I went out to eat dinner with a friend and came home to her shaking and breathing deeply trying to get air...she was blue in the feet and hands and very pale...FLASH BACK to my first post, last paragraph. I remembered 3 years ago when this happened and her pulse ox had dropped to low 80s, so I helped her get up and get to the freezer; something about the cold air helps. Her feet stayed blue-ish...like purple and blue. I stayed calm and we laughed a little because this is getting ridiculous. However, she is officially out of denial and a little scared. Her symptoms are strange. They range all over the board: choking, weight loss, dull pain in lower throat, bad colon issues, sweating, shaking, headaches, and today: not breathing well and turning blue! I know my mom...and for all this to hit at once is rare for her. She usually deals with one or two bad things, but this is an appetizer tray of symptoms. I know she feels like there is no connect the dots. I know it sounds a little over the top even as I am typing them, but that is a lot of issues. I am just so glad I pushed her to slow down and go to the doctor. I asked a little more about the barium swallow...I was mistaken about the placement of this "knot" in her esophagus. It is a couple of inches directly under the opening into her esophagus, which is higher up than I thought. We talked for a while about her concerns and kind of sat there just looking at each other. We did not have to say a word to know she has to call the doctor tomorrow. I helped her to bed (we were inn the bathroom looking at her blue self--she was starting to look a little smirfish until I got her back into bed. When she finally got settled she turned pink again. I "know" not to worry and just add some prayer to the mix, which I am doing, but I am still scared. As you can tell...we are really close and I love my mom so much. All I can ask from yall is prayer and support tonight. My birthday is Monday. I hope she can get to feeling better by then.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-40 -
PrayersDLS5419 said:A Little bit scared...
Hey my fellow friends and prayer warriors.
I am hoping tomorrow we will officially receive some information about the Barium swallow and the coming up endoscopy. Today was a tough day on mom...really tough. Even though we entertained ourselves all day with fun bejeweled on facebook, I noticed mom kept repeating herself. She looked pale, and was continuously sweating. I went out to eat dinner with a friend and came home to her shaking and breathing deeply trying to get air...she was blue in the feet and hands and very pale...FLASH BACK to my first post, last paragraph. I remembered 3 years ago when this happened and her pulse ox had dropped to low 80s, so I helped her get up and get to the freezer; something about the cold air helps. Her feet stayed blue-ish...like purple and blue. I stayed calm and we laughed a little because this is getting ridiculous. However, she is officially out of denial and a little scared. Her symptoms are strange. They range all over the board: choking, weight loss, dull pain in lower throat, bad colon issues, sweating, shaking, headaches, and today: not breathing well and turning blue! I know my mom...and for all this to hit at once is rare for her. She usually deals with one or two bad things, but this is an appetizer tray of symptoms. I know she feels like there is no connect the dots. I know it sounds a little over the top even as I am typing them, but that is a lot of issues. I am just so glad I pushed her to slow down and go to the doctor. I asked a little more about the barium swallow...I was mistaken about the placement of this "knot" in her esophagus. It is a couple of inches directly under the opening into her esophagus, which is higher up than I thought. We talked for a while about her concerns and kind of sat there just looking at each other. We did not have to say a word to know she has to call the doctor tomorrow. I helped her to bed (we were inn the bathroom looking at her blue self--she was starting to look a little smirfish until I got her back into bed. When she finally got settled she turned pink again. I "know" not to worry and just add some prayer to the mix, which I am doing, but I am still scared. As you can tell...we are really close and I love my mom so much. All I can ask from yall is prayer and support tonight. My birthday is Monday. I hope she can get to feeling better by then.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4</p>
Praying for you and your mom. Please keep us posted when you get any of the test results. Hoping your mom is better so you can celebrate your birthday ;-0 My daughter's birthday is Monday also.
Happy early birthday wishes.
Glenna0 -
Dani, I'm so sorry your momDLS5419 said:A Little bit scared...
Hey my fellow friends and prayer warriors.
I am hoping tomorrow we will officially receive some information about the Barium swallow and the coming up endoscopy. Today was a tough day on mom...really tough. Even though we entertained ourselves all day with fun bejeweled on facebook, I noticed mom kept repeating herself. She looked pale, and was continuously sweating. I went out to eat dinner with a friend and came home to her shaking and breathing deeply trying to get air...she was blue in the feet and hands and very pale...FLASH BACK to my first post, last paragraph. I remembered 3 years ago when this happened and her pulse ox had dropped to low 80s, so I helped her get up and get to the freezer; something about the cold air helps. Her feet stayed blue-ish...like purple and blue. I stayed calm and we laughed a little because this is getting ridiculous. However, she is officially out of denial and a little scared. Her symptoms are strange. They range all over the board: choking, weight loss, dull pain in lower throat, bad colon issues, sweating, shaking, headaches, and today: not breathing well and turning blue! I know my mom...and for all this to hit at once is rare for her. She usually deals with one or two bad things, but this is an appetizer tray of symptoms. I know she feels like there is no connect the dots. I know it sounds a little over the top even as I am typing them, but that is a lot of issues. I am just so glad I pushed her to slow down and go to the doctor. I asked a little more about the barium swallow...I was mistaken about the placement of this "knot" in her esophagus. It is a couple of inches directly under the opening into her esophagus, which is higher up than I thought. We talked for a while about her concerns and kind of sat there just looking at each other. We did not have to say a word to know she has to call the doctor tomorrow. I helped her to bed (we were inn the bathroom looking at her blue self--she was starting to look a little smirfish until I got her back into bed. When she finally got settled she turned pink again. I "know" not to worry and just add some prayer to the mix, which I am doing, but I am still scared. As you can tell...we are really close and I love my mom so much. All I can ask from yall is prayer and support tonight. My birthday is Monday. I hope she can get to feeling better by then.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4</p>
Dani, I'm so sorry your mom is going thru this but I'm thankfull she has you in her court. You seem to be a wonderful daughter and it is extremely obvious how much you love her. She is in my prayers as are you and your dad.
I'm really glad she had the test done. Now they can find out the real problem and hopefully take care of it. I'm praying for God to bless and heal her as from you talking about her, I think she is needed here on earth a while longer. I know that waiting for the tests and tests results is very hard but try to be patient. I do hope the doctors can get her endoscopy done before July 23. I will pray about that also.
Dani, I am truly sorry for the hell that you're going thru and I will always have you in my prayers.
Thank you for sharing the poem and your mom's letter with us, I really enjoyed it and found it inspiritonal.
God Bless you friend,
debbie0 -
my heart is with you and your travolesDLS5419 said:Shared on the prayer discussion board
I thought you might like to hear my mom's testimony.
I remember praying the night mom was in the hospital. I had just turned 14 years old (2004). Mom had stage 4 tonsil cancer that had metastasized to her left lymph nodes and reached to her carotid artery. They had given her 22 treatments of radiation and 2 types of chemo...which almost killed her. That night I had seen mom in the most severe pain I have ever seen anyone experience; no meds could touch it. She was burnt from the inside out (esophagus all the way up to her lips were sores) and she was on TPN through a port. She was deaf in one ear and her immune system was completely compromised. They prepared us for the worst. She was only 40 at the time. My dad was in total emotional shock...understandable. But there was something so disturbing about that pain...I could not stand it. I went home and begged God for His help. I just begged for her to have a peace that passes ALL peace...a peace like the sound of angels singing...a peace only HE could give her. I prayed for Jesus to hold her...to take her pain away. That night I gave it to Him. I found this letter from mom to a friend who was losing a father to cancer. Here is mom's version the story and her miracle:
My dear friend,
I did not know (and still do not know who) that you recently lost someone so dear to you. I needed to send you a special message.
We have known each other for so very long and I believe with all I am that our Father is so faithful he puts people into our lives even if it is momentary to remind us that He is carrying us through our pain. I know death. I was so close to death in May 2004. I will tell you that I had people praying for me I did not know. I was in the hospital and had been septic and in so much pain for 4 days. Now, I want you to read what I am telling you and know for certain of God's comfort for His children at death.
I could not see very well and had lost almost all of my hearing due to an overload of chemo and radiation. Nothing was helping and I was being treated for severe burns. I drifted off and woke up to music in the next room over. I was so surprised to actually hear music playing. It was Christian music and I figured I couldn't place the songs due to the level of drugs being forced into me. Each song was so familiar and beautiful, Brad. It did not stop all night. People came into my room and I didn't even care. I was so comforted by the songs being sung and the music of my neighbor. I couldn't see one person from the other because they had to dress in scrubs anyway. I rested all night into the next day feeling less pain than I had in days. I was so glad that the Dr.'s finally found a combination of meds to help me. When Dani and Van insisted I open my eyes to listen to them, I was a little annoyed because I was resting so well. I had lost my voice due to vocal cord burns, but whispered to each of them that I could hear the beautiful songs. I asked what the names of the songs were beause they were so familiar and I knew they would know them. I could not hear them try to talk to me, but remember wondering why they looked so sad when I was obviously feeling better and more rested. For the next 4 days I rested and listened to the beautiful choir sing and the melodies flowed through the room and quieted my thoughts and pain. Time was not important and I was able to focus on the love of my family without having to struggle with words. I thanked God for my neighbor in the hospital and prayed the person would get better, but also secretly wanted them to stay since I could hear music for the first time in so long.
On the 8th morning, I awoke in tremendous pain with no more music. Doctors were in my room with Dani and Van. Nurses were poking and moving me. I hurt so badly and was upset I couldn't hear. I whispered to Dani and Van who were very very happy (which made me confused)...... did my neighbor leave? I miss the music I told them. I need better pain medicine again I explained tears streaming down my face. They were making arrangements for home health care so I could be transported home. I thought to myself that they were crazy! I was worse!
Brad, I was better.......there was no neighbor. There was no music from another room. I had been barely responsive and my medicine had not been changed or lessened.
I was given the chance to hear just a little of the sweet sounds of Heaven. Death does not hurt Brad. To everyone around me, it looked very painful and upsetting. To me, I felt better than I had in months and rested wonderfully to the songs of angels and saints singing. It was as clear as an ipod with headphones. Beautiful and clear. Comforting and soft. The melodies were as familiar as my husband and child. When God let me stay, the pain of life returned. I am so blessed to be here and felt The Holy Spirit telling me to explain death to you. I listen when Christ moves in me. I owe Him!
You can count on prayers of your friends and the Love of your Holy Father. Death, although it seems bad to those around us, does not hurt.
I hope to all who get the chance to read this understand: my prayer was answered. The next day after asking for mom to have peace, I walked in the room to her smiling. It was a strange smile and she could only whisper what she was hearing...beautiful music. The angels were singing. My Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Our heavenly Father is with you every second...even on death's door. My mom lived. She survived. I truly believe she was meant to share her miracle and help others who are going through such difficult times. God is with you. As you walk through this valley, do not be afraid. He is with you.
My weekend was a roughone, i fought the emergency, due to hard breathing etc. I couldn't figure out if its allegeries, sinus, I went the last time at there wasn't alot said call your doctor Monday..THANKS BOYS, Here's my 100!I had my trach removed, my throat has swollen for the last 3 weeks, teh say there is progress. i still hav no voice, just a whipser, I may or may not get a voice back, waslking up the steeps left me breathlestless, i would breah it the humifder. Doctor doesn't see me for anohter 4 weeks, would i be better off wit a neck strentch or that barium treatment, i do not want the trach back, but said my canverour was the worst one, and there trying to get the most out of it, iwas taking the meds, but i am so tired today, hard breathing, i went down to one, to get me off them, anyone near me same boat. let me know...take care. Dennis, breath sounds so raspy, and guurggly?0 -
your momDLS5419 said:Freaked out.....!
Mom had her Barium swallow test today....they would not let me or my dad go into the room with her. Mom drew me a picture of what she saw. She said she saw the barium as it traveled down her esophagus (in between the 1's) and the "D" is a small "growth" obstructing her esophagus... hence the choking on food/pills. When the food particle reaches that area, if it does not pass closer to the right, it gets caught and she chokes/aspirates.
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
D 1----- the "D" is a kind of a nub, but Radiologist called it a web
1 1
1 1
1 1
The radiologist used the word WEB to describe it to mom, but her description is more of a little nub...he said mom also has a place near her neck vertebrae that look like this. He knew her background and told her that he was going to study and re-examine her test results before calling her Dr, but we should know more Wednesday. Prayers please.
God bless.
After 3 years out from tonsil cancer I too am starting to find it difficult to swallow. warm water helps but I find myself chocking more often when I eat. I recently had two bad sinus infections and I was wondering if things get stuck that are natural drainage.
I was sleeping in my recliner like I use to when I was going through the radiation/chemo. I do not want to start this again. Anyone post cancer ever experience this?
how is your Mother doing
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