Another CT scan for chris tomorrow

MelanieT Member Posts: 186
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi My Friends,
So chris was set up for his 3 month check up CT on July 30th.. But he is still feelingt really sick so his Dr ordered some blood word. Well friday the dr called me and asked me how much chris is drinking on a daily basis? I told him in the last 3wks to a month, none. it makes him too sick.. he said hummmm his liver count is off. I want to scan him Monday.. I am confused... why do they just say its off? why not tell me what that means or what is normal? He has too many symptoms anymore for me to even understand if things are cancer related, chemo related or surgery related... I want to get off this roller coaster ride!!!! im dizzy!! lol lol love ya all



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  • vhtqm1
    vhtqm1 Member Posts: 107

    without a doubt this is a roller coaster ride. at least his doctor moved up the date for the scan. ask for copies of blood test results and here is what your looking for in relationship to Liver Function.. RBC, Platelet, ALT, AST, Alkaline Phosphatase, Bilirubin Total, Bilirubin Direct,TIBC, UIBC, Iron, Ferritin, would also look at Hemoglobin, Hematocrit etc...if anything is out of range highlight it and ask the Doctor what it means. hopefully this will help you?

  • MelanieT
    MelanieT Member Posts: 186
    CT came back ok.. the only
    CT came back ok.. the only thing they want to watch is "mass like thickening" on the wall of the abdomen on the left side, what ever that they only did the CT of the abdomen. they will do a full body scan July 30th... thanks everyone

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    MelanieT said:

    CT came back ok.. the only
    CT came back ok.. the only thing they want to watch is "mass like thickening" on the wall of the abdomen on the left side, what ever that they only did the CT of the abdomen. they will do a full body scan July 30th... thanks everyone


    Keep us posted
    Glad things came back ok, please stay strong...

  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    dorookie said:

    Keep us posted
    Glad things came back ok, please stay strong...


    Hey Mel....
    Praying everything works out good for Chris. You asked in my post how long I had been NED before the recurrence...... NED came Dec 1st, 2009.... so... about 7 months... I feel blessed to have had that and fingers crossed on another NED soon. Give Chris a hug for me and let him know we are all right there with him. You take care too!



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