how wonderful is this site?!?

heidijez Member Posts: 441
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
i am so happy that i found this place - it is one of the first things i check out in the morning when i wake up and the last place i look at before going to bed (not to mention referring to it all through the day).

there are so many wonderful women (and men) who are willing to share their experiences, offer encouragement, ask questions that i am hesitant to ask, provide humor, and allow us to vent!!

so i just want to thank all of you - you mean so much to me! and keep on posting ; )



  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Wonderful site!
    This site is great! And, I am also so thankful for it as I know everyone else is!

    We all have so many fears, concerns and questions that this is the ONE PLACE where everyone does get it!

    It is like our little safe haven where everyone understands.

    Very thankful for it...

    Sue :)
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    It is a wonderful site. Till
    It is a wonderful site. Till recently, my friends and family (most of them live far so we communicated thru Facebook) have been my support. Their prayers and words got me this far. But for some reason I started to feel I was making everyone sad or worried about me everytime I expressed my feelings or pains, so i stopped, then I found this site. And it feels great to be able to share what I feel, that so many can get it cause they have felt it too. So I dont feel bad sharing. Thank you all!

  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    Pinkpower said:

    It is a wonderful site. Till
    It is a wonderful site. Till recently, my friends and family (most of them live far so we communicated thru Facebook) have been my support. Their prayers and words got me this far. But for some reason I started to feel I was making everyone sad or worried about me everytime I expressed my feelings or pains, so i stopped, then I found this site. And it feels great to be able to share what I feel, that so many can get it cause they have felt it too. So I dont feel bad sharing. Thank you all!


    I love this site and all of wonderful bc sisters in pink! I didn't know I had so many sisters!

    We can vent, cry, give info, share good and bad news, just let it all "hang out"! LOL

    This is a remarkable site!

    BUT, I hope someday when I try to log in it is CLOSED, due to bc being cured and eliminated from the face of the earth!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
  • MNLynn
    MNLynn Member Posts: 224
    Pinkpower said:

    It is a wonderful site. Till
    It is a wonderful site. Till recently, my friends and family (most of them live far so we communicated thru Facebook) have been my support. Their prayers and words got me this far. But for some reason I started to feel I was making everyone sad or worried about me everytime I expressed my feelings or pains, so i stopped, then I found this site. And it feels great to be able to share what I feel, that so many can get it cause they have felt it too. So I dont feel bad sharing. Thank you all!


    Pinkpower - well said . . .
    I know what you mean about "making everyone sad or worried about me everytime I expressed my feelings or pains" . . . this is a great place to come and express those feelings to others who so completely understand . . .
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    This site is Wonderful!
    I think that I am addicted to this site. I could be on here for hours just reading & reading. I have great support from my husband, sons, daughter-in-laws, other family & friends. However, this is different and you are all special. Hugs to all! Jean
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Heidi -
    You said it - like some others have said, I have wonderful friends and family who would do anything for me but I don't want their lives to be all about cancer. When I come here, I get and see the talk, questions, and answers that I need and can only hope to help others as the "sisters in pink" have helped me. Thanks for saying what many of us have been thinking!

  • Hope 2010
    Hope 2010 Member Posts: 62
    Ditto! I love this site.
    Ditto! I love this site. You ladies and gents have helped me out so much whenever I'm lost and confused. I don't post too much because a lot of times I'm not sure what to say...good news or bad... while others are so good at it. :)

    I read most of the posting just to understand some of the things that 'MAY happen' if my treatment goes in that direction. It's also reassuring that days when I think I'm losing my mind or break down crying, or wondering why me... that there are others out there going through the same thing.

    Although I hate the fact of why this site has brought us together, I'm glad that found you all. It makes taking this scary journey a little easier.

    Thank you so much,
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Very wonderful!
    I gravitate to it daily as I feel a connection with everyone here.

    This is a place where no matter the miles between us, we have a place to gather together.
    How cool is that?
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    I'm with you sister -I sit
    I'm with you sister -I sit on the couch with my laptop & check out this site with my coffee each morning, and check back again in the evening. The support and encouragement that I find on here are part of the reason I'm handling this crappy hand that I've been dealt so well.
    You all rock!
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    Pinkpower said:

    It is a wonderful site. Till
    It is a wonderful site. Till recently, my friends and family (most of them live far so we communicated thru Facebook) have been my support. Their prayers and words got me this far. But for some reason I started to feel I was making everyone sad or worried about me everytime I expressed my feelings or pains, so i stopped, then I found this site. And it feels great to be able to share what I feel, that so many can get it cause they have felt it too. So I dont feel bad sharing. Thank you all!


    Pinkpower i do the exact
    Pinkpower i do the exact same thing...i stopped talking about it to my family for the same reasons and thats why i only wished i would of found this site in the beginning instead of right after i was done with could i of really used it then...but i have it now, thanks to all of you!
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    This site is a Godsend
    I stumbled across this site about a month and a half after Moopy had her mastectomy, and during her first week of chemo. I wish I had found it right from the start, because we sure could have used some support in the leadup to diagnosis and surgery and preparing for chemo. On the other hand, the people we've met here have been so wonderful that it would be churlish to gripe.

    Back then, it seemed like poor Moopy and I would *never* be through with the ordeal, and we both checked this site almost hourly. But in August 2009, Moopy had her last zaps, and (please God) that will be it. Now, neither of us comes back nearly as often, but we both hold a special place in our hearts for this discussion board and this BC survivor community, and we will never stay away permanently.

    Good luck and blessings to you all!
  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    I like this site too!!!
    I used to spend all my free computer moments posting on the qvc bb but I haven't been there in weeks. I love coming here because when I thought the fear was making me lose my mind other ladies already going through this mess told me it was the waiting for treatment and the not knowing what was happening to me that was the worst part of breast cancer. They were right, I can now sleep at night, I'm not gonna lose my mind after all, I am going to be rid of this cancer and live and get my life back. I didn't think this way when first told I had cancer, I thought it was the worst, but I'm okay and it's because of coming here and reading that has made me realize I don't have this death sentence hanging over my head.

    sorry for rambling on and on. Love Ronda
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    I like this site too!!!
    I used to spend all my free computer moments posting on the qvc bb but I haven't been there in weeks. I love coming here because when I thought the fear was making me lose my mind other ladies already going through this mess told me it was the waiting for treatment and the not knowing what was happening to me that was the worst part of breast cancer. They were right, I can now sleep at night, I'm not gonna lose my mind after all, I am going to be rid of this cancer and live and get my life back. I didn't think this way when first told I had cancer, I thought it was the worst, but I'm okay and it's because of coming here and reading that has made me realize I don't have this death sentence hanging over my head.

    sorry for rambling on and on. Love Ronda

    This site rocks! Hugs, Jan
    This site rocks!

    Hugs, Jan
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    How wonderful?

  • MNLynn
    MNLynn Member Posts: 224
    So glad I found this site, too
    I wish I would have found this site about 5 months ago . . . but at least I was on some other sites where I read, but didn't actually participate in, the dicussions. Lots of information - it's great to hear what others are experiencing and what they are doing to cope with all of this! Even though I have my surgeries & radiation behind me, I'm on Arimidex for the next 5 years - along with dealing with post-surgery issues - prosthesis, decisions about possible reconstruction (or not), lymphedema, and just always wondering if you're gonna see this come back sometime in the future. Everyone here understands that - and the emotions that go along with it - thinking about all we've been through & wondering what lies ahead.
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    You are so right
    You are so right, Heidi. I think I was burdening my family by talking about all of this madness that we share. It's great to have a place to go for support and advise. We have our very own support group.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    You are so right
    You are so right, Heidi. I think I was burdening my family by talking about all of this madness that we share. It's great to have a place to go for support and advise. We have our very own support group.

    Wanda - Heidi -- I could not agree more -- My family
    became numb about my breast cancer .. I think we are all looking for a place for support, even in our darkest hour - those of us that can not sleep during chemo.

    My family and friends are very supportive, but I must say as time and treatment goes on, people seem to go on with their routines and lives as well. Yes, they all know I have breast cancer, but it is not the center of their universe any longer. It is the center of my 'all'.

    I thank God for this site .. I never take it for granted.

    Vicki Sam