Wife got her Chemo treatment plan

GregStahl Member Posts: 188
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Ruby got her treatment plan today, 4 treatments of TC(?) every 3 weeks. Anyone know what TC is and side effects etc?


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  • GregStahl
    GregStahl Member Posts: 188

  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    Could it possibbly be
    Could it possibbly be Taxotere and Cytoxan...cuz thats what i had, 6 treatments, 1 every 3 weeks.
    Surprisingly i never got sick but did have naseau. I was one of those people that didnt do well on chemo and had alot of problems but everyone is different. Some people on here had the same cocktail and it was very doable for them.
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    GregStahl said:



    @%^^C^$$BVDRUIU&&%$CFTYII chemo
    (LOL -- I'm sure that's the correct pharmacological name, Greg :-)

    TC stands for Taxotere/Cytoxan. It's a very common cocktail -- lots of the women here have had it, including me.

    As for side effects...they vary so much from person to person that it's darn near impossible to tell you anything that would be of much help until she gets through the first one, and sees how her own body reacts.

    About the only thing I think I've heard just about every woman on TC say consistently is that you lose your hair around days 12-16.

    There are quite a few women here who didn't have many bad side effects from TC -- I'm thinking of MyTurnNow and cindycflynn, and I'm sure they'll be along to share their experiences. So there's good reason to stay hopeful and positive that it'll go well for Ruby, too.

  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    As the others have said
    As the others have said Cytoxin and Taxotere is probably it. I actually took my last of 4 treatments today. Everyone does react very differently but this is how I did. I had no sickness and very little nausea, not bad at all. They gave me steroids with mine and anti-nausea meds. The worst for me was the tiredness and some hot flashes. This is just me but I found it very doable. It is all so frightening to start with but not as bad as we imagine it will be. Tell her to drink lots and lots of water,before, during and after it really does help. My appetite was not really affected except for being hungry the night and day after for usually junk food because of the steroids :o( Wishing her and you the best of luck. God Bless
    (((Hugs to you both))) Janice
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    As the others have said
    As the others have said Cytoxin and Taxotere is probably it. I actually took my last of 4 treatments today. Everyone does react very differently but this is how I did. I had no sickness and very little nausea, not bad at all. They gave me steroids with mine and anti-nausea meds. The worst for me was the tiredness and some hot flashes. This is just me but I found it very doable. It is all so frightening to start with but not as bad as we imagine it will be. Tell her to drink lots and lots of water,before, during and after it really does help. My appetite was not really affected except for being hungry the night and day after for usually junk food because of the steroids :o( Wishing her and you the best of luck. God Bless
    (((Hugs to you both))) Janice

    One more comment about side effects
    Before I started chemo, my oncologist said to me: "You will lose your hair -- there's nothing I can do about that. For everything else -- you got side effects, I got drugs."

    And he wasn't lying. For most of the side effects of chemo, they really do have so many good drugs now -- and, if one doesn't work, there's nearly always another one to try. I was a pharmacy with feet during chemo, but heck, the drugs did what they were supposed to do, so I was grateful for all those pill bottles I carried with me wherever I went!

  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    My first chemo was TCH.
    My first chemo was TCH. Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin.


  • TulsaMomof3
    TulsaMomof3 Member Posts: 105
    I just did my first of CT
    I have the same road ahead, yesterday I had my first one. It took 4 hours, I do not have a port and she said next time I need to drink more water! I thought I had but I guess not enough. So far I feel the same as before I have heard if you are going to be affected it usually starts on days 3-5 so we will see.
  • GregStahl
    GregStahl Member Posts: 188

    I just did my first of CT
    I have the same road ahead, yesterday I had my first one. It took 4 hours, I do not have a port and she said next time I need to drink more water! I thought I had but I guess not enough. So far I feel the same as before I have heard if you are going to be affected it usually starts on days 3-5 so we will see.

    That was going to be my next
    question....how long do the treatments take (we fergot ta ask)? She has a port in but not sure that would make a difference time wise.
  • GregStahl
    GregStahl Member Posts: 188
    GregStahl said:



    @%^^C^$$BVDRUIU&&%$CFTYII is a technical term like "thingamajig" "dohickie" and "wutchyamacallit". LOL
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    GregStahl said:

    That was going to be my next
    question....how long do the treatments take (we fergot ta ask)? She has a port in but not sure that would make a difference time wise.

    5 hours for me
    I also didn't have a port (I'm blessed with good veins), and each infusion was 4-5 hours for me.

    The 1st hour was loading me up on all the pre-chemo stuff: more steroids, Benadryl, and 2 anti-nausea meds. Then the Taxotere took at least 2 hours, as they had to run it slower than normal for me. The Cytoxan went quick, about 45 minutes at the end. Add in bathroom breaks (from all the saline they ran with the Taxotere), and it was usually about 5 hours.

  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    taxotere and cytoxan
    that was my first round of chemo - 6 treatments started in december 2009 ended on april 1, 2010. never really got sick - would just feel queasy. my worst side effects were due to my severe rheumatoid arthritis and the fact that taxotere affects the nerves which exacerbated my ra.

    i was terrified of chemo but found it to be not so scary. i hope ruby gets through her course unscathed, but as we all know, we are unique individuals.

    hugs to both of you,
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    5 hours for me
    I also didn't have a port (I'm blessed with good veins), and each infusion was 4-5 hours for me.

    The 1st hour was loading me up on all the pre-chemo stuff: more steroids, Benadryl, and 2 anti-nausea meds. Then the Taxotere took at least 2 hours, as they had to run it slower than normal for me. The Cytoxan went quick, about 45 minutes at the end. Add in bathroom breaks (from all the saline they ran with the Taxotere), and it was usually about 5 hours.


    You want a port
    I love my port as it has saved my veins. Side effects for me were hair loss, heartburn from hell, exhaustion, and I lost my toe nails.
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    I just had my first Chemo of
    I just had my first Chemo of THC ( Taxotere Carboplatin Herceptin ) Last Tues today is Sat. The first day I felt good no side affects. Day two tired a little bone pain in back and neck. Fri was my worst day felt achy tired bone pain head hurt. Fir night got sick that was the only time though. Diarrhea ( took imodium for that ) Sat I started feeling better. Now it is Sat afternoon and I feel pretty good. Just a little tired. I think you have to get through the first week after Chemo to see how you will react to it and handle it. Everyone is different. But it is still better then the alternative. All the best Kay
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    GregStahl said:

    That was going to be my next
    question....how long do the treatments take (we fergot ta ask)? She has a port in but not sure that would make a difference time wise.

    I too was blessed with good
    I too was blessed with good veins,so no port. My first treatment of TC was about 3-1/2 hrs. by my last one it was only about 2 hrs. They did not have to run it slow for me thankfully. Wishing Ruby the very best,God Bless
    (((Hugs to you both))) Janice
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I just had my first Chemo of
    I just had my first Chemo of THC ( Taxotere Carboplatin Herceptin ) Last Tues today is Sat. The first day I felt good no side affects. Day two tired a little bone pain in back and neck. Fri was my worst day felt achy tired bone pain head hurt. Fir night got sick that was the only time though. Diarrhea ( took imodium for that ) Sat I started feeling better. Now it is Sat afternoon and I feel pretty good. Just a little tired. I think you have to get through the first week after Chemo to see how you will react to it and handle it. Everyone is different. But it is still better then the alternative. All the best Kay

    Greg and Traci -- Thank you both for explaining the
    Merriam-Webster dictionary reference of $$#%%XXX &^^%$##.!!

    Enjoyed the good laugh!

    Vicki Sam
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    GregStahl said:

    @%^^C^$$BVDRUIU&&%$CFTYII is a technical term like "thingamajig" "dohickie" and "wutchyamacallit". LOL

    Just wishing your wife well
    Just wishing your wife well with her chemo.

    Hugs, Leeza
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Like Traci said, I had this
    Like Traci said, I had this same cocktail and on the same schedule as Ruby's. I also did not have a port and was told to drink water prior to each infusion to "plump" up the veins. The first time I went, I had coffee, which is my drink of choice in the morning. Well, my nurse managed to get my vein but instructed that water was my friend during chemo. With that said, tell Ruby to drink plenty of water. I also had the Nuelasta shot the day after chemo. I really had no side effects from the chemo other than maybe a little fatigue. I mean "little" too because I was able to work through treatments and managed to continue to exercise 5 times a week. I think this also helps in keeping up your stamina plus I have several friends at my exercise center and this also helps with encouragement and support. I experienced a little bone pain from the Nuelasta shot but that was easily controlled with Extra Strength Tylenol. The absolute worst side effect for me was losing my hair...that happed around day 14 or so.

    But, with that being said, I finished my last infusion on 10/15/09 and now have a pretty good head of hair. As a matter of fact, I was at a 4th of July party this weekend and actually had a lady who was unknown to me come up and asked "where do you get your hair done, I love your cut". I just LOVE having hair again!!

    Good luck to Ruby, she can do it. Continue to post with any questions and we'll try to provide our experiences. Take care.
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    My few side effects
    Same TC treatment as Ruby's went okay for me. My few side effects were mild and didn't last long. Hurrah for anti-nausea meds!

    Icky metal taste in mouth after round #2 -- Biotene mouthwash helped. I'd purchased it for possible mouth sores, which I never got. (Swishing mouth with a teaspoon baking soda dissoved in a glass of water is an alternative to expensive Biotene for mouth sores.) Some say sucking on a lemon helps cut the metal taste.

    Dry eyes that, oddly, make lots of tears. Lubricating eye drops help. Six weeks after chemo, this persists but is improving.

    Running nose, due to losing nose hair, I guess. Some congestion, too.

    Mild tingling and swelling in hands and feet, especially after walking. This came on after chemo for me. Neuropathy (nerve pain) is possible with chemo, during or after.

    Never lost my eyebrows and lashes. Body hair thinned. Some stubbble on head stayed after I buzzed my hair on day 17.

    Some weight gain. Onc claims it's due to decreased activity and increased eating, not the chemicals, but I don't know. Not that I'm unwilling to be responsible, just that I've heard many stories of weight gain ... Anyway, if Ruby can do any type of exercise, like walking, during chemo, it helps keep weight down and alleviates the fatigue somewhat.

    Caught a monster cold by being around crowds when blood counts were too low. Take all precautions seriously.

    Best of luck to you. May it go smoothly.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    I too was blessed with good
    I too was blessed with good veins,so no port. My first treatment of TC was about 3-1/2 hrs. by my last one it was only about 2 hrs. They did not have to run it slow for me thankfully. Wishing Ruby the very best,God Bless
    (((Hugs to you both))) Janice

    Great veins AND a port
    I have great veins (one of the 'vampires' at VA that does my blood draws often, tells me every time that they aren't my veins - I stole them from some big man - can't belong to a woman that is 5'6", 135 lbs LOL) which is why Chemo Dr basically insisted that I have a port - to perserve them and not take a chance of 'blowing them out'. Made a lot of sense to me as one arm's veins could no longr be used because of the surgery so why not keep the others as good as possible?

    I love my port and could not think of doing chemo without it. I had my last Chemo on Jan 28, 2010 - port is still in and will be for some time (at least a year and probably longer). To me, it's like a little 'lifesaver' sitting in My 'stateroom', waiting in case "the boat sinks". I'm IBC, though riding NED now, so there is a good possibility that I might need it again and as long as it's already there, why not keep it there and ready? Can't see the logic of adding scaring to take it out and then more scaring (and time) IF I need it again. I know that's not how all feel but it's how I feel so it's right FOR ME.



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