Ok, Fellow Wizards at Hogwarts~ the Muggles I saw tonight needed MY wizardry to help them! What's u

chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
So, I live in a small town...no really! A small town! Reggies' brother is the booking agent at the local tavern and tonight they were having a band play. My "niece-daughter" was hired to serve drinks and otherwise be a hostess. All good!

The music was GREAT! Many of our friends, neighbors and fellow small town residents were happy to see us, and it seems they all knew we had recently gotten married and high fives and hugs were all over the tavern. Unfortunately, that wasn't the only "news" making the rounds...so was my health.

By the time the concert ended, and we made our way outside...OMG~ half of the women were crying and holding on to me, admitting they didn't know what to say, but that so-and so told them, and they all hugged me so hard and cried so much I thought I would drown! I kept comforting THEM~ telling them I am strong, I am scared but I am doing what needs to be done~ and aside from that HELLO! I am at a tavern with them rocking to the music! I told them that no matter what any "official document" may say, I am NOT dying of cancer! I am dying of love, fun, laughter , and its resultant exhaustion, and that they better not forget that! One woman in particular was sooo embarrassed that she couldn't encourage me, and said that I was encouraging her! And then the men started in...OMG they were sentimentally worse! They were fist pumping me and hugging me until I couldn't breathe and saying how much they love me, and that my sweet Reggie has Native American Power and that I WILL get well! How could I possibly disagree with that? No way at all! :-)

This is one helluva town! I was having a great evening with music, family and friends! I am still not crying...it is amzing to me that I was telling THEM I would be fine ! The sweet hang-dog sad eyes so many of them had was price-less...as soon as I saw "the look" I immediately broke the ice by saying "You can't have that look because Reggie and I got married, it must be because you heard I am sick again, huh?" Nothing like honestly to do the trick! LOL

So, I am not exactly sure why I am regaling you with this saga! Maybe because it just happened!

But that was my evening, and I am happy to know thatReggie and I are well thought of, and the town is happy for Reggie and me, and that if either of us needs anything during the journey, evidently, its there for us! It is nice to feel the love, I must say.

But~ if none of you tells, I won't either...I love you here on CSN more! HAHAHAHA

Happy 4th, Fellow Wizards!



  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Dear Chen,
    What a lovely

    Dear Chen,

    What a lovely story. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Sometimes people just don't know what to say when they are in the presense of someone who has the beast. I, like you have always tried to be very honest and explain things to them. Seems to help them feel more at ease and they find it much easier to talk to me openly after that.

    Sending Hugs


    PS: So glad you liked the hats.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    Dear Chen,
    What a lovely

    Dear Chen,

    What a lovely story. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Sometimes people just don't know what to say when they are in the presense of someone who has the beast. I, like you have always tried to be very honest and explain things to them. Seems to help them feel more at ease and they find it much easier to talk to me openly after that.

    Sending Hugs


    PS: So glad you liked the hats.

    Of course I liked the

    Of course I liked the hats~ no, I LOVE the hats! And I also love your new picture~ how did you capture me dancing at the tavern last night??? LOL LOL Ok, maybe in my mis-spent youth way back in the 60's! Anyway, it is so cute!

  • KayNYC
    KayNYC Member Posts: 495 Member
    on being genuine
    Dear Claudia,
    What an experience...you ended up comforting them. Your honesty and genuine manner make you a valued and wonderful friend, no wonder thre was such an emotional and supportive turnout. Don't stop dancing and enjoying every minute.Have a happy 4th of July weekend.
    Hugs, K
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    KayNYC said:

    on being genuine
    Dear Claudia,
    What an experience...you ended up comforting them. Your honesty and genuine manner make you a valued and wonderful friend, no wonder thre was such an emotional and supportive turnout. Don't stop dancing and enjoying every minute.Have a happy 4th of July weekend.
    Hugs, K

    What a great story!
    You are our true spiritual leader...I know what you mean about the "LOOK" and I have also found that heading it off is the best policy. It stops all horror stories of "friends of friends" and when we are in charge we can bring laughter to the convesation instead of tears.

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Just more proof of my theory
    You see, dearest Chen, your story only proves what I already knew. I am not going to stop praying for you, nor am I going to stop raving about the unfairness of your having to go through all of this awfulness a second time. But I am not going to waste my time worrying about you because you are going to come through this trial with flying colors, a big smile on your face, arm in arm with your beloved Reggie, with everyone here cheering you on, and cracking atrocious jokes like the one about the hypnotist who dropped and broke his gold pocketw@tch (oops! had to edit that) while performing at the senior citizens' center. I groaned so loud at that one that little Yongy trotted into my study to check on me. You'll be around to torment us with that kind of stuff for decades. And we will love every minute of it.

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Aortus said:

    Just more proof of my theory
    You see, dearest Chen, your story only proves what I already knew. I am not going to stop praying for you, nor am I going to stop raving about the unfairness of your having to go through all of this awfulness a second time. But I am not going to waste my time worrying about you because you are going to come through this trial with flying colors, a big smile on your face, arm in arm with your beloved Reggie, with everyone here cheering you on, and cracking atrocious jokes like the one about the hypnotist who dropped and broke his gold pocketw@tch (oops! had to edit that) while performing at the senior citizens' center. I groaned so loud at that one that little Yongy trotted into my study to check on me. You'll be around to torment us with that kind of stuff for decades. And we will love every minute of it.


    Good on you for the great
    Good on you for the great job of self-editing! I remember all too well the trouble our cyber-censor had with WeightW@tchers ~ and then having to define the word to some on the boards without being even more explicit! I remember saying it's spelled just like Twit, except with an A! I also suspect that you know that the original word in the hypnotists joke wasn't CRAP...I did some self-policing too! It's actually funnier with the S-word! :-)

    Thanks for the upbuilding words; I am all up and chipper now, but then again, chemo hasn't started yet! When it does, I will be blubbering all over the place, wondering where Chen disappeared to! LOL

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    chenheart said:

    Good on you for the great
    Good on you for the great job of self-editing! I remember all too well the trouble our cyber-censor had with WeightW@tchers ~ and then having to define the word to some on the boards without being even more explicit! I remember saying it's spelled just like Twit, except with an A! I also suspect that you know that the original word in the hypnotists joke wasn't CRAP...I did some self-policing too! It's actually funnier with the S-word! :-)

    Thanks for the upbuilding words; I am all up and chipper now, but then again, chemo hasn't started yet! When it does, I will be blubbering all over the place, wondering where Chen disappeared to! LOL


    How well you are loved! How
    How well you are loved! How well you love back! My thoughts and prayers are with you today.
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    lynn1950 said:

    How well you are loved! How
    How well you are loved! How well you love back! My thoughts and prayers are with you today.

    Chen, what a great story,
    Chen, what a great story, and such a tribute to an inspiring woman. I know that being in a small town makes things so much more transparent, and it is hard to keep your business to yourself. However, aren't you glad that so many are there for you, and willing to do whatever it takes to make these next few months tolerable. Your physical friends, as well as your cyber friends are behind you all the way, each playing their own part to make you laugh, cry when you cry, encourage when you get the doldrums, and always, always, support you in your battle. This gesture by your townspeople sounds a bit like my own story, as small towns are just different than living in a big city. I lift my wine glass to you, and hope that you never forget how much you mean to all of us. Your spirit is always present, and you always know what to say. (Believe it or not, I haven't cried for myself once since diagnosis, but shed tears when you first posted about your liver cancer...that is a lot for me, being Native American myself. I was touched by your prognosis, and every day remember you in my thoughts and prayers.) Chin up, dear Chen. We are here for you, and we all know you love us more. LOL. Hugs, Judy
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Oh Chen I love what you
    Oh Chen I love what you write and particularly like this "I am dying of love, fun, laughter , and its resultant exhaustion". You bet you are and sweet lady you will continue to do so. We CSN gals need your wisdom. You are and will do what you have to do to beat this, and beat this you will!!

    You may live in one helluva town with some of the best people, but lady we are here to tell you that you are one helluva a lady. Please keep dying of love, fun, and laughter those are wonderful balms for the soul. Hugs to you.
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    How lucky are you

    their love is just a reflection of you wonderful personality.

  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    chenheart said:

    Of course I liked the

    Of course I liked the hats~ no, I LOVE the hats! And I also love your new picture~ how did you capture me dancing at the tavern last night??? LOL LOL Ok, maybe in my mis-spent youth way back in the 60's! Anyway, it is so cute!


    Someone captured you on
    Someone captured you on their cellphone and sent it to me. So you know I just had to post it here so the rest of the survivors could see your happy spirit.


  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Once again...
    You ease sadness with joy, Kindred Spirit. In a way that is preciously and uniquely you. I am at a loss for meaningful words... So, taking the easy way out - I guess I'll simply "echo" Joe's post. He captured my own feelings better than I could at the moment. (Thanks, Aortus.)

    Love you, too, dear Chen.

    Kindest regards, 12/25 xo
  • rainbow4
    rainbow4 Member Posts: 137
    Love it!
    Chen, you did so well to head off some of the most "downer" remarks by mentioning your recurrence first - taking control, as always, with grace and just the right words. This is another example of how you're thought of. We on the board know you well enough to know there is so much fight (and humor and love) in you; it's good that we learn from afar that you're also cared about by your local friends and neighbors. Fight on, dear heart!
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    The Girl Who Lived
    Your Muggles will have you and Reggie both for many years to come, dear Chen. I am sorry you had to spend so much energy reassuring them when there was great music and fun to be had. Good to get that out of the way, though, so that you can enjoy future concerts and Muggle gatherings --without needing an invisible cloak!