CT Scan

South Jersey
South Jersey Member Posts: 89
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I saw my oncologist today and asked when I would be getting a CT scan done... She said they are typically done one year after finishing chemo (unless there are symptoms or a rise in CA 125). Has anyone had them done sooner than one year? I know the exposure to radiation is not good, but I would feel so much better having a scan and knowing there is nothing to worry about.
I talked to my doctor about the rise in my CA 125 (from 13 to 15.3)... she said she is not concerned. When I spoke to the nurse about it, she said that they don't usually become concerned unless the number doubles. Has anyone else been told this?
Sending hugs and prayers to all!
South Jersey


  • JoanC
    JoanC Member Posts: 231 Member
    I got a ct scan done every 3 months for the first year now only every 6 months but still have my CA125 done every 3 months.
  • South Jersey
    South Jersey Member Posts: 89
    JoanC said:

    I got a ct scan done every 3 months for the first year now only every 6 months but still have my CA125 done every 3 months.

    Wow! A year seems like such
    Wow! A year seems like such a long time... maybe I will push to have one done sooner.
    Thanks for your response.
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member

    Wow! A year seems like such
    Wow! A year seems like such a long time... maybe I will push to have one done sooner.
    Thanks for your response.

    I, too, got CT every 3 months.
    I got a CT-scan regularly every 3 months after I finished my initial treatment protocol and while i was in remission, and then a CT/PET ever since I had a recurrence, again every 3 months to help guide treatment. I think once my insurance paid for the CT/PET that it will always be CT/PET for me as long as that imaging is covered by my insurance. I also have an internal exam every 3 months, but that may because I had a recurrence and am in active treatment again. & because I am getting weekly chemo (dense dose taxol) I am getting CA125 weekly, which I know wouldn't be happening if I had remained in remission.
  • South Jersey
    South Jersey Member Posts: 89

    I, too, got CT every 3 months.
    I got a CT-scan regularly every 3 months after I finished my initial treatment protocol and while i was in remission, and then a CT/PET ever since I had a recurrence, again every 3 months to help guide treatment. I think once my insurance paid for the CT/PET that it will always be CT/PET for me as long as that imaging is covered by my insurance. I also have an internal exam every 3 months, but that may because I had a recurrence and am in active treatment again. & because I am getting weekly chemo (dense dose taxol) I am getting CA125 weekly, which I know wouldn't be happening if I had remained in remission.

    It seems to make sense to
    It seems to make sense to have the scans every three months... I don't like the thought of going so long without one. Since finishing my treatment in December, I have been getting an internal exam and CA125 blood test every two months. Thanks for the information :)
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834

    It seems to make sense to
    It seems to make sense to have the scans every three months... I don't like the thought of going so long without one. Since finishing my treatment in December, I have been getting an internal exam and CA125 blood test every two months. Thanks for the information :)

    I have only had 2 CT scans,
    I have only had 2 CT scans, one prior to surgery and one after I finished my initial chemo. I think I am done with scans for awhile, unless I have symptoms or a rise in my CA 125. I think my doctor does a CT scan every six months if you are NED.

    I get a CA 125 every month because I am on maintenance Taxol.

  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Every 3 months
    Mine are done every 3 months and my CA 125 has been as high as 433 and not show anything on the scan.
    While I was in the hospital with bowel obstructions they were done almost daily.....Saundra
  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    My oncologist usually did
    My oncologist usually did not order my cat-scan until my numbers would double/triple.

    Definitely however; after every session of chemotherapy a cat-scan was always ordered right away.

    The routine for me for the past 3 years as a stage IV was to always watch my numbers anytime they began to rise suspiciously a cat-scan was ordered and usually, there would be a couple of my lymph-nodes that had enlarged considerably; upon which she would start me on chemo again.

    Usually, a jump from 13 to 15.3 is not cause for alarm. However; if my number jumped from 13 to 39 for instance she would become suspicious and watch for another month, if the numbers jumped from 39 to say 68 a cat-scan would definitely be ordered.

    It's her method, but it's a method that has kept me here beyond 3 years to date.

    So in my long-winded way I have been told this as well.

  • South Jersey
    South Jersey Member Posts: 89

    My oncologist usually did
    My oncologist usually did not order my cat-scan until my numbers would double/triple.

    Definitely however; after every session of chemotherapy a cat-scan was always ordered right away.

    The routine for me for the past 3 years as a stage IV was to always watch my numbers anytime they began to rise suspiciously a cat-scan was ordered and usually, there would be a couple of my lymph-nodes that had enlarged considerably; upon which she would start me on chemo again.

    Usually, a jump from 13 to 15.3 is not cause for alarm. However; if my number jumped from 13 to 39 for instance she would become suspicious and watch for another month, if the numbers jumped from 39 to say 68 a cat-scan would definitely be ordered.

    It's her method, but it's a method that has kept me here beyond 3 years to date.

    So in my long-winded way I have been told this as well.


    Thanks for all your
    Thanks for all your responses... Sharon, I'm glad to hear that someone else has a doctor that orders scans in a similar manner. Do you mind me asking where you are being treated?
    Praying for all the ladies on this site.
    South Jersey
  • pjdreams
    pjdreams Member Posts: 77
    I finished my chemo at the
    I finished my chemo at the end of December 2009. My gyn/onc ordered a PET/CT scan in January then another in April. I'm stage 1a grade 2 clear cell. I suspect it's having the clear cell part that has him ordering the scans more frequently. I'm due for another in a week.
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member

    My oncologist usually did
    My oncologist usually did not order my cat-scan until my numbers would double/triple.

    Definitely however; after every session of chemotherapy a cat-scan was always ordered right away.

    The routine for me for the past 3 years as a stage IV was to always watch my numbers anytime they began to rise suspiciously a cat-scan was ordered and usually, there would be a couple of my lymph-nodes that had enlarged considerably; upon which she would start me on chemo again.

    Usually, a jump from 13 to 15.3 is not cause for alarm. However; if my number jumped from 13 to 39 for instance she would become suspicious and watch for another month, if the numbers jumped from 39 to say 68 a cat-scan would definitely be ordered.

    It's her method, but it's a method that has kept me here beyond 3 years to date.

    So in my long-winded way I have been told this as well.



    Don't forget a very important piece to your success. You responded postively to the chemo being given.

    I hope I have the same success!
  • Disneynutt
    Disneynutt Member Posts: 134 Member
    I have not had a CT scan
    I have not had a CT scan since I started chemo which was one year ago next month. I have chemo resistant cancer (anybody else out there?) so have not had a break since I was diagnosed. I did have a CT scan on my chest because they saw a spot but it turned out to be the size of a pin head and they are not worried. With the avastin working so well I hope to get a break soon; kind of sick of being on chemo.. so maybe I'll get one then. I have not idea what the plans are. But I know too much radiation is a bad thing.

  • Disneynutt
    Disneynutt Member Posts: 134 Member
    nancy591 said:


    Don't forget a very important piece to your success. You responded postively to the chemo being given.

    I hope I have the same success!

    Hi Nancy
    I wish you so much luck.. I think Avastin will work for you. Keep your chins up. :-)
