Another Update from Sunrae-Just Plain Tired

Sunrae Member Posts: 808
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Good news, I just had my 7th chemo yesterday, only 5 more to go, should be done by end of July if I can stay on track. My hands had healed up but are starting to blister again so I'm taking steriods for 2 days after treatments, hoping that will help out. The lymphedema in my right arm got better for a few days but now its starting to swell again, must have something to do with the chemo or infection in my hands. Each week is so busy, with one day for chemo and 2-3 days for therapy for the lymphedema. Also found out that my red blood count is down, becoming anemic and may have to have blood transfusions. Don't want that if I can help it.

This week has been awful for my family. My first husband died unexpectedly. We were married for 23 years and have 2 sons from that marriage. My sons have been his caregiver for the past few years and have spent a lot of time with him and his death is hard on them. It will also be a relief when they get past some of their grief but that doesn't help now. Since I'm so close to them they wanted me to be there with them and their families during the funeral process so we spent 2 days going with that. I knew I would be there with them along with my wonderful second husband because they needed me there for them and I was glad I could physically be well enough to get thru it all. Since becoming anemic tho I found out that I tire out easily and become overwhelmed, so its been a rough week.

My onc still doesn't know if I'll be able to complete all my chemo treatments because of all the issues, along with shortness of breath for a few days after each treatment. I'm determined to finish all 12 weeks as I think it will give me a little better chance on reoccurrence. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers that I can finish all of it. I look forward to getting my energy level back after radiation or sooner, and hopefully will be able to post more on the board and encourage all the rest of you as you go thru your cancer journey too.


  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Prayers to you, Sunrae
    Oh, Sunrae, so sorry to hear about all your challenges. I'm sending you a great big hug, prayers and tons of positive energy. You sound strong and focused and determined to get through this, and you will. Just stay that way when you can, take comfort from those who love you and keep positive. We're all right there with you.

  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    ♥ Sweet Smiling Sunrae ♥

    So happy to read that you only have 5 more chemo's to go! This has been so hard on you and it just isn't fair. Really hoping that you don't have to have the blood transfusions.

    My sympathy to you for the death of your ex husband. It was so kind of you to be with your sons during this sorrowful time. I know it was rough on you physically and emotionally.

    You sound so determined to get all of your chemo treatments done. I pray that you can Sunrae! Since I have had breast cancer twice now, I know that I did, and, I know that you will do everything possible to prevent the cancer from ever coming back! I pray for a cure every night!

    You are always in my thoughts and prayers sweet Sunrae..always!

    Love, Jeanne ♥
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I'm sending strong, healing vibes!!!!
    Aw, dearheart! I am wrapping my arms around you...

    Take care of you first! I know what it is for an ex to pass...mine did, and my remaining daughter misses him alot. I let her talk with me about it, and console her. I, too, have a fantastic second partner...and he understands and sort of 'adopted' my daughter for things like father's day.

    Big hugs to you...

    Hugs, Kathi
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    KathiM said:

    I'm sending strong, healing vibes!!!!
    Aw, dearheart! I am wrapping my arms around you...

    Take care of you first! I know what it is for an ex to pass...mine did, and my remaining daughter misses him alot. I let her talk with me about it, and console her. I, too, have a fantastic second partner...and he understands and sort of 'adopted' my daughter for things like father's day.

    Big hugs to you...

    Hugs, Kathi

    Sending you big hugs and
    Sending you big hugs and prayers too Sunrae!

    I am so sorry at the loss of your ex.

    Hang in there!

    We are all rooting for you!

    Sue :)
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    You are a true fighter and you are getting there. I am so sorry that you are contnuing to have problems, and espectially with the additional emotional traume from the death of your first husband. If anyone can get there, you can and I wish there was something I could do to make this easier for you. But you are in my thoughts and prayers that everthing settles down and you can get through the rest of the chemo easier.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    You are a true fighter and you are getting there. I am so sorry that you are contnuing to have problems, and espectially with the additional emotional traume from the death of your first husband. If anyone can get there, you can and I wish there was something I could do to make this easier for you. But you are in my thoughts and prayers that everthing settles down and you can get through the rest of the chemo easier.

    You will soon be done with
    You will soon be done with chemo Sunrae and we will all celebrate with you! And, sorry about your ex husband. It must be hard to see your children lose their Dad and to be so upset when you have so much to deal with on your own. Praying for you!

    Hugs, Angie
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    I'm sorry you're having to fight all the way on this chemo business. I will keep you in my prayers. I too, was short of breath for a few days after treatment. Better now. I guess love and chemo takes our breathes away. ; ) Katz
  • linpsu
    linpsu Member Posts: 747
    Be strong
    Sorry to hear of all of all that you are going through.
    I had 4 A/C and then 3 Taxol treatments (only one more to go - yay!), every 2 weeks. I became severely anemic and have had 3 blood transfusions so far. I didn't have any problems with the transfusions except for a slight allergic reaction each time with my body itching, but Benadryl given in my IV cleared that up. Before the transfusions I was so tired i could barely function. Afterwards, I noticed a big change in my energy level. I am so glad I had the transfusions! So if you have to go that route, don't worry - it should really make you feel better. Good luck! My prayers are with you in this difficult time.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    linpsu said:

    Be strong
    Sorry to hear of all of all that you are going through.
    I had 4 A/C and then 3 Taxol treatments (only one more to go - yay!), every 2 weeks. I became severely anemic and have had 3 blood transfusions so far. I didn't have any problems with the transfusions except for a slight allergic reaction each time with my body itching, but Benadryl given in my IV cleared that up. Before the transfusions I was so tired i could barely function. Afterwards, I noticed a big change in my energy level. I am so glad I had the transfusions! So if you have to go that route, don't worry - it should really make you feel better. Good luck! My prayers are with you in this difficult time.

    Hi Sunrae! So sorry about
    Hi Sunrae! So sorry about all of the trouble with chemo. Praying that the time goes quickly so that you will be finished.

    You also have my sympathy for your loss. Sending you prayers!
  • kickie
    kickie Member Posts: 85
    Sending you Hugs and Prayers
    Did you see my angel wings surrond you Sunrae?? They will always be there!!
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    kickie said:

    Sending you Hugs and Prayers
    Did you see my angel wings surrond you Sunrae?? They will always be there!!

    Sending you and your family positive thoughts during this difficult time. Please stay positive, you will get trough just be gentle to yourself.
    Thinking and praying for you,
    Big hug,
    New Flower
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    So sorry for all the
    So sorry for all the complications. Keep fighting, Sunrae! We're all at your side fighting with you. Don't forget, since all fighters need rest, rest has to be part of the battle. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • slynch
    slynch Member Posts: 82
    Just remember, GOD is good. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    A Rocky Road..... very sorry about your ex....Even though divorced, I am sure there were good times, the best being the two beautiful sons you had together...My sympathy to you and your sons......

    Sun, are you not getting the Nuelast injections after chemo to keep your blood counts up? I had it as many do, after each blood work was always fantastic.....if you're not getting it, perhaps you might ask your oncologist about it......

    I wish you strength to finish your chemo.....
    Peace be with you,
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Sending you and your family positive thoughts during this difficult time. Please stay positive, you will get trough just be gentle to yourself.
    Thinking and praying for you,
    Big hug,
    New Flower

    Sending you positive
    Sending you positive thoughts and hugs! You have always been so positive on here Sunrae and now you have to go through so much. Please keep fighting and keep smiling!

    Praying for you,

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    lynn1950 said:

    So sorry for all the
    So sorry for all the complications. Keep fighting, Sunrae! We're all at your side fighting with you. Don't forget, since all fighters need rest, rest has to be part of the battle. xoxoxoxo Lynn

    So sorry for all of the
    So sorry for all of the troubles Sunrae you are having with chemo. Praying that they subside soon.

    My sympathy at the loss of your ex. Praying for you and your family!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    MAJW said:

    A Rocky Road..... very sorry about your ex....Even though divorced, I am sure there were good times, the best being the two beautiful sons you had together...My sympathy to you and your sons......

    Sun, are you not getting the Nuelast injections after chemo to keep your blood counts up? I had it as many do, after each blood work was always fantastic.....if you're not getting it, perhaps you might ask your oncologist about it......

    I wish you strength to finish your chemo.....
    Peace be with you,

    so when they ask you what
    so when they ask you what your stress level is what do you say? Holy Cow!!! wishing you better days and getting through these last treatments Hugs.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    (((((hugs))))!!!!! I
    (((((hugs))))!!!!! I remember the exhaustion so very well~ not a fun thng at all. I just wanted to weigh in on the anemia part~ I don't know alot about natural foods/ supplements,during chemo and I am not one for recommending things outside of our conventional route. But, along with "Power Pudding" for constipation (which worked like a charm for me recently!)BEETS are known to elevate our red blood cells wonderfully! Beets on salads, beet juice, beets, beets, beets! A friend of mine from CSN, a vegetarian, while undergoing chemo made beets an integral part of her diet and never needed a transfusion even once. I remember asking my oncologist if there was anything I could do to raise my white count, as I hated the Neulasta, and sadly he said no. But there are things we can do for the red count!
    I would check with your Dr about adding beets to your diet, and if you get the go-ahead, well, it just may stave off transfusions! Just a thought, Sunrae!

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Hi Sunrae
    I am so very sorry for all you have to go through. You are a very strong lady and you will do what you have to do to beat this. You are in my prayers and thoughts every day. You are one of the Rocks here that we all lean on. Now it is your turn to lean we will hold you up while you fight this. Take care keep us posted Kay
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    (((Hugs))) (((Hugs)))
    (((Hugs))) (((Hugs))) (((Hugs))) and prayers to my kindred spirit sister. You have really been on my mind. So much to deal with, but you can and will. I'm praying for you Shelby and I wish you the best for all the bad you have endured. You are a true gift my dear lady. Your spirit soars in spite of all the negatives. You are definitley a warrior and a survivor. Sending lots of hugs, love and prayers.