I'm New Here and I'm Scared

anneacres Member Posts: 16
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I previously had breast cancer 19 years ago so when they saw mets to liver and lungs small ones it was thought it was BC and they changed my Armidex to Aromasin-which I have been on for 2 months now I was scheduled for a colonoscopy since my CEA went up to 224-I had a colonscopy in Jan 2008 and it came back clear-well this one showed a mass 2" and I was told the biopsy would be ready in a week-that it was a good chance of cancer-my oncologist said this is a new primary and I would be seeing a surgeon-I have Kaiser insurance-I am really frustrated since I think I wasted a lot of time. I am scared and hate the waiting-I also had a CT in Aug of 09 that was clear but everything showed up on a Pet in May of this year. How can everything be clear and 8 months later all this happens?? I am devastated-Just had a grandaughter last Friday and want to go to NYC to see her in Oct-I would like to have a few years left. Any encourgement I would greatly appreciate. Thanks so much many blessings to all of you


  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 544 Member
    I am sorry you have to go through this again, so scary. I will pray all goes well with your tests. Sometimes I just have to believe that no matter what happens I can handle it. You are strong and can do this!
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    Annie -

    "I was told the biopsy would be ready in a week"

    I guess you can spend the week worrying, if you want to...

    It's unlikely that a 2" tumor can grow that fast. It's possible that
    it was overlooked on other scans, of course....

    Hopefully, you will take some time to locate a colorectal surgeon
    that is not in the same association or group, and not in the same
    area, and get another opinion or two. Second opinions should be
    required; they should be made to be mandatory.

    With an experienced colorectal surgeon, options like Laparoscopic
    surgery could be discussed, where there is an absolute minimum amount
    of open surgery involved.

    And if need be, you can be informed of the possibility of an ostomy,
    and be able to make proper plans regarding that well in advance of
    any operation. And NO, an ostomy isn't the end of the world; Trust me.

    You'll do fine, you are among friends here, and everyone's been through
    this garbage.

    But please, please, please..... get other opinions. All of this is a life-changing
    event, and your decisions should not be based on a single opinion,
    or opinions of those that would normally support one another's practice.

    Relax and read, and post questions..... there are people here for you!

  • coolvdub
    coolvdub Member Posts: 408 Member
    John23 said:

    Annie -

    "I was told the biopsy would be ready in a week"

    I guess you can spend the week worrying, if you want to...

    It's unlikely that a 2" tumor can grow that fast. It's possible that
    it was overlooked on other scans, of course....

    Hopefully, you will take some time to locate a colorectal surgeon
    that is not in the same association or group, and not in the same
    area, and get another opinion or two. Second opinions should be
    required; they should be made to be mandatory.

    With an experienced colorectal surgeon, options like Laparoscopic
    surgery could be discussed, where there is an absolute minimum amount
    of open surgery involved.

    And if need be, you can be informed of the possibility of an ostomy,
    and be able to make proper plans regarding that well in advance of
    any operation. And NO, an ostomy isn't the end of the world; Trust me.

    You'll do fine, you are among friends here, and everyone's been through
    this garbage.

    But please, please, please..... get other opinions. All of this is a life-changing
    event, and your decisions should not be based on a single opinion,
    or opinions of those that would normally support one another's practice.

    Relax and read, and post questions..... there are people here for you!


    Annie, take a deep breath
    Hi Annie,

    First off welcome aboard. This isn't a death sentence by any means, scary, you bet. Having just in the last year gone through Colon cancer, I know how scared you are of the unknown, what we don't know and fear, can really get the mind racing,trust me I know.

    As John said, get another opinion. I too have Kaiser for my health insurance, they have done well by me for the most part. I don't know how you go outside of Kaiser to get a 2nd opinion, but I know it can be done. Try calling member services for help with this.

    The really good thing about Kaiser is they are very similar to a non-profit, so making money on you doesn't apply here. The other good thing for me was low co-pays. At this point for me Kaiser has been billed over $200,000, they have paid a lot less since they have contracts with outside providers. My point in bringing this up is, you wont have to worry about going broke. My mother inlaws cousin just went through cancer and had to take a 2nd out on the house to cover his portion of the bills on a regular PPO insurance.

    Please continue to live and enjoy life, I was staged at IIIc and am still here and enjoying life. Go see your grandchild, and by all means keep coming here, ask questions and read. There are tremendous resources on this website, use them to your advantage.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Welcome, Annie!
    I know it must be a scary time for you, but I agree that you should not worry about what it is until the tests come back...

    As far as a second cancer. Well, you and I are the opposite...I was dx'ed with stage III rectal cancer, then stage II breast cancer. I celebrate 5 years cancer free this year..

    So take heart, dear soul...it isn't over till its over, I always say....

    Hugs, Kathi
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    Hi Anne,
    Welcome to this

    Hi Anne,

    Welcome to this forum. I think you will find it to be a great support as we all work through colon cancer + its many issues. I agree with you; waiting is brutal. I hated waiting for my treatment to start, because I wanted something to start fighting the cancer. I also hate waiting for results from CT scans etc. You have fought cancer before, congratulations on beating that beast back! Congratulations on your new grandaughter; that must be really exciting! Are you able to see her on SKYPE until you see her in October? Best wishes for good results!
  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    Of course you're scared!
    Of course you're scared! I'm glad you are here among friends - people who can truly understand and share your fears. We were all scared on diagnosis, and even after NED, any scans, tests, "feeling funny" starts the fears again.

    Make sure that you do get several opinions if that makes you more secure. Know, too, that every day, more advances in cancer treatment are made, increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

    Come here and vent, or look for a shoulder. We'll do what we can for you - we take care of each other.

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Hi, Annie.

    Welcome to the board. I'm so sorry you're going through cancer again. Please explore your options with several doctors.

    I'll be praying for only good things.

  • chicoturner
    chicoturner Member Posts: 282
    Annie, welcome to this site.
    Annie, welcome to this site. I am sorry for all you are going through. I know that the waiting is just about the worst! You can do it! Keep a focus on that new baby! I had a new grand baby when all of my cancer stuff started and she was such an inspiration to me to keep going! I am still in treatment and she is 2 1/2 yrs. old and I am still fighting! Now I have another grand baby on the way, my kids keep giving me reasons to fight! A few days seem really long, but they won't really matter much. Better you don't get agitated by it! You are in my thoughts. Jean
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member

    Annie, welcome to this site.
    Annie, welcome to this site. I am sorry for all you are going through. I know that the waiting is just about the worst! You can do it! Keep a focus on that new baby! I had a new grand baby when all of my cancer stuff started and she was such an inspiration to me to keep going! I am still in treatment and she is 2 1/2 yrs. old and I am still fighting! Now I have another grand baby on the way, my kids keep giving me reasons to fight! A few days seem really long, but they won't really matter much. Better you don't get agitated by it! You are in my thoughts. Jean

    One foot in front of the other, one day at a time! Breath, relax, and don't give in, smile!! You can do it...again!
  • anneacres
    anneacres Member Posts: 16
    Nana b said:

    One foot in front of the other, one day at a time! Breath, relax, and don't give in, smile!! You can do it...again!

    Well I went to the Dr. today
    I want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers and for answering me. The dr. called me on Friday and told me the results of the colonscopy said the samples he took were negative however because of where it was in the colon right side it was impossible for him to reach the entire lesion-so he beleives that since my CEA and CA 27&29 breast cancer markers were up that he thinks it is BC to the colon he said that CEA is also a BC marker and that that is what has spread to the lungs and liver. My oncologists office called and cancelled my July 14th appt. and gave me an appt. for June 30th prior to my dr's vacation. I went today to the oncologist and he said that BC very rarely spreads to the colon and showed me the report for the colonoscopy and it stated that all samples were negative however there were sections that couldn't be reached due to inaccessibility-He said the lesion was approx 4-5 CM and that there was some bleeding. My oncologist said he will continue me on the Aromasin that I started 2months ago for another month since it takes 3months to start working and if it is BC it should show some signs of improvement-if not he said we are looking at Chemo. He also said he could do a liver biopsy to see if the cells are BC-however he said it is hard to get an accurate sample since I am a larger woman and have a larger stomach it is easier to do on a smaller person. He said there are many treatments out there and I should keep my hopes up and enjoy my new grandchild that I am going to be here for quite awhile-I hope he is right-I am not feeling any pain or discomfort-I was feeling tired but since taking iron pills 2 aday I feel fine.I had a clear colonoscopy 2 years ago and there was nothing there-I asked this dr. (he was the one who did it) if there was anyway it could have been missed because of the location and he said no. I also had a clear CT scan last August and nothing showed up. This seems to all be happening so fast. Thank you all for understanding my rambleings. So I guess I still don't know where I stand. The suspense is maddening.
  • Paula G.
    Paula G. Member Posts: 596
    anneacres said:

    Well I went to the Dr. today
    I want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers and for answering me. The dr. called me on Friday and told me the results of the colonscopy said the samples he took were negative however because of where it was in the colon right side it was impossible for him to reach the entire lesion-so he beleives that since my CEA and CA 27&29 breast cancer markers were up that he thinks it is BC to the colon he said that CEA is also a BC marker and that that is what has spread to the lungs and liver. My oncologists office called and cancelled my July 14th appt. and gave me an appt. for June 30th prior to my dr's vacation. I went today to the oncologist and he said that BC very rarely spreads to the colon and showed me the report for the colonoscopy and it stated that all samples were negative however there were sections that couldn't be reached due to inaccessibility-He said the lesion was approx 4-5 CM and that there was some bleeding. My oncologist said he will continue me on the Aromasin that I started 2months ago for another month since it takes 3months to start working and if it is BC it should show some signs of improvement-if not he said we are looking at Chemo. He also said he could do a liver biopsy to see if the cells are BC-however he said it is hard to get an accurate sample since I am a larger woman and have a larger stomach it is easier to do on a smaller person. He said there are many treatments out there and I should keep my hopes up and enjoy my new grandchild that I am going to be here for quite awhile-I hope he is right-I am not feeling any pain or discomfort-I was feeling tired but since taking iron pills 2 aday I feel fine.I had a clear colonoscopy 2 years ago and there was nothing there-I asked this dr. (he was the one who did it) if there was anyway it could have been missed because of the location and he said no. I also had a clear CT scan last August and nothing showed up. This seems to all be happening so fast. Thank you all for understanding my rambleings. So I guess I still don't know where I stand. The suspense is maddening.

    At any rate it sucks that you are here. It doesn't matter cancer is cancer and it is awful. I am sorry that you have to wait but I hope all will turn out well for you and that you will have many years to play with your grand-children.
    The folks here are very kind and helpful. I wish you the best. Paula
  • anneacres
    anneacres Member Posts: 16
    Paula G. said:

    At any rate it sucks that you are here. It doesn't matter cancer is cancer and it is awful. I am sorry that you have to wait but I hope all will turn out well for you and that you will have many years to play with your grand-children.
    The folks here are very kind and helpful. I wish you the best. Paula

    Thank You
    Thank you Paula for your kind words and good wishes. It means a lot. I am so glad I have found this site. It is heartwarming.
    Best Wishes to you also.