I am a Chihuaha

aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I thought this was so much fun, hope you like it.

The Socialalite

Your single most amazing trait, dah-ling, is that you are charming and gregarious and gorgeous and lively. Oops! That was more than one. No worries, dear, it wouldn't be the first time the rules have been bent for you! Your charisma, combined with the fact that you can really dish out a good yap when push comes to shove, means you have no problem putting on the dog in order to get what you want. But it's notall about you! N-n-n-n-no-ooo! You simply adore your best friend and love your family to pieces, enjoying every precious little teeny tiny moment you spend together. And children? Well, you love the idea of them, but don't necessarily need them hounding you day and night, right? Come now, honey, let's face it- children just do not appreciate a good sweater.

Famous Chihuahuas: Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Chris Martin (Coldplay), Paris Hilton

Likely professions: Event Planner, Philanthropist, Advertising Executive

Go tho this website to learn about the dog in you!


  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    I loved this. And, I am
    I loved this. And, I am a..........................

    Border Collie
    The Achiever

    You've heard about this "second-place ribbon" thing, but really don’t ever plan on getting one. Not a chance. Highly competitive, you keep one eye on the Best in Show prize and one on the rest of the pack, making sure you're always at least one paw ahead. You love your family and enjoy the company you keep, but you'd trade all of them in a heartbeat for a corner office and some meaty stock options. When you're not licking your professional coat, naked skydiving and triathlons keep you entertained. You idolize the top dog and will do so until you sniff out a way to take over the company and do a little "restructuring." Learn more »

    FAMOUS BORDER COLLIES: Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Martha Stewart, Barbara Walters

    LIKELY PROFESSIONS: CEO, Banker, Manager, Astronaut
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    I just had to look...
    I am a labrador retriever. How fun!
  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    Wow, I'm a Labrador Retriever!
    Labrador Retriever
    The Caretaker
    Your family is what makes you tick, and you never "flea" from an opportunity to hang out with the whole gang. A family picnic complete with hot dogs, deviled eggs and a refreshing swim in the lake is hard for you to stray from. Your sparky temperament and dogged intelligence mean you are not only a blast to hang out with, but great to work with as well. Your close pals appreciate your patience and forgiveness, knowing you'd rather let sleeping dogs lie than dwell on the mishaps of the past. Your dashing good looks may one day lead to a modelling career, if only you can tame the unfortunate clumsiness that sometimes causes you to go flailing from the catwalk.

    FAMOUS LABRADOR RETRIEVERS: Bill Cosby, Jackie Onassis, Dr. Phil, David Beckham

    LIKELY PROFESSIONS: Doctor, Sales Executive, Teacher

    I have to say, this does sound a lot like me - who knew?
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I tried it but at the end
    I tried it but at the end they wanted an email address and I wasn't willing to give it so I get to choose what breed I am.

    A Collie because:
    they’re intelligent, sensitive, loyal, friendly. They consider every one their friend. They are very clean, and, if given regular brushing, do not smell.

    They are very sensitive and it has been known for collies to become sad and depressed because of one simple harsh word spoken to them! As a rule, they are not known for being destructive.

    While collies do have a reputation of being barkers and “mouthy”, they are not known for attacking or biting.

    Collies may be reserved.

    Sounds like me, don't it? They didn't mention a sense of humor tho.
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    Marcia527 said:

    I tried it but at the end
    I tried it but at the end they wanted an email address and I wasn't willing to give it so I get to choose what breed I am.

    A Collie because:
    they’re intelligent, sensitive, loyal, friendly. They consider every one their friend. They are very clean, and, if given regular brushing, do not smell.

    They are very sensitive and it has been known for collies to become sad and depressed because of one simple harsh word spoken to them! As a rule, they are not known for being destructive.

    While collies do have a reputation of being barkers and “mouthy”, they are not known for attacking or biting.

    Collies may be reserved.

    Sounds like me, don't it? They didn't mention a sense of humor tho.

    chihuaha also
    I'm a chihuaha as well.
