One Down; Seven to Go

Hubby Member Posts: 325
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
First AC went smoothly, with the exception of one of the chemo nurses who thinks Donna should get a port, and is making the wrong decision about getting a real hair wig; but another nurse said just wait and see about the port, you can always get one later, and get the wig that you are most comfortable with. Donna really doesn't want the port. Anyway she is a bit wiped out now, but we don't know if it is from the treatment or the stress of the day or the two xanex she took earlier. She was in a big reclining chair with pillows and a blanket. They had a flat screen TV for each patient,which we watched for all of ten minutes (sharing our I-pod headphones. The whole thing took 3 hours including the Onc appointment right before chemo. Overall better than I expected, but I guess Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be the real test. She drank is drinking lots and lots of water.

So three more AC then four Taxol. Thanks for all of the support!!



  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    great! one down. I did not
    great! one down. I did not have a port, it got a little dicey at the end, the nurse who did the hard sticks had to put in my IV. I am pretty good with being stuck, but sometimes it took a couple of times. It really depends on your veins. I wonder if it would make her more prone to infection if the port went in during chemo? but then they could put a PICC line in. which is what I was thinking about doing. I have heard that some places do not even do the adriamycin without a port. My nurse just pushed in in and monitored the site closely
    I had 1/2 human 1/2 synthetic wig, I paid extra but my choice, it is a nice wig. It was important for me to feel good with whatever I had. why does the nurse care? Interesting.
    I hope the days go easy for your wife. fingers crossed. hugs to you all
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Bob, I am pleased to read
    Bob, I am pleased to read that Donna handled the chemo well. I didn't have the same cocktail but I didn't have a port either. Tell her to just rest for the next couple of days and drink, drink and drink. At least now you know what chemo is all about. It is cumulative, so it is possible to experience more fatigue with each session. Good luck and take care of her.
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    So far so good
    Bob - I'm glad the first one seems to be going well. It sounds like Donna is dong everything she can to cut down on the side effects - hopefully she will get through this one smoothly and will be less stressed for the next round. I certainly understand her not wanting the port - my oncologists didn't think it was optional but that may be because I had already gotten a round of Zometa and the nurses thought my veins stunk. I will admit that it came in handy but it will also be great to get it taken out in a couple of weeks. I hope the next couple of days go well....
