Stupid question

Katz77 Member Posts: 598
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I've been on cancer road for year now. My question is ummmm, which is worse ( see told you it was stupid) triple neg or triple positive? Is it a question of chemo, which is more effective, easier to get rid of? Always wanted to ask but...


  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    I was told
    As far as we are concerned, there are no stupid questions - LOL

    I was told that triple negative was worse, which is what I had. I am unable to take femera, herceptin or any of the drugs that would have made it unnecessary for me to have had to have chemo. I had 6 rounds of chemo and 36 days of radiation. Now I am off all medication for almost a year, except for my monthly shots due to low CBC. What kind do you have?
  • GregStahl
    GregStahl Member Posts: 188
    Triple neg
    is harder to treat. Triple pos they can target the hormone recptors in the cancer cells, with triple neg they have to go kill fast replicating cells....and it goes after not just the cancer cells but all fast replicating cells in the body.

    As the other poster said, no stupid questions except the ones that dont get asked.
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    GregStahl said:

    Triple neg
    is harder to treat. Triple pos they can target the hormone recptors in the cancer cells, with triple neg they have to go kill fast replicating cells....and it goes after not just the cancer cells but all fast replicating cells in the body.

    As the other poster said, no stupid questions except the ones that dont get asked.

    I have wondered that
    Even though I had IDC stage 3 HER negative, found out triple negative after 14 years didn't know that then. You know we just are all different and should just try to remember that. I think there are just a few more treatment options if positive because your cancer is affected by estrogen where the negative ones cancer is not sensative to the estrogen so it won't help as treatment.
    Thanks for question.
  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325
    padee6339 said:

    I was told
    As far as we are concerned, there are no stupid questions - LOL

    I was told that triple negative was worse, which is what I had. I am unable to take femera, herceptin or any of the drugs that would have made it unnecessary for me to have had to have chemo. I had 6 rounds of chemo and 36 days of radiation. Now I am off all medication for almost a year, except for my monthly shots due to low CBC. What kind do you have?

    Stats Can Be Skewed
    HER2 positive isn't great either; I think ER/PR negative; HER2 positive may be the worst. They keep saying that the good thing about trip - is that it responds well to chemo.

    I keep on having to remind myself that if they are talking about 10 year recurrence rates, then the women in the statistics had cancer at least 10 years ago. Surgery, radiation, diagnostic testing... all of these things have improved.

    And that's my stupid answer.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    padee6339 said:

    I was told
    As far as we are concerned, there are no stupid questions - LOL

    I was told that triple negative was worse, which is what I had. I am unable to take femera, herceptin or any of the drugs that would have made it unnecessary for me to have had to have chemo. I had 6 rounds of chemo and 36 days of radiation. Now I am off all medication for almost a year, except for my monthly shots due to low CBC. What kind do you have?

    I "had" triple positive.
    I "had" triple positive. Stage 3 c, IDC, Her2 posi, ER and PR posi, 18/20 lymph node positive. Had mast June 23rd of last year. All the normal chemos, AC, Cytotoxin,Taxol, Herceptin. Finish Herceptin in Sept. yeaaaa. Was on Tamoxifin, now Femara. Vit. E for the hot flashes, which by the way are almost nonexsistent. Thanks to you that answered. Katz
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    24242 said:

    I have wondered that
    Even though I had IDC stage 3 HER negative, found out triple negative after 14 years didn't know that then. You know we just are all different and should just try to remember that. I think there are just a few more treatment options if positive because your cancer is affected by estrogen where the negative ones cancer is not sensative to the estrogen so it won't help as treatment.
    Thanks for question.

    I didn't know there was a
    I didn't know there was a triple positive cancer, never heard of it. I guess you learn something every day.