stevenl Member Posts: 587
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Hi Everyone,

Well the feeding tube is gone. One more step in this process. The doc had to work at it a little to get it to deflate but once he did, it just slid right out with no pain. Pretty much uneventful. Still got it bandaged up so I don't know if it's going to look like a bullet wound or a second belly button or what. I will take a look at it tonight. Sure feels good to get that behind me. Prayers and thanks to everyone here.



  • CajunEagle
    CajunEagle Member Posts: 408
    In about a week, the healing process will cause the hole to itch like crazy. The little hairs growing back in that area won't seem to help either. Steve, it's not easy due to where we live, but try to keep perspiration from staying too long around that healing area. By the end of July, you won't even know it was there.

  • Landranger25
    Landranger25 Member Posts: 210 Member

    In about a week, the healing process will cause the hole to itch like crazy. The little hairs growing back in that area won't seem to help either. Steve, it's not easy due to where we live, but try to keep perspiration from staying too long around that healing area. By the end of July, you won't even know it was there.


    Congratulations Steve
    Be glad you didn't have the grit and pull model. That stings like the dickens on the way out. It has been 6 months since mine went and there is just a little red depression where it was. About the size of a pencil eraser. Congrats on this milestone.

  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,034 Member
    Outstanding Steve

    So glad to hear that you did not have any discomfort with the removal of the Peg Tube. Another chapter in your history book of LIFE. May you write many more chapters in the future.

    I remember when you first came here looking for advice, now you will be giving advice as many do already. We all lurk, listen, and learn from the posts here. We can lean on the next board member when we are a bit dizzy from all the information thrown at us.

    If I remember correctly, you like to fish, so, looks like a little fishing trip is in order : ).

    My Best to You and Everyone Here
  • friend of Bill
    friend of Bill Member Posts: 87
    You won't miss it! Big milestone! My gastro said, "Ready?" and yanked it out. He went to medical school for this? My grandson could have done it for free.

  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member

    You won't miss it! Big milestone! My gastro said, "Ready?" and yanked it out. He went to medical school for this? My grandson could have done it for free.


    big psychological milestone

    Good for you. It will make you feel almost normal again. Unlike a robotic monster with tubes sticking out. No more getting it caught on doors or sinks, or towels, or whatever. Walking without dangling, ell some of us can do that better than others, anyway -congrats!
  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    ratface said:

    big psychological milestone

    Good for you. It will make you feel almost normal again. Unlike a robotic monster with tubes sticking out. No more getting it caught on doors or sinks, or towels, or whatever. Walking without dangling, ell some of us can do that better than others, anyway -congrats!

    So happy for you!
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Go STEVE!
    Atta boy! Glad it's gone.

    I'm convinced that my PEG is anchored in place with something the approximate size and shape of a wine cork. I've been warned about how hard a yank it's going to take to remove it. Eeek.

  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
    D Lewis said:

    Go STEVE!
    Atta boy! Glad it's gone.

    I'm convinced that my PEG is anchored in place with something the approximate size and shape of a wine cork. I've been warned about how hard a yank it's going to take to remove it. Eeek.


    Congratulations Steve, I remember how excited I was to get mine out. Such a simple little thing but it made me feel so much more "normal" to have it gone!!

    In no time at all you will forget it was ever there ;-)

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    steve, that is awesome! now
    steve, that is awesome! now you can even feel like the healing process has truly begun. Congrats and Best wishes.
  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849

    steve, that is awesome! now
    steve, that is awesome! now you can even feel like the healing process has truly begun. Congrats and Best wishes.

    Good deal Steve! Congrats. Here's moving on to the next step.
  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    Greg53 said:

    Good deal Steve! Congrats. Here's moving on to the next step.

    Glad to hear you're there, Steve, and it went okay. Another Positive event.

  • Irishgypsie
    Irishgypsie Member Posts: 333
    Kent Cass said:

    Glad to hear you're there, Steve, and it went okay. Another Positive event.


    Sweet Butter!!!!!!!!
    Congrats Steve, So how long was that post treatmnet? Just checking since I end my treatments next week! Congrats!

  • stevenl
    stevenl Member Posts: 587

    Sweet Butter!!!!!!!!
    Congrats Steve, So how long was that post treatmnet? Just checking since I end my treatments next week! Congrats!



    I finished treatment April 9th

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Sweet Butter!!!!!!!!
    Congrats Steve, So how long was that post treatmnet? Just checking since I end my treatments next week! Congrats!


    Charles Great Job
    Charles, great to see your new have come far.

    Now that you have went through so much (much more than I think you realized you could initially), you should go back and read some of your older proud of your accomplishments.

    You've come far, and are very close to being to that point of walking the walk that all of us have or are still going through. Some are just starting, very soon, you'll be one of the veterans here, giving your advice, experiences and suggestions. making it easier for those just starting the same journey that you have walked.

    Congrats Charles....

  • Scambuster
    Scambuster Member Posts: 973
    stevenl said:


    I finished treatment April 9th


    Good news !
    Great to hear the PEG is gone Steve. Now you can get back into that slinky Lingerie !!