diagnosed yesterday



  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    Thank you! I'm so glad that
    Thank you! I'm so glad that I found this wonderful network of you all here- I have no family history, and I don't know anyone personally who has had breast cancer. I do have a very close aunt (i call her my "Otha Motha") who is a lung cancer survivor, and has been my fairy godmother through all of this so far. I'm not a very emotional person, at all! But the first day I just let myself cry and cry -I cried to my doctor, i cried with my husband, i cried to my mom, and i cried to my best friends. I took a xanax and went to bed at 7:00 that night, and I woke up the next morning with a new calmness and a readiness to get busy, and really, a ton of strength that I did not know I possessed. I had to tell my 9 year old daughter, who had been at my parent's house during my appointment and stayed the night. If I would have been crying and all upset when I told her I knew it would just make it more difficult for her. I have been thanking God for both of my babies since the time I knew I was pregnant with each one, but now especially I do, because I'm getting my strength through my love for them. They need their mama, and I'm not going to let cancer or anything else get in the way of that. I know I have a long hard road ahead of me, and I'm pretty sure I won't always have the positive attitude that I do now at the beginning, but for now, I'm ok, big girl panties pulled up and ready to get to work ;)

    Yep, we have to put on our
    Yep, we have to put on our big girl pants sometimes. Been there, done that.

    You will do fine Heather! You have your bc sisters in pink to help you!
  • dmc_emmy
    dmc_emmy Member Posts: 549
    KayNYC said:

    Dear Heatherbelle,
    I was diagnosed with BC in March. I had a Lumpectomy with excision of sentinal nodes (6) on St Patrick's day of this year. My mass was 6mm in size. My lymph nodes were negative and the margins clear.I completed my Radiation treatments last Friday. My tumor was positive for estrogen and progesterone.I begin treatment with Arimidex (hormone receptor blocker) at the end of the month.
    Just to let you know that we are here to support you, make you laugh and assist in any way that we can. Glad you found this discussion board. Sorry you have to go through this at such a young age. You are about the age of my son and daughter.
    Here are a few suggestions:
    Take one day at a time. This journey can be tough but it is do-able. It has it's painful moments as well as, opportunites for growth.
    Keep a journal and write down your questions between your appontments. Don't be afraid to ask your doctors and the nurses anything. There are no silly questions.
    Allow your family and friends to support you. Allow them to help you. Ask for help when you need it.Prioritize and don't sweat the small stuff.
    Beginning the day you are diagnosed, living with BC can be an emotional roller coaster. Be gentle with yourself and ride each emotion like a wave,it will come and go.
    Get plenty of rest and make sure you fit in sometime for yourself each day (I know how hard this can be with small children).
    Remember that each of us is unique and we won't share all the same symptoms or side effects but we will share common feelings, experiences and concerns.
    Please, keep us updated on your progress. Wishing you all the best.
    Hugs, K

    Though this is the beginning of what seems like a never-ending journery and a journey that you probably thought you would never take, there is beginning as well as an end to journey that will be long--but not one that you have to take alone. As you read these posts of the many women here who have gone through what you are now, you will find hope, support, love, understanding, and friends.

    As you have already found, there is so much that we can share that we have learned by simply being dx and living through it. Your drs will also be there to guide you and offer you their medical wisdom, caring, and encouragement. They are our angels on earth.

    I recently went to a cancer survivor celebration and, even since the time I was dx five years ago, so much has been learned and so much progress has been made in bc research.

    We, Heatherbelle, are your ever-present cyber angels and we will take this journey with you. We know the way as we have traveled this path, too.

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    dmc_emmy said:

    Though this is the beginning of what seems like a never-ending journery and a journey that you probably thought you would never take, there is beginning as well as an end to journey that will be long--but not one that you have to take alone. As you read these posts of the many women here who have gone through what you are now, you will find hope, support, love, understanding, and friends.

    As you have already found, there is so much that we can share that we have learned by simply being dx and living through it. Your drs will also be there to guide you and offer you their medical wisdom, caring, and encouragement. They are our angels on earth.

    I recently went to a cancer survivor celebration and, even since the time I was dx five years ago, so much has been learned and so much progress has been made in bc research.

    We, Heatherbelle, are your ever-present cyber angels and we will take this journey with you. We know the way as we have traveled this path, too.


    So very sorry to read of
    So very sorry to read of your diagnosis and how young you are.

    Sending you cyber hugs and prayers!

    And, welcome to the board where you have all of your bc sisters in pink!
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Once you hear those horrible words, this is the best place to be. It was that way for me.
    Big hugs and many prayers for you, sweetheart.

  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    Balentine said:

    Welcome to your new sisters and supporters
    We welcome you Heather and pray that all goes well at the doctor tomorrow. Please know we will be here for you for whatever you need and know that God is also a refuge for you to lean on and gain strength from when your strength runs out. Please feel free to reach out to us whenever you need to and we will be here for you to lift you up and encourage you and pray for you and with you. God bless and welcome. Love and hugs, Lorrie

    Welcome to this awesome site Heather. It has helped so many of us, as it will you.

    ♥ Kristin ♥