Any Chemo-prep Advice?

Hubby Member Posts: 325
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My wife is starting chemo Wednesday (AC) and has started making lists; but feels unprepared; Claratin, ice chips, ice pops? Nobody has contacted her from Sloan to tell her anything yet, so she is getting all of her info herself (on line and in books), but she doesn't feel like she has enough time to prepare.

Went wig shopping today to three different places. Natural or synthetic? The real hair at this one place was amazing looking, but the synthetic (from another place) looked nice too. Too many choices.


  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    I paid a little extra and
    I paid a little extra and got a 1/2 real, 1/2 synthetic wig. looks better than my own hair did. I went to a place where they matched it, to my hair before I lost it. Then when I was ready she buzzed my hair.
    I think you will have to see how the chemo affects your wife, before you buy all kinds of stuff. I had simple foods, soup and the like on hand. I didnt know zofran caused constipation or I would have taken stool softeners, be on the lookout for that. Also whatever she can keep hydrated with, popsicles, gatorade, etc.. keep us posted and we will help you
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    carkris said:

    I paid a little extra and
    I paid a little extra and got a 1/2 real, 1/2 synthetic wig. looks better than my own hair did. I went to a place where they matched it, to my hair before I lost it. Then when I was ready she buzzed my hair.
    I think you will have to see how the chemo affects your wife, before you buy all kinds of stuff. I had simple foods, soup and the like on hand. I didnt know zofran caused constipation or I would have taken stool softeners, be on the lookout for that. Also whatever she can keep hydrated with, popsicles, gatorade, etc.. keep us posted and we will help you

    Hi Hubby
    I bought my wig after I had my first Chemo. My oncologist office gave me list of pre-mediations with prescription to buy and take two days prior to Chemo. Medications from diarrhea and constipation.
    I had a short hair cut, it is important especially if she has long hair.
    You need to have food and drinks at home. Pay your bill in case you will be busy and will forget about your credit cards and other financial responsibilities.
    Movies and books.
    Good luck
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Hi Hubby
    You may also want to add Mouth wash alcohol free in case she gets a sore mouth.
    Tooth past non abrasive ( no whiteners brighteners or baking soda ) Just plain toothepast
    Natural tears ( moisterizing ) Can get dry eyes.
    Jello - Pudding - Fruit - Good luck to you both. I also start my Chemo soon.
    OH and Lots of {{{{{Hugs}}}}}...!!
  • grandmasueb
    grandmasueb Member Posts: 49

    Hi Hubby
    You may also want to add Mouth wash alcohol free in case she gets a sore mouth.
    Tooth past non abrasive ( no whiteners brighteners or baking soda ) Just plain toothepast
    Natural tears ( moisterizing ) Can get dry eyes.
    Jello - Pudding - Fruit - Good luck to you both. I also start my Chemo soon.
    OH and Lots of {{{{{Hugs}}}}}...!!

    I just finished my 4 rounds
    I just finished my 4 rounds of AC it was horriable all 4 treatments for me. Please have her start taking miralax daily,( gernic brand is just as good) i put it in my morning coffee constipation starts right away. I was not told this and I was really constipated after my first treatment.The nurse should give ice chips while giving the adrimicin if not ask for it,it really does help along with bietene mouth wash. Keep well hydrated at least 8 glasses of water a day. I wish you the best and hopefully you will do better then I did on Ac. I am on Taxol now and it so much better like night and day.
  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    as others have already said.
    as others have already said. . .drink plenty of water!!!! if there any one thing to remember, it's to keep drinking water. i just started on AC last week, in some ways, it was easier for me than the TC i finished in april. i felt much better physically - didn't have the "slammed with chemo" feeling i had before. my main complaint is the mouth sores - i drank icy water and had a popsicle while receiving the adriamycin, but still got the sores. thanks to the pink warriors on this site (which i discovered at the end of my first rounds of chemo) they recommended biotene mouthwash - what a blessing!

    regarding wigs. . . i freaked that i was going to lose my long red hair, bought a long wig that is beautiful and expensive (synthetic, not real hair, easier maintenance)and found to my surprise that i am perfectly fine being bald! i did end up getting a cheap short wig for the summer and am much happier with it - i only wear my wig to work and to church.

    good luck to both of you. . . the important thing to remember is that chemo is different now - it's not as devastating as you imagine - not a walk in the park, but it is doable.

    god bless both of you ; )
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Water, water, water!
    I drank 4 quarts the day BEFORE infusion. 4 more the day of infusion, along with a 'hydration bag' the nurse hung after infusion. As much as I could the day after infusion.

    I peed like a racehorse, but the chemo never stayed long in my kidneys or didn't need to be there, and I didn't want it there...

    She will get an idea of what her good days and bad days are. I was great till 2 days after infusion. Then, well, I just fixed myself a place on the couch by the TV, and only got up to use the bathroom for 24 hours. After that, I was fine again!

    Anti-nausea meds didn't help, so I found sipping on Ginger Ale (the REAL stuff..not just flavored) and nibbling candied ginger helped to settle my tummy. Also, I didn't try to force eating on my 'bad' day...just one day of not eating (still drank fluids) never affected me at all, and it was easier on the queasiness...

    Oh, as far as wigs. I received one thru my center. It was beautiful! I wore it for 30 minutes total. I then switched to hats, caps, scarves, and 'au natural'. I was much happier!!!!

    Hugs to you both, Kathi

    BTW, what a darling hubby to be so involved in her care, she is very blessed!
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Hubby -
    On the wig - I would say to go with whever one makes your wife feel the best and most confident. Althougn I found a nice synthestic, I ended up with a human hair primarily because it fit the best and I didn't have to worry about it shifting with movement.

    As far as preparation, the cheno (especially the initial rounds) can cause either constipation or diarrhea so I would be prepared for both. Her onc should be giving some instructions as to what to use/not use - I had Immodium on hand as well as stool softeners. My onc also had me take Pepto-Bismol tablets more to change the pH and decrease irritation.

    We always kept a variety of "fluids" on hand because her tastes may be altered by the chemo. My oncologist said to go with whatever tasted good - the only soft drink she recommended was the ginger ale. Other than that, water, juices, gator ade, lemonade, popsicles, shaved ices, smoothies (became my stand-by). I also kept the soups on hand as well as "nibble" items - I seemed to do better if I kept something on my stomach but ate smaller meals after chemo.

    As far as the mouthwash, unless the onc gives her a prescription, I would have both on hand (something like the Biotene) and the homemade one (again if OK with the onc - 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. salt, glass of water) and maybe alternate during the day. I tried switching just to Biotene and still got a mouth ulcer but it went away quickly when I started using the homemade prep again. I also used these for at least 10 days after my chemo (which is longer than some of the other ladies did) - I only got mouth ulcers twice but both times they occurred on day 8.

    Both you and your wife will be in my thoughts and prayers on Wednesday - the first one is scary just because you don't know what to expect for her but it is one step closer to that light at the end of the tunnel!
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    Hubby -
    On the wig - I would say to go with whever one makes your wife feel the best and most confident. Althougn I found a nice synthestic, I ended up with a human hair primarily because it fit the best and I didn't have to worry about it shifting with movement.

    As far as preparation, the cheno (especially the initial rounds) can cause either constipation or diarrhea so I would be prepared for both. Her onc should be giving some instructions as to what to use/not use - I had Immodium on hand as well as stool softeners. My onc also had me take Pepto-Bismol tablets more to change the pH and decrease irritation.

    We always kept a variety of "fluids" on hand because her tastes may be altered by the chemo. My oncologist said to go with whatever tasted good - the only soft drink she recommended was the ginger ale. Other than that, water, juices, gator ade, lemonade, popsicles, shaved ices, smoothies (became my stand-by). I also kept the soups on hand as well as "nibble" items - I seemed to do better if I kept something on my stomach but ate smaller meals after chemo.

    As far as the mouthwash, unless the onc gives her a prescription, I would have both on hand (something like the Biotene) and the homemade one (again if OK with the onc - 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. salt, glass of water) and maybe alternate during the day. I tried switching just to Biotene and still got a mouth ulcer but it went away quickly when I started using the homemade prep again. I also used these for at least 10 days after my chemo (which is longer than some of the other ladies did) - I only got mouth ulcers twice but both times they occurred on day 8.

    Both you and your wife will be in my thoughts and prayers on Wednesday - the first one is scary just because you don't know what to expect for her but it is one step closer to that light at the end of the tunnel!

    Hunting and gathering
    Hi, Hubby -

    Because I'm fairly prone to canker sores anyway, I started the Biotene mouthwash before I even started chemo, and used it twice a day, every day, throughout chemo. It's not expensive, easily available at a drugstore, and tastes mild and pleasant, so I figured why not? And I only had one mild bout of mouth sores the entire time. And, as others have said, switch to a very mild toothpaste during chemo -- I used Tom's of Maine.

    My #1 recommendation for chemo prep is to stock up on single-serving sizes of foods that are easy on her stomach and have some PROTEIN. I felt SO much better in the days after chemo if I just had a little bit of protein -- cottage cheese, cheese, something like that.

    Before each round, I stocked my fridge and pantry with single-serving sizes of: cottage cheese, cheese sticks, pudding, jell-o, fruit cups and fruit juices. There were a couple of days after each round where I couldn't stand long enough to even just warm something in the microwave, so I could just grab one of those and head back to the couch.

    Before I started chemo, I tried to stockpile anything and everything I could possibly think of that I might need. My girlfriend finally said, "Honey, we're not hiking into the Yukon -- all the drugstores and grocery stores in Los Angeles will still be open -- if you need something, I'll go hunt and gather."

    So...unless you live in the Yukon? :-) Don't let your wife stress too too much beforehand -- just reassure her that you'll go hunt and gather for her whatever she needs.

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    I second all who said your
    I second all who said your sweet wife needs to be hydrated...water, water, water!! I also agree with Traci about just playing it by ear; your wife may want something one day, and something else another. Or nothing at all, as Kathi said! I had a supply of frozen grapes, and also protein rich snacks~ and just nibbled.

    Wigs! There is no right or wrong. Most of us had high hopes for looking "normal" during chemo~ but I also say that 99.99% of us HATED wigs once we got them! It matters not if they are real or synthetic, they itch and are hot! They are great to wear on those occasions when she simply wants to blend into the surroundings as much as possible ( tho losing eyebrows and eyelashes is often a give-away!)..but chances are she will end up going the bandana/hat route or Nekkid! Aside from everything else, unless you live in Australia/New Zealand, the weather is going to get HOT and perhaps even humid, depending on your locale.

    As you are already doing, I say continue to Lead With your Heart; and if I may, please remember to tell your wife she isn't cancer, and when she is tired, scared and bald, let her know that isn't what you see, but that you see through that and love her beautiful self.

    As for you, if you golf, play 9 holes now and again. If you drink, and this is NOT an indictment, be judicious on the amount. We know this is a battle for two, and it can be emotionally overwhelming for the spouse. One drink can lead to two, and then three..I am sure you see my point and are not insulted. Women in some regards have an 'easier" time. When we have a crisis, we call our girfriends, we go shopping or have a spa day, we do lunch! Men often do not have this same type of outlet, as their guy relationships are by nature different. Play racketball, throw a baseball, do something physical which can recharge you. This too is part of the pre-chemo prep, in my opinion.

    Sorry if I have gone on a bit too long here~ I am about to start chemo ( again) soon, and memories of Reggie and me the first time around are flooding in! I hope he and I remember my own advice this time! LOL

    Hugs to you both! And, in case I simply forgot, may I ask your wife's name? I feel better referring to her by name instaed of spouse, wife, partner or her!

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    chenheart said:

    I second all who said your
    I second all who said your sweet wife needs to be hydrated...water, water, water!! I also agree with Traci about just playing it by ear; your wife may want something one day, and something else another. Or nothing at all, as Kathi said! I had a supply of frozen grapes, and also protein rich snacks~ and just nibbled.

    Wigs! There is no right or wrong. Most of us had high hopes for looking "normal" during chemo~ but I also say that 99.99% of us HATED wigs once we got them! It matters not if they are real or synthetic, they itch and are hot! They are great to wear on those occasions when she simply wants to blend into the surroundings as much as possible ( tho losing eyebrows and eyelashes is often a give-away!)..but chances are she will end up going the bandana/hat route or Nekkid! Aside from everything else, unless you live in Australia/New Zealand, the weather is going to get HOT and perhaps even humid, depending on your locale.

    As you are already doing, I say continue to Lead With your Heart; and if I may, please remember to tell your wife she isn't cancer, and when she is tired, scared and bald, let her know that isn't what you see, but that you see through that and love her beautiful self.

    As for you, if you golf, play 9 holes now and again. If you drink, and this is NOT an indictment, be judicious on the amount. We know this is a battle for two, and it can be emotionally overwhelming for the spouse. One drink can lead to two, and then three..I am sure you see my point and are not insulted. Women in some regards have an 'easier" time. When we have a crisis, we call our girfriends, we go shopping or have a spa day, we do lunch! Men often do not have this same type of outlet, as their guy relationships are by nature different. Play racketball, throw a baseball, do something physical which can recharge you. This too is part of the pre-chemo prep, in my opinion.

    Sorry if I have gone on a bit too long here~ I am about to start chemo ( again) soon, and memories of Reggie and me the first time around are flooding in! I hope he and I remember my own advice this time! LOL

    Hugs to you both! And, in case I simply forgot, may I ask your wife's name? I feel better referring to her by name instaed of spouse, wife, partner or her!


    Wives' names
    I think it's so terrific that we now have enough husbands here with us that I get confused about who's married to whom!

    I almost replied to your question, Claudia, but am glad I looked at an old post first -- I was about to remarry GregStahl's wife off to Hubby! GregStahl's wife's name is Ruby, which I think is such a beautiful name.

    Hubby, if your wife is comfortable with it, we'd love to know her name -- if not, we understand, but I might then just have to name everyone "Ruby," because it's such a pretty name.

    :-) Traci
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Look Good - Feel Better!
    Don't think this has been mentioned in this thread but there a program through the ACS that is called "Look Good - Feel Better" that is done at their sites or at your CCI. (Call your BC Navigator at the CCI or your local ACS [or go on line] for the closest/next class. Each woman is given a kit that contains brand new NAME brand (what I got was a lot more expensive than I would buy!) and taught how to handle the issues with chemo and looking like 'usual'.

    Wigs - there are cheapy synthetic and natural hair wigs - stay away from them like the plague. Personaly, the good modern synthetics are what I went with (I'm an ex-hairdresser) because they are so much easier to handle and look more 'natural'.

  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325
    Rague said:

    Look Good - Feel Better!
    Don't think this has been mentioned in this thread but there a program through the ACS that is called "Look Good - Feel Better" that is done at their sites or at your CCI. (Call your BC Navigator at the CCI or your local ACS [or go on line] for the closest/next class. Each woman is given a kit that contains brand new NAME brand (what I got was a lot more expensive than I would buy!) and taught how to handle the issues with chemo and looking like 'usual'.

    Wigs - there are cheapy synthetic and natural hair wigs - stay away from them like the plague. Personaly, the good modern synthetics are what I went with (I'm an ex-hairdresser) because they are so much easier to handle and look more 'natural'.


    She's Donna; I'm Bob. And I
    She's Donna; I'm Bob. And I know I've answered this before, but she posts at, and we both need a place to say what we want without the other one seeing it. We spent most of father's day shopping, which was fine. Unfortunatly, I had a mild break down in the middle of Costco. I'm laughing about it now, but it's the first time I broke down in front of her, and feel crappy about it. She did go to a "Look Good- Feel Better seminar last week, which made her feel better for about about an hour.

    So we went out and bought ice pops, pudding, ice cream, laxative, immodium, pepsid, lip balm, Gatoraid ...

    She's going back to the high priced salon to "visit" the wig on Tuesday. Her main concern is that she doesn't know what the final styled wig will look like, but the hair is an exact match for her hair. But we took pictures of her in the synthetic wig, and she looks cute in it.

    Great advice all; I'll be pushing the fluids.
  • AMomNETN
    AMomNETN Member Posts: 242
    Hubby said:

    She's Donna; I'm Bob. And I
    She's Donna; I'm Bob. And I know I've answered this before, but she posts at, and we both need a place to say what we want without the other one seeing it. We spent most of father's day shopping, which was fine. Unfortunatly, I had a mild break down in the middle of Costco. I'm laughing about it now, but it's the first time I broke down in front of her, and feel crappy about it. She did go to a "Look Good- Feel Better seminar last week, which made her feel better for about about an hour.

    So we went out and bought ice pops, pudding, ice cream, laxative, immodium, pepsid, lip balm, Gatoraid ...

    She's going back to the high priced salon to "visit" the wig on Tuesday. Her main concern is that she doesn't know what the final styled wig will look like, but the hair is an exact match for her hair. But we took pictures of her in the synthetic wig, and she looks cute in it.

    Great advice all; I'll be pushing the fluids.

    I can't add much more except I bought a wig before I started chemo. I have found that I don't like wearing it as it is very hot after a while. I wear caps or do-rags most of the time. They are quicker and easier. One other thing is someone told me to eat lemon-heads during treatment to take away some of the metal taste. I also take water to drink during treatment. Drink lots of water and don't be too upset if she doesn't eat a lot during the first week after chemo.
  • CHERYL 4
    CHERYL 4 Member Posts: 75 Member
    AMomNETN said:

    I can't add much more except I bought a wig before I started chemo. I have found that I don't like wearing it as it is very hot after a while. I wear caps or do-rags most of the time. They are quicker and easier. One other thing is someone told me to eat lemon-heads during treatment to take away some of the metal taste. I also take water to drink during treatment. Drink lots of water and don't be too upset if she doesn't eat a lot during the first week after chemo.

    metal taste
    use plastic spoons n forks to revent metal taste
  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member
    Chemo Prep

    Take one day at a time. Don't rush to spend money on a wig during summer. Try fruit smoothies,add protein powder, they go down easy, taste good, cold, and filling. I made
    jell-o using Pediolite to help keep my electrolites up. Anything soft, cool or cold, sherbert, etc. Mashed potatoes, her taste buds will want something different, like being pregnant. I sent my husband out looking for apple turnovers and he came home empty handed, I went hungry because that is all I wanted. KAH
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Hubby, I'm blessed to have a
    Hubby, I'm blessed to have a husband right by my side and going above and beyond the call of duty here, I'm sure your wife is just as grateful for you as I am for Tim (my husband). Everyone else, even though I'm still a good month or so away from chemo, thank you for all the info here, I'm sure it will be very useful. Now if I could just remember it all...