one down 7 to go!!!!



  • dixiegirl
    dixiegirl Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    yesyes2 said:

    Weight Gain
    Vinny, I didn't gain weight on my RCHOP but lost 6 pounds. Guess I always like to buck the trends. Because I was so fearful of gaining a lot of weight I really watched what I put in my mouth, tried to eat good healthy foods. But really rarely ever felt like eating as nothing but sugars tasted good. So are pastries a good health food?


    LOL. I ate LOTS of peaches, yogurt and everything else in between...........and don't forget the fig newtons!

    EAT ON!! LOL

  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    dixiegirl said:

    Eat when you want to my friend. Your body needs all the help it can get to fight this stuff. I gained 30 pounds, but I desperately needed it. I am probably at a much healthier weight now.

    I hope your feeling ok for the weekend. I know this is the beginning of the bad time for you. My heart goes out to you for having to deal with this, but you CAN do this!
    Rest, take a load off and do what you can when you feel like it.

    Take care,


    wearin" down
    Just finished up my first round this past Tuesday and my butts a drangin'. It actually seems to get a little worse everyday. I feel like somebody beat me with a big stick and then dragged me down the road. I can relax but not fall asleep. It is all so new to me as it is to so many others out there. I know it affects people in different ways. Just wish I wasn't so tired.
  • dixiegirl
    dixiegirl Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    COBRA666 said:

    wearin" down
    Just finished up my first round this past Tuesday and my butts a drangin'. It actually seems to get a little worse everyday. I feel like somebody beat me with a big stick and then dragged me down the road. I can relax but not fall asleep. It is all so new to me as it is to so many others out there. I know it affects people in different ways. Just wish I wasn't so tired.

    So sorry you're dragging honey, but what you are feeling is normal. Unfortunately this next week is going to be really tough for you. It truly will be better the last week.

    Hopefully the next round won't blind side you like this one will. Sleeping will get easier after the prednisone is out of your system. Try benedryl to help you relax. My onc let me take it, but you may want to check with your chemo nurses.

    I wish I could tell you you'll get your energy back sooner, but cancer is wicked and so is the treatment.

    Take care my friend.

  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    dixiegirl said:

    So sorry you're dragging honey, but what you are feeling is normal. Unfortunately this next week is going to be really tough for you. It truly will be better the last week.

    Hopefully the next round won't blind side you like this one will. Sleeping will get easier after the prednisone is out of your system. Try benedryl to help you relax. My onc let me take it, but you may want to check with your chemo nurses.

    I wish I could tell you you'll get your energy back sooner, but cancer is wicked and so is the treatment.

    Take care my friend.


    As long as there is light at the end of the tunnel I know I can do it. We ALL can do it!!!!!
  • vinny59
    vinny59 Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    dixiegirl said:

    Eat when you want to my friend. Your body needs all the help it can get to fight this stuff. I gained 30 pounds, but I desperately needed it. I am probably at a much healthier weight now.

    I hope your feeling ok for the weekend. I know this is the beginning of the bad time for you. My heart goes out to you for having to deal with this, but you CAN do this!
    Rest, take a load off and do what you can when you feel like it.

    Take care,


    thanks for the thought's, I have danced with the devil once so this time should be a piece of cake!!!!! hahahahaha
  • vinny59
    vinny59 Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    COBRA666 said:

    wearin" down
    Just finished up my first round this past Tuesday and my butts a drangin'. It actually seems to get a little worse everyday. I feel like somebody beat me with a big stick and then dragged me down the road. I can relax but not fall asleep. It is all so new to me as it is to so many others out there. I know it affects people in different ways. Just wish I wasn't so tired.

    wearin down
    We can and will do it..... like everyone said rest when you got to rest, it's all part of the rocky road, I'm hurting in the ribs for some reason, and my port is still sore.... I'm going to work one more week until my next treatment then I'm going out, the 35 minute car ride to and from work is the worst because I,m so tired.... keep the faith bro!
  • dixiegirl
    dixiegirl Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    vinny59 said:

    wearin down
    We can and will do it..... like everyone said rest when you got to rest, it's all part of the rocky road, I'm hurting in the ribs for some reason, and my port is still sore.... I'm going to work one more week until my next treatment then I'm going out, the 35 minute car ride to and from work is the worst because I,m so tired.... keep the faith bro!


    I too have a 45 minute commute to and from work. I would kind of zone out at stop lights and people would honk at me to go. After the 3rd treatment I stayed home and basically quit driving. I taught a 15 year old (my adopted surrogate kid) how to drive a stick so she could be my chauffer. LOL that was fun!

    But she was out of school for the summer and she enjoyed the practice and I had a great time riding haning on to the "oh ****" bar LOL. So, if at all possible? Find a chauffer.

    Take care!
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    dixiegirl said:


    I too have a 45 minute commute to and from work. I would kind of zone out at stop lights and people would honk at me to go. After the 3rd treatment I stayed home and basically quit driving. I taught a 15 year old (my adopted surrogate kid) how to drive a stick so she could be my chauffer. LOL that was fun!

    But she was out of school for the summer and she enjoyed the practice and I had a great time riding haning on to the "oh ****" bar LOL. So, if at all possible? Find a chauffer.

    Take care!

    wearin down
    Beth, How long are these drugs supposed to be working in the body? I mean for each round. Do they do their job in a few days and get excreted out of the body and then we are left with the rebuilding process of the blood cells. I am not really sure how the process works.i had the R-CVP. 5 days of 100mg of prednisone to boot. Do you realize that shot that builds up our wbc,neulastra is up in the thousands of dollars. Thank goodness for insurance. I am retired so don't have to worry about driving if I don't have too. Just not used to being torn down like this when all my life I would get up and go for 18 hours at a time. John
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    vinny59 said:

    wearin down
    We can and will do it..... like everyone said rest when you got to rest, it's all part of the rocky road, I'm hurting in the ribs for some reason, and my port is still sore.... I'm going to work one more week until my next treatment then I'm going out, the 35 minute car ride to and from work is the worst because I,m so tired.... keep the faith bro!

    wearin down
    Tomorrow is my last day of the prednisone for this round. I hope I get some of my strenght back after that is over.I know the chemo drugs have a lot to do with it too. It is hot here in NC along with the humidity so staying indoors isn't so bad.I got some soreness in my lower back along the hip area right now. Keep drinking the water to flush this crap out of the system, you don't want it to set in the kidneys and bladder. It can cause a lot of irritation.
  • dixiegirl
    dixiegirl Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    COBRA666 said:

    wearin down
    Beth, How long are these drugs supposed to be working in the body? I mean for each round. Do they do their job in a few days and get excreted out of the body and then we are left with the rebuilding process of the blood cells. I am not really sure how the process works.i had the R-CVP. 5 days of 100mg of prednisone to boot. Do you realize that shot that builds up our wbc,neulastra is up in the thousands of dollars. Thank goodness for insurance. I am retired so don't have to worry about driving if I don't have too. Just not used to being torn down like this when all my life I would get up and go for 18 hours at a time. John


    The second week after chemo is by far the worst. With mine I got treatment on thurs. the jaw pain started sunday evening for about 3-4 days. Then the next week I was exhausted and generally hurt like you describe.........being hit by a truck. The last 7 days I got back to feeling more like myself.

    I never did the shots, my counts stayed good.

    Tired is such an insufficient word when it comes to chemo. It's not a level that is easy to describe. I equalled it to the most physically tired you've ever been like working an 18 hour day times 10.

    Just know it won't last forever and I finally really understood why babies cry when they are tired....I did too.
  • vinny59
    vinny59 Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    dixiegirl said:


    I too have a 45 minute commute to and from work. I would kind of zone out at stop lights and people would honk at me to go. After the 3rd treatment I stayed home and basically quit driving. I taught a 15 year old (my adopted surrogate kid) how to drive a stick so she could be my chauffer. LOL that was fun!

    But she was out of school for the summer and she enjoyed the practice and I had a great time riding haning on to the "oh ****" bar LOL. So, if at all possible? Find a chauffer.

    Take care!

    My wife get's me to my treatments, but she has to work, someone has to pay the bills hahahahaha,
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    dixiegirl said:


    The second week after chemo is by far the worst. With mine I got treatment on thurs. the jaw pain started sunday evening for about 3-4 days. Then the next week I was exhausted and generally hurt like you describe.........being hit by a truck. The last 7 days I got back to feeling more like myself.

    I never did the shots, my counts stayed good.

    Tired is such an insufficient word when it comes to chemo. It's not a level that is easy to describe. I equalled it to the most physically tired you've ever been like working an 18 hour day times 10.

    Just know it won't last forever and I finally really understood why babies cry when they are tired....I did too.

    Beth, When I said shot I meant the day(24 hrs) after chemo they gave me the shot just so my wbc would not go low. It may be something new. My wbc was normal before the chemo, but they said it would drop in the coming weeks.As a matter of fact all my cell counts were normal range.I am sure they have dropped some now as tired as I have been feeling.As we know the chemo kills good cells along with the cancer cells. The theory is the cancer cells are very slow to regrow, but our good cells regenerate very fast. The neulastra shot stimulates the baby wbc to mature faster so we won't be left without any defense system.
  • shaysha
    shaysha Member Posts: 3
    R-CVP regimen for FLNH

    Hello all, I see posts here related to 2006, 2009, 2010 and a few 2011 and am inquiring if this is an active thread. My spouse, just before foregoing a 6th 28 day chemo treatment is now to undergo this new R-CVP regimen....this one every 21 days x 6 treatments. I'd like to hear from others about what to expect.

    Blessings, Shaysha 

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited February 2017 #35

    Welcome to you Shaysha and your husband.

    Although there is no "offical" protocol for when a thread is active, this one is indeed old and long, which renders getting to the end a little unwieldy. Why not start your own ? 

    Follicular is a very common NHL, and there shold be many writers who have done R-CVP. It would be of assistance if you were to elaborate on his specifics (staging, clinical history, what the previous treatment was, etc.).

    This link details R-CVP pretty well. You can ckick on each drug and study each in detail:
