Hi Everyone, I have Great News, do you want to hear it?

2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I met with my brand new surgeon this morning, and bewteen him and my outstanding oncologist I am getting a port put in my chest this coming Wednesday and that same day I will be receiving my first chemo treatment. These 2 doctors feel it is in my best interest to shrink this thing down as much as they can. I will be getting 12 treatments, 1 every 3 weeks, I think that's what he said....

And this fall after it's shrank then I get the bilateral mastectomy and then the immediate reconstruction.

They are both thinking that after the surgery I won't need any additional chemo or radiation at all!!!! Yay that radiation scares the bajeebies out of me.

Okay so I am ready!!!! I am facing this and only a bit scared, I was told my husband can come and sit with me during the entire time I am there getting this done, that's nice to know.

I sure hope I have a great outcome so I can grow old, and see my 2 sons grow into men, and one day have wifes and kids.

Thanks to all of you for telling me everything would be okay and all would be all right.

I have an outstanding team now made of the finest doctors in Pensacola, take care everyone and I wish for all you to have as great a day as I am.

Love Ronda


  • Third_Generation
    Third_Generation Member Posts: 121
    Best Wishes for you,
    Best Wishes for you, Ronda.
  • Dot53
    Dot53 Member Posts: 239 Member
    Best wishes Ronda... you can
    Best wishes Ronda... you can do this and we are all here pulling for you!

    Big hugs...

  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Ronda -
    That is such good news! I can just hear the relief in your "voice" now that you have a group of doctors who are working together to give you the information and options you need. And I know you wanted this moving along and they are moving quickly for you! Everyone is scared with their first chemo - I made my family nuts because I just wanted to get it over with and see what it was going to be like. I really did not find it to be nearly as bad as I had anticipated - I know some of our sisters have had problems with it but there are also many that had even less side effects than I did. I will be thinking about you on Wednesday and praying that all goes well. One day at a time - now you can start seeing the progress you are making!

  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member

    Ronda -
    That is such good news! I can just hear the relief in your "voice" now that you have a group of doctors who are working together to give you the information and options you need. And I know you wanted this moving along and they are moving quickly for you! Everyone is scared with their first chemo - I made my family nuts because I just wanted to get it over with and see what it was going to be like. I really did not find it to be nearly as bad as I had anticipated - I know some of our sisters have had problems with it but there are also many that had even less side effects than I did. I will be thinking about you on Wednesday and praying that all goes well. One day at a time - now you can start seeing the progress you are making!


    Thank you Brenda! Thank you Dot! Thank you Chris!
    I think I'm like you were Chris, I'm somewhat scared but I know it won't be as bad as my silly imagination will make it to be. Thanks for your kind words of encouragemnet. How many treatments did the give you or are you still in the middle ot it? How soon will I lose my hair? Anything else you want to ahare.........

    I think I'm going to live after all !!!!

    Love Ronda
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Yes, I always want to hear
    Yes, I always want to hear good news!! It sounds like you do have a great team of doctors now that are on your side and looking out for your well being. That's awesome!! I think perhaps the "fear" has also somewhat diminished now that there is a plan in place. I'm very happy for you. Have a wonderful weekend!!
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    That is great news Ronda.
    That is great news Ronda. You took the bull by the horns. Congrats. It's your body and you certainly have been your own advocate. All us pinks will also be sitting with you in spirit, make room there are plenty of us on these boards.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member

    Thank you Brenda! Thank you Dot! Thank you Chris!
    I think I'm like you were Chris, I'm somewhat scared but I know it won't be as bad as my silly imagination will make it to be. Thanks for your kind words of encouragemnet. How many treatments did the give you or are you still in the middle ot it? How soon will I lose my hair? Anything else you want to ahare.........

    I think I'm going to live after all !!!!

    Love Ronda

    I'm really glad you have a plan in place now, Ronda. I'm sure most of us had an over-active imagination when it came to how chemo would affect us. It's usually not as horrible as you think it will be. The hair loss happens rather quickly. Depending on the chemo drugs you're taking, your hair may fall out before your second treatment. For me, it was around the 2-week mark, I think. I wish you all the luck.

  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402

    Thank you Brenda! Thank you Dot! Thank you Chris!
    I think I'm like you were Chris, I'm somewhat scared but I know it won't be as bad as my silly imagination will make it to be. Thanks for your kind words of encouragemnet. How many treatments did the give you or are you still in the middle ot it? How soon will I lose my hair? Anything else you want to ahare.........

    I think I'm going to live after all !!!!

    Love Ronda

    Some of it depends...
    On what chemo cocktail they are using for you - there are several different combinations and some variation depending upon the type of tumor. I was on Cytoxan and Taxotere which seems to be pretty common. I had six rounds every 3 weeks apart and finished last week. A lot of the sisters on this site only get 4 but I got the six because I had two positive lymph nodes after surgery. My tumor was small so the fact that they are trying to shrink yours first may be some of the difference. I will be starting rads in about 10 days.

    My hair started falling out at 17 days after the 1st dose but from what I have seen on here, 2-3 weeks is about the norm. It just started coming out in strands (not big clumps) after I shampooed one morning so my daughter and husband had a shaving get together that afternoon. I already had bought a wig and some scarves so I was ready to go (although I really have only used the wig a couple of times).

    Everything you read on here about how to get through the chemo treatments is true. Start drinking and drinking some more a couple of days before your chemo (especially if they are giving you some Prednisone for pre-medication). Keep something on your stomach before you go for your treatment. Most of the chemo facilities keep drinks and snacks for you but I always took some extra water (this was a good time to get it in) and whatever snacks appealed to me that day. Keep drinking fluids after your chemo. I usually felt fine for 1 1/2-2 days after chemo and then would just get tired and foggy headed - I honestly think I was reacting more to the Neulasta shot I got two days after chemo than the chemo itself and those symptoms only lasted a day or two. I was never sick to my stomach although at times I just wasn't hungry or thirsty. I learned to just go with whatever sounded good at the time but made sure to keep fluids going in and keep something on my stomach. I also talked to my oncologist and got the OK to take over the counter Omeprazole before and after chemo (be sure to ask them about anything you want to take) which helped with the loss of appetite and bloating feeling I would get. There was some aching and some of the numbness and tingling but it didn't bother me much and I usually just took Tylenol or Advil.

    I actually found that the side effects got milder as I went along (maybe my body adapting?) but did tend to last a little longer towards the end. It is not an easy thing to do but as I kept reading here, it is doable and it was a small price to pay if I get to see my grandson grow up. Take one day at a time, be good to yourself, hold on to your loved ones and let them help you if you need it - you will get through this and you know we'll be here every step of the way!

    Long winded but I hope it helps!

  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    natly15 said:

    That is great news Ronda.
    That is great news Ronda. You took the bull by the horns. Congrats. It's your body and you certainly have been your own advocate. All us pinks will also be sitting with you in spirit, make room there are plenty of us on these boards.

    I think you ladies are so sweet, strong and courageous!!!
    Thank you!!!!! I will be getting the combo of Taxotere and and Cytoxan (sp) and he wrote me 2 presciptions for if I start to feel sick I am to take a pill before I am actually feeling ill. He said on a scale of 1-5, this combo would be about a 2, strong but not too bad. I'm all for it.

    I now need to go get these prescriptions filled so I'm leaving for now. I'll be back tonight,

    Love Ronda
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    natly15 said:

    That is great news Ronda.
    That is great news Ronda. You took the bull by the horns. Congrats. It's your body and you certainly have been your own advocate. All us pinks will also be sitting with you in spirit, make room there are plenty of us on these boards.

    Great news Ronda!! I have
    Great news Ronda!! I have been blessed with great Drs. I am so glad it worked out for you too. I was scared my first trt. I ended up having to go alone because things just worked out that way for that day. The people in the infusion room have been awesome. Very sweet and caring. I have 1 trt. left 2 weeks from today! I am doing Cytoxin and taxotere. My hair started falling out on day 13 after first trt. My daughter in law shaved my head for me on day 14 (just my choice) I have not been sick at all with chemo, tired for a few days but no sickness. The first trt. I did have chemo brain for about a week but it has not been but 1-2 days with 2nd and 3rd ones. As everyone says drink lots and lots of water it does help.I know you will be fine. Prayers coming your way for Wed. Keep us posted God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • Balentine
    Balentine Member Posts: 393

    Great news Ronda!! I have
    Great news Ronda!! I have been blessed with great Drs. I am so glad it worked out for you too. I was scared my first trt. I ended up having to go alone because things just worked out that way for that day. The people in the infusion room have been awesome. Very sweet and caring. I have 1 trt. left 2 weeks from today! I am doing Cytoxin and taxotere. My hair started falling out on day 13 after first trt. My daughter in law shaved my head for me on day 14 (just my choice) I have not been sick at all with chemo, tired for a few days but no sickness. The first trt. I did have chemo brain for about a week but it has not been but 1-2 days with 2nd and 3rd ones. As everyone says drink lots and lots of water it does help.I know you will be fine. Prayers coming your way for Wed. Keep us posted God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    I am happy that you are getting started on treatments soon
    I am happy that your treatments will start soon....waiting is the worst part. And also that you will be getting reconstruction in the fall...I know we all look down that tunnel for when all the chemo, surgery and everything will be done and it is nice to have an end date. I wish you the best and please feel free to log in anytime and talk to us. WE are here everyday to support and encourage one another....to listen and give advice if we can....to pray for one another and lift one another to God for healing and strength. God bless you and your family as you go through the process of healing.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    natly15 said:

    That is great news Ronda.
    That is great news Ronda. You took the bull by the horns. Congrats. It's your body and you certainly have been your own advocate. All us pinks will also be sitting with you in spirit, make room there are plenty of us on these boards.

    Great news Ronda! You now
    Great news Ronda! You now have a great team of doctors that will fight with you!

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    You GO, girl!!!
    Thanks for the update...

    You know we are standing by....

    Hugs, Kathi
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Love your great news!
    This is excellent news, Ronda, and I can "hear" the relief in your voice, too.

    I had Taxotere and Cytoxan, and it is very manageable, especially with the anti-nausea meds. My first two infusions took a long time because of the care and caution of the infusion nurses, taking it slow and making sure I was okay every moment. Then, because I was able to tolerate it fine, the remaining infusions went faster. My hair loosened on day 15 after my first infusion.

    Continue having a great day! Love, Chris
  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
    Ronda, I am so happy for you!

    Hugs from Tampa!!!
