I Absolutely Hate My Surgeon



  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    Oh Thank You Hope!!!
    You did indeed get a good surgeon, one that understands it is our bodies, not theirs, we have to live inside of it, I can't wait to meet with the new doctor, I'm so happy that my oncoloogist is a decent man. He chose the right field of work becuase it definitely suits him.

    Thank you everyone, and goodnight, it's been a long day and a crummy one at that so I bid farewell and I'm heading to bed.

    Love Ronda

    If you aren't

    If you aren't comfortable with this surgeon find another. This is major life changing surgery, you don't want any regrets.
    I loved my surgeon. The 1st time I met him I felt so relaxed, I just trusted him, and that is very unusual for me. He also explained my options, told me which one he recommended, but said he would do whichever one I wanted, he wanted to make sure that I was comfortable with my choice. He even drew a pic to show me how he would cut me, and explained what he would do. When you feel at peace and can breath a little easier then you know you have found the right dr.
    The best 2 u
    hugs Jennifer
  • PNinMN
    PNinMN Member Posts: 28
    Hope the new surgeon works out better
    I'm sorry to hear that you didn't have a good experience with the first surgeon, I hope the one that your oncologist is referring you to now is much better and truly listens to you!!

    I think getting a second opinion will help put your mind at ease, at least a little bit. I haven't had surgery yet - my surgeon and oncologist both agreed that I should go through chemo first and try to shrink my tumor before going through the options for surgery. Did the oncologist ever suggest doing chemo first to try and shrink your tumor if you wouldn't be able to have surgery for awhile for any reason? I have not had any discussion yet as far as reconstruction with the surgeon, I am just dealing with this chemo stuff first.

    You will get through this! I hope tomorrow is a much better day for you...
  • m-star
    m-star Member Posts: 441
    PNinMN said:

    Hope the new surgeon works out better
    I'm sorry to hear that you didn't have a good experience with the first surgeon, I hope the one that your oncologist is referring you to now is much better and truly listens to you!!

    I think getting a second opinion will help put your mind at ease, at least a little bit. I haven't had surgery yet - my surgeon and oncologist both agreed that I should go through chemo first and try to shrink my tumor before going through the options for surgery. Did the oncologist ever suggest doing chemo first to try and shrink your tumor if you wouldn't be able to have surgery for awhile for any reason? I have not had any discussion yet as far as reconstruction with the surgeon, I am just dealing with this chemo stuff first.

    You will get through this! I hope tomorrow is a much better day for you...

    Hey Ronda
    wow that sucks BIG

    Hey Ronda

    wow that sucks BIG time! I am glad your onc has his eye on the ball though! He seems like a good one (unlike your surgeon!).

    Lets hope the new surgeon and PS see you real soon,and you're happy with them.Sending you lots of warm wishes and hugs

    Kay (((hugs)))
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    m-star said:

    Hey Ronda
    wow that sucks BIG

    Hey Ronda

    wow that sucks BIG time! I am glad your onc has his eye on the ball though! He seems like a good one (unlike your surgeon!).

    Lets hope the new surgeon and PS see you real soon,and you're happy with them.Sending you lots of warm wishes and hugs

    Kay (((hugs)))

    Ronda, I am so sorry to hear
    Ronda, I am so sorry to hear that you are having so many problems with your surgeon. But, I am so glad to hear that you have an oncologist that you like and you feel you can trust. And, one that is able to get the referrals that you need quickly. Hopefully, you will receive wise counsel from these new doctors. It makes a huge difference if you feel that you can trust what your doctor is saying and if he/she has empathy for your situation. My breast surgeon was this person for me; I hope and pray that your oncologist can do the same for you.

    I'm also hoping that the oncologist has made an appointment with a surgeon who specializes in breast surgery, or at least does a lot of breast surgery. That can make a huge difference in the amount of help the surgeon can give to help you to understand your options. Don't ever be concerned about getting a second opinion: I had second opinions done for my pathology reports (sent to specialists at Vanderbilt, at the recommendation of my surgeon) to make sure that we knew exactly what was wrong and better understand the appropriate treatment plan.

    Hope today is looking better for you, and that the doctor's appointments are coming up soon. Keep us posted!

  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    I yelled at my surgeon
    My surgeon tried to get me to see the plastic surgeon. I really had thought through what kind of operation was right for me. I looked at books, pictures on the internet, talked to survivors, listened to a radio show for two days on it... you name it.The silicone prosthesis in a bra was what I had decided on. I didn't want more surgery, I didn't want the recovery time, I am not big so the prosthesis wasn't going to weigh a ton or be hot and sweaty all the time. He was determined I have a "choice". I got in his face and told him I wanted my choice and I didn't see wasting the plastic surgeon's time. I reserved the right to change my mind in the future. I never have. That was back in 2002. Sometimes I admire ladies who can wear bikini tops and halter exercise gear. However, I am 53 and what looks good on the 20 somethings might not look the same on me now! So I wear sleeveless V necks in the gym and a special one piecer at the beach. That's my choice.I will get in anyone's face to defend the right for any woman to have her choice, whether that means a DIEP flap, Tram flap, implant, SIEP flap, bilateral, or mastectomy with or without a prothesis. Choice means the woman decides.

    That said, the Susan Love website had pictures and stories that made me more sure of what I wanted. I hope you get your choice, whatever it is.