meeting plastic surgeon tomorrow

cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Meeting plastic surgeon tomorrow to discuss reconstruction at a later date. I'm having bilateral mastectomies Tuesday. Yesterday I looked online at a lot of pics and read about reconstruction. It's a lot to think about. I called the store at my hospital and will be fitted for camisoles that zip up the front that I can wear it home from the hospital. It will have boobs in it. 4-6 weeks post surgery I can get fitted for prostheses and if I'm comfortable with them I may decided not to go through with reconstruction following chemo & rad. A LOT TO THINK ABOUT! I want to get through one surgery at a time and see how things go.


  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
    Hi Cajah,

    Good luck Tuesday.

    Everyone here is behind you 1000%.

  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    awww Char, I wish I could go with you.
    See that's kind of what I think I want, I just don't want all the extra stitches and recovery time, and I don't think I need new boobs. Good lord all this thinking can drive you crazy, do I or don't I, it's enough to make you go nuts.

    I wish you well, see I'm kind of thinking if I don't do it all at once I will never have the courage to go through more surgery time, with me it's going to be now or never.

    I know I'm a big chicken, but I also know my dating days are behind me, I'm married and plan on staying married, my husband just wants me alive, he could take em' or leave em' (the boobs that is).

    Good night Char, have a great day tomorrow even though you might be scared, we'll all be thinking of you,

    Love Ronda
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    awww Char, I wish I could go with you.
    See that's kind of what I think I want, I just don't want all the extra stitches and recovery time, and I don't think I need new boobs. Good lord all this thinking can drive you crazy, do I or don't I, it's enough to make you go nuts.

    I wish you well, see I'm kind of thinking if I don't do it all at once I will never have the courage to go through more surgery time, with me it's going to be now or never.

    I know I'm a big chicken, but I also know my dating days are behind me, I'm married and plan on staying married, my husband just wants me alive, he could take em' or leave em' (the boobs that is).

    Good night Char, have a great day tomorrow even though you might be scared, we'll all be thinking of you,

    Love Ronda

    Just wishing you good
    Just wishing you good luck!

    Hugs, Angie
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Char -
    Good luck on the surgery - we will all be there with you!
  • cvolk821
    cvolk821 Member Posts: 36
    We're All Different
    I had a bi-lateral mastectomy with immediate expander implant. Oddly enough, I looked at the fills, permanent implant surgery and nipple creation all as positive steps toward normalcy. With all of the fear and uncertainty surrounding the cancer diagnosis, the completion of reconstruction was truely something to look forward to. My Plastic Surgeon was an absolute artist, and they are fabulous.

    There's no right or wrong answer. It is whatever makes you the most comfortable. The only thing for sure is that we will all be thinking about you on Tuesday - and sending you all of our prayers and positive energy!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I'm glad I met PS
    I'm glad I met with the plastic surgeon today. He took his time to explain everything and he asked if I had any questions. He told me that I can wait as long as I want to decide. He just reconstructed a woman who had waited 15 years! Because I have shoulder issues I'm not a candidate for the flap. I also have balance issues and osteoarthritis of the spine so the tummy tuck flap is not an option either. He did say that as long as radiation does not destroy tissue I would be a candidate for implants. So, I'm going to wait and see how things go with the mastectomies and heal and then make a decision. Also, my state is required by law to reconstruct whenever and if I only had one breast done insurance has to cover lift, reduction or inflation of other breast so that esthetically look about the same. I'm feeling better having more knowledge and I really appreciate reading what everyone on this network is going through.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    I'm glad I met PS
    I'm glad I met with the plastic surgeon today. He took his time to explain everything and he asked if I had any questions. He told me that I can wait as long as I want to decide. He just reconstructed a woman who had waited 15 years! Because I have shoulder issues I'm not a candidate for the flap. I also have balance issues and osteoarthritis of the spine so the tummy tuck flap is not an option either. He did say that as long as radiation does not destroy tissue I would be a candidate for implants. So, I'm going to wait and see how things go with the mastectomies and heal and then make a decision. Also, my state is required by law to reconstruct whenever and if I only had one breast done insurance has to cover lift, reduction or inflation of other breast so that esthetically look about the same. I'm feeling better having more knowledge and I really appreciate reading what everyone on this network is going through.

    I am happy that you had such
    I am happy that you had such a positive meeting with your surgeon. I am glad there is no time limit for your reconstruction. With a lot of insurance companies, you are only allowed so many years to have it done.

    Good luck with your surgery and praying you recover quickly.

    Hugs, Diane
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    cvolk821 said:

    We're All Different
    I had a bi-lateral mastectomy with immediate expander implant. Oddly enough, I looked at the fills, permanent implant surgery and nipple creation all as positive steps toward normalcy. With all of the fear and uncertainty surrounding the cancer diagnosis, the completion of reconstruction was truely something to look forward to. My Plastic Surgeon was an absolute artist, and they are fabulous.

    There's no right or wrong answer. It is whatever makes you the most comfortable. The only thing for sure is that we will all be thinking about you on Tuesday - and sending you all of our prayers and positive energy!

    Good luck with surgery!
    Good luck with surgery! Sending you hugs and prayers!