Let's light candles to life on Wednesday evening



  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    MyTurnNow said:

    Traci, I, too, think this is
    Traci, I, too, think this is a beautiful idea. Can I be a little different though? I am in Florida but don't get home on Wednesday's until 7:40ish. So, when you see that extra light pop on on the east coast you'll know it's me. Maybe I'll get a new "special" candle and one with several wicks in it. Wouldn't that make for a brighter light?

    We will all walk this walk hand in hand and be led by the light and love of our kindred spirits!!

    still burning to join your light
    I will light my candle at 7pm and it will still be burning for yours to join in .... I too am in Florida
  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    Wonderful idea....Florida will be lit
    I was just starting to feel down...only halfway through chemo, 4 more to go, and then rads...needed to get something upbeat to get me out of the downward swing...THANK YOU! I have my candle ready for 7 pm tonight ready to join in and become positive and feel the warmth of the glow!
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    cavediver said:

    Wonderful idea....Florida will be lit
    I was just starting to feel down...only halfway through chemo, 4 more to go, and then rads...needed to get something upbeat to get me out of the downward swing...THANK YOU! I have my candle ready for 7 pm tonight ready to join in and become positive and feel the warmth of the glow!

    Shout out to Ireland & England!
    Joan, it's so nice to hear from you.

    Can you or whoever starts us out in Europe start a new thread when you light your candle tonight, so we can watch the candles as they're being lit?

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    natly15 said:

    Traci I have my candle ready
    Traci I have my candle ready for 7pm wed Nite. This is a wonderful idea. I finished rads today. I'm baked and pooped but hope to live each day to the fullest. This candle will remind me to keep on keeping on.

    Some of you in the Tampa area and Arizona may have read about a plane crash which took an entire family of 4 last Friday. Their piper crashed into a school building in a small town in Arizona and the entire family, mom, dad, and 2 daughters ages 16 and 6 perished. We knew the family and found out about it in the newspaper this morning. As I celebrated the completion of my treatment today, I read this terrible news and it confirmed even more the importance of living life to the fullest each and every day. My candle will burn brightly in celebration of life.

    Natly, congrats on getting
    Natly, congrats on getting the rads behind you. I'm sending my sympathy to you for the loss of your friends. Like you said, it's just confirmation that we're not guaranteed anything in life and especially the "importance of living life to the fullest each and every day".
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    natly15 said:

    Traci I have my candle ready
    Traci I have my candle ready for 7pm wed Nite. This is a wonderful idea. I finished rads today. I'm baked and pooped but hope to live each day to the fullest. This candle will remind me to keep on keeping on.

    Some of you in the Tampa area and Arizona may have read about a plane crash which took an entire family of 4 last Friday. Their piper crashed into a school building in a small town in Arizona and the entire family, mom, dad, and 2 daughters ages 16 and 6 perished. We knew the family and found out about it in the newspaper this morning. As I celebrated the completion of my treatment today, I read this terrible news and it confirmed even more the importance of living life to the fullest each and every day. My candle will burn brightly in celebration of life.

    So Sorry
    Natly, I'm so sorry about that family. What a shame all those lives lost. I will pray for them too while lighting the candle.
    Hugs - Pat
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Joining You All
    A wonderful idea, Traci. There will be a candle lit in our home tonight at 7.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    TraciInLA said:

    Such beautiful ideas
    I'm so honored and humbled by all the beautiful ways you're all making this little ritual your own, building it with pieces of your own hearts.

    In my faith tradition, we light a flame inside a chalice at the beginning of every worship service and church gathering, to mark our time together as sacred time. I have a small chalice of my own on my mantle which I rarely light -- but lighting our candles tomorrow evening will definitely be sacred time, so I'll light my chalice in honor of all of you and our walk together through all that life brings.


    Traci, What a sweet heart
    Traci, What a sweet heart you are. I'll be lighting a candle at 7:00 Mountain Time. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    camsgram said:

    AWESOME!!!!!I will light up
    AWESOME!!!!!I will light up Iowa for all my pink sisters

    I will have my candles
    I will have my candles flickering here in the mid west!
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    Great idea I am getting my
    Great idea I am getting my candle ready now!! God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808

    Great idea I am getting my
    Great idea I am getting my candle ready now!! God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    I just read this post and
    I just read this post and can't believe I almost missed this glorious light event. It's 6 Pm now but you can be assured I'll have my candle lit at 7 PM. In fact, I have a beautiful candle with 3 wicks and that's one I've been saving for a special occasion, and this is it. My candle stands for faith, hope and love and it will burn brightly for all of us pink warriors who have fought, are fighting and will fight the bc beast and we will not only be survivors, we will be CONQUERERS! My candle will also be lit for all those who take such good care of us and are there for us, no matter what. Today I had my 6th chemo, I'm halfway thru and because of all of your encouragement I know I can make it. It hasn't been easy with all my other health issues but today I feel good. My hands are clearing up, my white blood cell counts actually went up from last week with no shots and its a go for #7 chemo next week if no side effects hamper me. I'm wearing my compression sleeve and glove right now and its taken my twice as long to post but just wanted you to know the candles will be shining brightly here in the St. Louis area tonight 7PM CST. Thanks Traci for being such a caring thoughtful and innovative person, you are such a beautiful poet.
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    Sunrae said:

    I just read this post and
    I just read this post and can't believe I almost missed this glorious light event. It's 6 Pm now but you can be assured I'll have my candle lit at 7 PM. In fact, I have a beautiful candle with 3 wicks and that's one I've been saving for a special occasion, and this is it. My candle stands for faith, hope and love and it will burn brightly for all of us pink warriors who have fought, are fighting and will fight the bc beast and we will not only be survivors, we will be CONQUERERS! My candle will also be lit for all those who take such good care of us and are there for us, no matter what. Today I had my 6th chemo, I'm halfway thru and because of all of your encouragement I know I can make it. It hasn't been easy with all my other health issues but today I feel good. My hands are clearing up, my white blood cell counts actually went up from last week with no shots and its a go for #7 chemo next week if no side effects hamper me. I'm wearing my compression sleeve and glove right now and its taken my twice as long to post but just wanted you to know the candles will be shining brightly here in the St. Louis area tonight 7PM CST. Thanks Traci for being such a caring thoughtful and innovative person, you are such a beautiful poet.

    I just saw this post!
    In fact I just asked someone on another post about candles what was going on! Duhhhh. Well it's 7:18 here in Michigan but it's going to be 7:00 somewhere else soon so I am going to be a little early and light a special candle i received and haven't lit yet.

    Thanks Traci, wonderful idea...

    Half a day late and dollar short (or in this case 18 min. late) Judy :-)
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hey Traci
    You're a poet and didn't know it! I'll be lighting too.
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I'll be there!
    I'm still at work right now, but will be home "lighting up" at 7:00 PDT. I wonder if they'll be able to see us from outer space?

    Love to all,
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    crselby said:

    like Ayse said
    It's almost time, here in AZ. I dedicate my candle to the brave, the scared, the hopeful, the desolate, the struggling, the REAL WOMEN, on this site and all around the world who are dealing with this disease.

    Like Ayse said, I wish that for one day all those afflicted with breast cancer were lit up like a light bulb, or that we would all wear white, to show the world just how many women (and their families) are fighting the fight. Should we march in a parade on the mall in Washington, D.C. to bring attention to the matter? That has worked for Gays!

    Here's to all of us! From our candles and lips to God's eyes and ears....


    Yeah Connie!!
    A walk sounds nice.... after all we are just as FIERCE as the gays = )
