diagnosed one week ago.....



  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member
    Katz77 said:

    Dear courage
    I two had a lg tumor,5.3cm,IDC, HER+,ER+,PR+,18 of 20lymphs cancerous. Oh, stage3c. Getting ready to celerate 1 yr since dx. Guess a load of tests coming my way. Had AC,cytotoxinTaxol andalmost done w Herceptin. Also 33 " hits" of rads. I had implnts when I was 41ish. Was able to leave implant in the right breast. removed all (Ihope) brst tissue from r side. Decided to keep implant to use as a expander, so to speak. I'm fairly even.
    So are our cancers different? They sound the same. I don't know how to do private messaging, or e-mail on this site. Help will be neeed. lol Don't even know if you'll see this. Katz

    I sent you a private message. After you log in, click on CSN Email in the pink box and then open it by clicking where it says "new". Hope you get it, let me know. MM
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    Hope 2010 said:

    It is a whirlwind
    I was also recently dx on 5/26/10. It is scary, but this board has helped me out a lot. Just reading and seeing opinions helped. Everyone here has been helpful and very nice. We'll get through this. ((hugs))

    The doc told me the tumor in
    The doc told me the tumor in my left breast was about 8cm. I had chemo finished early went in for pet scan the cancer was gone. Doc said the chemo was suppose to shrink the cancer, but it was gone. Doctors were shocked. I knew what happened, I like to believe it was a combo of chemo and faith with lots of prayers thrown in.
    The best 2 u take care.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    TraciInLA said:

    Welcome, lksdgrl
    Of course you're feeling overwhelmed right now....the first few weeks after hearing those words are just so overwhelming. Take it slow, one step at a time, and all the new terminology and decisions will start to make sense, I promise. Be sure to take someone with you to all your appointments, because -- no matter how hard you try -- you're only going to hear only about 50% of what's said right now.

    I know how much you want to get going on treatment, but please don't let anyone rush you into any decisions -- including yourself! Give yourself time to really make the best decisions for YOU.

    I didn't have chemo before surgery (called neoadjuvant chemo), but there are definitely women here who have, and I know they'll be along soon to share their experiences with you.

    Please come back here as often as you like, and ask all your questions -- you won't find better companions for this journey than the women and men here.


    Sending you lots of hugs
    Sending you lots of hugs and prayers! You can do this!

    We are here to help you!
  • Jennifer1961
    Jennifer1961 Member Posts: 137

    chemo question
    my doctor wants to do chemo before surgery to try and reduce the tumor size (2 cm), I guess because I don't have much to begin with 34 B, so there will be less deformity(her words) I don't really care about breast conservation, never had much to worry about, is it worth doing the chemo before hand, I really want to get this show on the road....get this surgery done and am no really sure if doing chemo before hand seems worth it

    So sorry you have to be
    So sorry you have to be here. I was diagnosed May 4. I had my surgery the next week. My lump was bigger 3cm and my breasts are smaller (barely an A after nursing 3 kids). My breast doesn't look so hot, but I figure I'll deal with that later. For me the important thing was to get that thing out!
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    chemo question
    my doctor wants to do chemo before surgery to try and reduce the tumor size (2 cm), I guess because I don't have much to begin with 34 B, so there will be less deformity(her words) I don't really care about breast conservation, never had much to worry about, is it worth doing the chemo before hand, I really want to get this show on the road....get this surgery done and am no really sure if doing chemo before hand seems worth it

    My first thought is - what
    My first thought is - what type of BC do you have? There are different ones with different protocols and different people here who have dealt with different types.
  • Balentine
    Balentine Member Posts: 393

    The doc told me the tumor in
    The doc told me the tumor in my left breast was about 8cm. I had chemo finished early went in for pet scan the cancer was gone. Doc said the chemo was suppose to shrink the cancer, but it was gone. Doctors were shocked. I knew what happened, I like to believe it was a combo of chemo and faith with lots of prayers thrown in.
    The best 2 u take care.

    Sounds like a miracle to me
    Well Ms. Sunshine, that sure sounds like a miracle to me. 8cm! Wow. Yes...that is a miracle. I am so happy for you and thanking God your cancer is gone!
  • linpsu
    linpsu Member Posts: 747
    Balentine said:

    Sounds like a miracle to me
    Well Ms. Sunshine, that sure sounds like a miracle to me. 8cm! Wow. Yes...that is a miracle. I am so happy for you and thanking God your cancer is gone!

    Chemo first
    My cancer is triple negative and the tumor was 8 cm at diagnosis (I already had a mastectomy 2 years ago). I am currently receiving chemo (4 sessions of A/C and 4 sessions of Taxol) and my tumor has shrunken to where the dr. cannot feel it.

    When she said she wanted to do chemo first instead of surgery, I was very apprehensive - I just wanted it out of me and wanted to deal with the chemo later. But I guess it was a good decision - I'll know for sure once I get the results of a PET/CAT scan this week.

    Good luck to you - this is a wonderful place to learn about what other people are dealing with and to get tips on how to manage your own experience.
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    So sorry you have to be
    So sorry you have to be here. I was diagnosed May 4. I had my surgery the next week. My lump was bigger 3cm and my breasts are smaller (barely an A after nursing 3 kids). My breast doesn't look so hot, but I figure I'll deal with that later. For me the important thing was to get that thing out!

    I am so sad that you have to
    I am so sad that you have to go thru this. Please know that you will find love and support here. After all, we are all sisters in pink.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I'm sorry
    I'm sorry that we're all meeting here at these message boards. I too was just dx in May and I'm having double mastectomies June 22. My oncology surgeon didn't mention chemo to shrink my tumor before surgery. My right breast has ILC (6.8cm) and my left breast has a small tumor that is LCIS. Because of my family history (I will get BRCA results this Friday) I decided to be safe and both breasts removed. Yes, I'm scared but I'll do whatever I need to. I'm appreciative of all those who comment on their personal experiences even if they're different circumstances. It's all helpful and has given me many more questions to ask my surgeon. Reconstruction will be several months from now.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    bluwillo said:

    Welcome lksdgrl!
    So sorry you had to join us, but as long as you're here....

    My situation (dx, lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemo, rads) is different that yours. But, I do share your attitude of "OK, let's get this show on the road! I want this carp outta me NOW!" That's what I was saying to the world, while inside I was totally freaking out. But, being the wife, mom and grandma, I kept my freak-outs to myself. I figured my family was scared enough, no need to let them know that the strongest woman they know is considering a life in her bedroom, phones and tv's disconnected, just spending my days playing Camille.

    So, in order to "be the boss of cancer", I had to have a plan. It sounds like you and your med team are getting one togther. It will help you greatly to have goals to attain. Each treatment, each appointment is one step closer to you getting your "normal" back.

    Mostly, what I want to tell you is this: Be not afraid. No matter what happens, you still have every second of today. Try not to waste those seconds worrying about things over which you have no control. And don't beat yourself up when you can't keep the fear at bay. I literally wore a path in our carpet and yard last summer, pacing while saying the rosary. It was like meditating on wheels....while my mind was concentrating on the prayers and avoiding the doggy do in the backyard, my body was "chillin", allowing my stress levels to go down.

    This is a fabulous board that I wish I had allowed myself to join last year upon my diagnosis. Sadly, I went to another one, spent one whole night there reading and scaring myself silly! I am an internet junkie, a college student, and a gramma who "knows everything", so it was very hard, at first, to stay away from other people's cancer stories. Now, reading here, I see that I may have done some things differently. I know for DARN sure my onc is going to hear a few things from my during my check up in August!

    Just remember: Be not afraid. Do not allow the fear to rule your life. When you're having a freak-out, come here. I'll put on my red cowboy boots, and, since it's summer, I might even try on some Daisy Dukes, I'll do anything for a laugh!!

    How did your appointment go
    How did your appointment go with your oncologist?
  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
    Peace to you!
    So many of us have gone through the process of BC and treatment. Looking at it from the other side, as I can at this point, I want to assure you that you will make it through. I opted for a bilat mast since, as you mentioned, breast conservation weighed much more in my estimation than life conservation. I have not regretted my decision - but this is a very personal decision and one that only you can make. Ask the Lord for confirmation of your decisions along the way and He will make things clearly evident. I had so much confirmation to my decisions it was amazing. It created a world of peace. I'm sure they want to do chemo before to shrink your tumor. I understand, though, the feeling that you just want it to be GONE! That was my feeling - and the sooner, the better. You'll have to ask tons of questions and get informed then dive in with the treatments. Your husband and your son and YOU will be the ones who will benefit from the best care you can receive. You will make it. I am a stronger person now - and believe it or not, there have been many good things that have come out of the whole experience. You'll find this to be true, too.
    Much peace,
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Balentine said:

    Sounds like a miracle to me
    Well Ms. Sunshine, that sure sounds like a miracle to me. 8cm! Wow. Yes...that is a miracle. I am so happy for you and thanking God your cancer is gone!

    Sending prayers and positive
    Sending prayers and positive thoughts to you!
  • shalyn463
    shalyn463 Member Posts: 1
    My name is Sharon I was diagnosed about week ago myself and yes it has been a whirlwind for me also.I had my mamagram about 3 weeks ago and had biopsy about a week half ago,oach that hurt.Dr call me on the 8th of June and told me i had breast cancer. Its called Invasive Ductal Carcinoma it is operable thank god for that.But it still scary.Iam 47 and have bet cancer back in 91 this is the one that scares me though.Its ok some days are bad for me also Try, To stay busy keep your mind busy.Take one day at a time.My next apt is the 22 of June I go talk to plastic surgeon about how they will Reconstruct my left breast maybe both not sure yet .there will be a clearer battle plan your not alone ok .If you need someone to chat with i will check here often.You will get through this .I know you can.................................Have a Great Day and Reamember ,Only on day a a time ,its to hard anyother way God Bless You and Yours