Have any of you ladies heard about this form of treatment?

lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have heard about this and read about this when I had my breast cancer last Summer. My Oncology surgeon has been working on a breast cancer vaccine, and I will look for his article, but here is one from the Mayo Clinic


Basically it goes in and kills the tumor.


  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Lanie, I don't like anyone's post to be ignored, but I want to speculate about why you haven't received any responses.

    I think that people who are involved in regular, conventional cancer treatment are already overwhelmed with their situations. When we're presented with info about a treatment that's not available to us, it doesn't feel relevant and is just too much info we can't use.

    Mayo Clinic is legitimate, but there have been "cures" and "treatments" posted here that were bogus. The "community" here is wary of such things. Forgive us if we mistrust these kinds of posts. We've been burned in the past.

    Everyone wants new treatments to be developed, for sure. We all support research and pray for a cure. Bless your oncologist for working on a vaccine. Thanks for sharing this, and please don't take the lack of response personally.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Lanie, I don't like anyone's post to be ignored, but I want to speculate about why you haven't received any responses.

    I think that people who are involved in regular, conventional cancer treatment are already overwhelmed with their situations. When we're presented with info about a treatment that's not available to us, it doesn't feel relevant and is just too much info we can't use.

    Mayo Clinic is legitimate, but there have been "cures" and "treatments" posted here that were bogus. The "community" here is wary of such things. Forgive us if we mistrust these kinds of posts. We've been burned in the past.

    Everyone wants new treatments to be developed, for sure. We all support research and pray for a cure. Bless your oncologist for working on a vaccine. Thanks for sharing this, and please don't take the lack of response personally.

    I have heard of a breast
    I have heard of a breast cancer vaccine and I am excited as it has hope in animal studies and may be available in 10 years which gives me hope for our futures and for our kids too.
  • contrail
    contrail Member Posts: 129
    Lanie-I've read an article in the newspaper and seen something about this very thing on TV, and all I can say is what a blessing to womanhood this would be, if it can be developed. Look at all the advances that have been made over just the last few years in the fight against breast cancer. Our chances of surviving and living for many years to come have doubled and tripled because of these advances. I see no reason why a vaccine couldn't be developed, and I pray that one will be for my own little granddaughter and all the little girls who are part of our lives. This is why I have become such an advocate of such groups as the Susan Komen Foundation, the American Cancer Association, etc. It's through our donations and support that the research can go on to develop a possible vaccine. Let's pray that it happens. Connie
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I saw it
    I saw this in a news article. They still have studies to do so it's not ready yet. I think someone posted about this awhile back. It would be great if it works!
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    I saw it
    I saw this in a news article. They still have studies to do so it's not ready yet. I think someone posted about this awhile back. It would be great if it works!

    I heard about the vaccine but I guess that is still a
    ways off. I read the website and it discusses a new type of less invasive surgery for not only breat but other cancers as well. What puzzles me is this supposed to take the place of a lumpectomy? Those are quite often done as outpatient under IV sedation. This procedure requires an overnite stay and general anesthesia. I had general asesthia for my re-exisional biopsy with sentinel node biposy and went home that nite. It does not take the place of a mastecomy. I can see the value for other types of cancer.

    What are others thoughts?