What to eat

Jennifer1961 Member Posts: 137
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I've heard that eating light is the key to avoiding nausea. any suggestions on what to eat before, during and after chemo? My first round is on Friday (TAC). The nurse suggested I eat a light breakfast, and bring something to snack on. Maybe this is a stupid question, but what is a good snack for chemo?


  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Hey, you're up late
    Me, too, obviously. I found that eating small amounts often was the key all during chemo, not just on infusion day. Never an empty tummy.

    On chemo day, cereal for breakfast was good. Breakfast bars are good in the chemo room. I took yogurt in a small cooler, too. String cheese and crackers would be tasty. A lot of people say protein is best for avoiding nausea.

    The first chemo is slow and you might be there many hours, so take plenty. The friend I was with went out and brought back sandwiches for lunch. The people around me (getting chemo) were eating everything from McDonald's to barbeque!

    My infusion room offered juices and ice water. Although it's important to drink lots of fluids, I stopped drinking while AT chemo because I had to pee all the time! When I got home, I started drinking water.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    Hey, you're up late
    Me, too, obviously. I found that eating small amounts often was the key all during chemo, not just on infusion day. Never an empty tummy.

    On chemo day, cereal for breakfast was good. Breakfast bars are good in the chemo room. I took yogurt in a small cooler, too. String cheese and crackers would be tasty. A lot of people say protein is best for avoiding nausea.

    The first chemo is slow and you might be there many hours, so take plenty. The friend I was with went out and brought back sandwiches for lunch. The people around me (getting chemo) were eating everything from McDonald's to barbeque!

    My infusion room offered juices and ice water. Although it's important to drink lots of fluids, I stopped drinking while AT chemo because I had to pee all the time! When I got home, I started drinking water.

    Whatever you like and is
    considered healthy foods.
    Good luck
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Hope this helps!
    The best advice is to eat what YOU can tolerate best. The info below is from: http://www.bccancer.bc.ca/NR/rdonlyres/252D95CC-8B48-4F62-AEB1-97C81070E8F2/9340/FoodChoicestoHelpControlNausea1.pdf

    "Sip fluids often throughout the day. Aim for 1 ½ -2 litres (6-8 cups) of fluid
    daily. Good choices in addition to water include:
    gingerale** popsicles jello®
    gatorade fruit juices iced tea
    lemonade clear soups weak tea with honey
    milk yogurt sherbet
    ice milk pudding frozen yogurt bar
    **carbonated drinks are sometimes tolerated better after they go flat
    Eat small amounts of food every 1-2 hours throughout the day. Try starchy
    foods such as:
    crackers pretzels toast
    rice bread sticks potato chips
    bagel plain noodles rice cakes
    digestive cookie crumpet plain cake
    Other nourishing foods that are generally well tolerated include:
    cereal with milk tuna or chicken sandwich
    pancakes cooked eggs
    cream soups toast with peanut butter
    pasta with a small amount of sauce
    If the smell of foods makes your nausea worse, choose cold foods or foods at
    room temperature such as:
    fresh or canned fruit cheese and crackers vegetables and dip
    yogurt with fruit cottage cheese and fruit custard
    Avoid overly spicy foods, sweet desserts and greasy or fried foods.
    Other ideas:
    • Rinse your mouth often throughout the day with a baking soda and water
    mouth rinse (1/4 tsp baking soda to 1 cup water), especially before and after
    • Sip liquids slowly.
    • Avoid eating your favorite foods at this time as you could develop a dislike
    for them later.
    • Nibble on crystallized ginger or sip ginger tea (ask your dietitian for a recipe).
    • Eat in a relaxing environment (e.g. dim lighting and soft music may help).
    Also avoid eating in a stuffy or warm room.
    • Wear loose clothing.
    • Place a cold cloth on your face.
    • Ask about other methods such as relaxation techniques (see Patient and
    Family Counseling)."
  • PNinMN
    PNinMN Member Posts: 28
    Get a good base
    Definitely eat before you head to chemo. I usually eat oatmeal, pancakes, or toast. Going to chemo on an empty stomach is not a good idea.

    During chemo I usually snack on crackers, trail mix, and ginger snaps. I don't eat too much while I am getting the chemo, just eat some little light things so there is always a little something in your stomach. I have also been told that I should avoid bringing in some of my favorite foods into the chemo room as it can ruin your favorite foods...associating the food to the chemo and all. Drinking fluids during will help you with dry mouth too, even though it stinks that you have to keep getting up to go to the bathroom!

    Hope this helps and good luck!
  • TawnyS
    TawnyS Member Posts: 144 Member
    Vanilla wafers...yummy!
    That was about the only thing I could eat and cheetos.
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    TawnyS said:

    Vanilla wafers...yummy!
    That was about the only thing I could eat and cheetos.

    I always snacked on
    I always snacked on something small before chemo...then for lunch the infusion center feed us lunch like a hamburger or salad things like that...they made sure we drank plenty too during chemo!! But by the time lunch came around i was already getting that nasty taste in my mouth and didnt really want to eat...but i continued snacking on softer snacks like jello, soft cookies, salads things like that cuz of the hole sore mouth thing.
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    jo jo said:

    I always snacked on
    I always snacked on something small before chemo...then for lunch the infusion center feed us lunch like a hamburger or salad things like that...they made sure we drank plenty too during chemo!! But by the time lunch came around i was already getting that nasty taste in my mouth and didnt really want to eat...but i continued snacking on softer snacks like jello, soft cookies, salads things like that cuz of the hole sore mouth thing.

    Vanilla waffers, crackers,
    Vanilla waffers, crackers, and french fri's was all I ate pretty much for the first 4 rounds of AC. I hated any kind of meat. I am just starting to eat meat again now and I have been done with chemo for a while now ( November ). Eat and drink what ever you can. Make sure your doctor gave you anti nausea meds as well. Take them even if you don't feel sick. Good luck
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Vanilla waffers, crackers,
    Vanilla waffers, crackers, and french fri's was all I ate pretty much for the first 4 rounds of AC. I hated any kind of meat. I am just starting to eat meat again now and I have been done with chemo for a while now ( November ). Eat and drink what ever you can. Make sure your doctor gave you anti nausea meds as well. Take them even if you don't feel sick. Good luck

    I always snacked on whole
    I always snacked on whole grain peanutbutter crackers, and drink water or 100% fruit juice.
    When I was in chemo I thought it odd that patients would eat chips, cakes, fast food, and drink sodas. Hello we're in chemo. My body just couldn't handle that kind of food.