Was there a history of breast cancer in your family?



  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Hope 2010 said:

    I'm the first also
    I honestly didn't think I would get bc only because there's no one on my mom's nor dad's side that had it. That's probably why I didn't do my monthly breast exams as often as I should have because I didn't think I could get it. How wrong I was... Now I'm letting everyone know about it because it can happen to anyone.

    I also am the first to be
    I also am the first to be diagnosed with bc and I pray that I am the one and only to ever have it.

    KYLEZ ♥
  • arkansasgirl
    arkansasgirl Member Posts: 84
    ME TOO!!!!!!

    As my surgeon told me SOMEONE HAD TO BE FIRST!! Once she said that I started beating up the family tree. So you know she was right. I contacted all the females (we have alot) and
    gave them the news.

  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    I'm the first
    Not only was I the first in the family, but I waived "cancer insurance" earlier that year because no one else in the family had ever been diagnosed. Dumb move on my part.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    jo jo said:

    me too~im the first
    Im the only one to have breast cancer in my family on both sides ~ except my grandma passed away from ovarian cancer...her and i were diagnosed about the same age.

    I'm the first too.

    I'm the first too.
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    I'm the first
    Not only was I the first in the family, but I waived "cancer insurance" earlier that year because no one else in the family had ever been diagnosed. Dumb move on my part.

    No breast cancer, but lung
    No breast cancer, but lung cancer yes.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    cavediver said:

    first in family
    no family history, I was first dx at 63


  • arkansasgirl
    arkansasgirl Member Posts: 84

    I'm the first
    Not only was I the first in the family, but I waived "cancer insurance" earlier that year because no one else in the family had ever been diagnosed. Dumb move on my part.

    INSURANCE ISSUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Talking about waiving cancer insurance - I started a job in Aug 08. I had a 6 months
    waiting period so by March 9, 2009 I had to have all my benefits completed. I ask my
    supervisor who is in her 30's did she take any out and she said no that she was in pretty
    good health. I said me to so as you know I passed. It cost like $8.00 per pay which was 26 pays per year. Although I had good insurance it would have paid me a ton of money. So
    you know on MARCH 14TH, 2009 I found a 2cm mass in my right breast. So I was 5 days off. That was the pits!!!! You know the mass just didn't happen in 5 days. lol So I missed out
    on that too!! You are not in the boat by yourself and no it was not a dumb move on your part, we just didn't count on us being FIRST in line so to speak. We would have opted to be not in line at all for that matter.

    God Bless You
  • mollymousemom
    mollymousemom Member Posts: 18
    Oh yeah.......my great grandmother(mother's father's mother) had breast cancer, mother has 3 sister's out of 7 that have had breast cancer...the 1st one to have it,died about 15 or so years ago, another one has it, but because of her mental condition, she's not being treated, other aunt is 76 & is a fiesty soul......she had lumpectomy & radiation...cancer free now. she found hers by self-exam in Dec 2008 & that is how mine was found...can't stress enough to do your self-exams...Mamograms don't always pick them up.....I always thought in the back of my mind that I would get it & I did, so wasn't really shocked..upset yes......thank goodness none of my cousins that I know of have or have had it....continously praying for a cure....
    fighting the fight & living each day to the max(unless I'm too tired)
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    I was the 1st at 45
    And I'd LOVE to say, I'll be the LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    I was the very first...
    Member of my family, both sides, to be diagnosed (at 45, almost 7 years ago) with cancer of any kind.

    Currently, less than 10% of breast cancer cases are due to genetic history.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I'm the 5th
    in my family. My maternal grandmother died at age 62. It spread from breasts to bone marrow. My aunt dx age 68 and had mastectomy and is still alive at age 90. I am the oldest of 4 girls. We've all had cystic breasts and mammograms since age 35. One sister dx DCIS at age 49. The other sister had lumpectomy, chemo & rad at age 53. Both are now bc survivors! I am 61 and have ILC (6.8cm) in rt breast and small tumor that is LCIS in left breast. Because of family history I will be having bilateral mastectomies June 22. My daughter will be 34 next month and knows to start mammograms soon. I never missed and yet my dr said my cancer is slow growning. My gyn found the mass. The past 3 weeks have been a whirl of tests and biopsies. I did have the BRCA testing done and was told yesterday that I am negative or that they haven't found the genetic mutation yet......
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    I am the third
    My aunt (moms sis) was first 10 years ago, then again 5 years ago.
    Then came my mom, four years in August.
    Then it was my turn, diagnosed February 2007.
    They always told me my aunts does not affect me, and hers is a totally different type.
    My mom's and mine are the same, I just had mine around a lot longer before being checked, so I had chemo and rads, where she only needed rads, and I am so glad for that because I dont think she would have made it through chemo.
    My sister now worries, but wont ask to get the tests, doesnt want to know.
    Oh well, we do all react differently to these things
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    BethInAz said:

    First in my family
    My mom had prophylactic mastectomy after years of surgeries for benign cysts. My older sister remembers a count of 14 surgeries! Mom's doctor back in the day said that his wife had the same type of breasts and ended up getting cancer so Mom did what she thought was right - total removal of the threat. My sister is adopted and I have no blood aunts so there was no family history... which is why the insurance company denied my breast MRI as a diagnostic tool - until a needle biopsy found the cancer. Then the MRI was approved and so the journey began... My daughters are now on target for being vigilant with self-exams and will get their baseline mammo at 35.

    Nope! Noone except me.

    Nope! Noone except me.
  • survives
    survives Member Posts: 254 Member
    cats_toy said:

    I am the third
    My aunt (moms sis) was first 10 years ago, then again 5 years ago.
    Then came my mom, four years in August.
    Then it was my turn, diagnosed February 2007.
    They always told me my aunts does not affect me, and hers is a totally different type.
    My mom's and mine are the same, I just had mine around a lot longer before being checked, so I had chemo and rads, where she only needed rads, and I am so glad for that because I dont think she would have made it through chemo.
    My sister now worries, but wont ask to get the tests, doesnt want to know.
    Oh well, we do all react differently to these things

    3 breast cancers, several other types
    I have an aunt that is still surviving (91), a cousin that was very young when diagnosed, and is still surviving (possibly 20+ yr. survivor), and one cousin that died because of bc. So, I am the 4th. There are also several other cousins that have had cancer, two didn't survive, the rest are still going strong. ALL on my father's side. What I was told (after the fact) is that if we do have bc on the paternal side, we ARE at risk, just not as high a risk as if it is on the maternal side. Did not have the BCRA gene testing because of my age, and it wasn't offered. I do worry for my girls as now, it is on their father's side and now me.

    Be well, everyone!
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    I thought I was the first
    I thought I was the first but later found I had a cousin who had BC. I have a sister who was diagnosed 6 years after me. She had the gene test and it was negative.

    This is why we need to be open about having BC. If you hide the fact that you've had it then someone else in the family will think they are the first. I wasn't keeping in touch with cousins.

    P.S. My mom had ovarian cancer. I guess that is related. I almost forgot. Had another sister with uterine cancer.

    I was the first also.
    I was the first also.
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    cavediver said:

    first in family
    no family history, I was first dx at 63

    There was no history of bc
    There was no history of bc in my family until me. First one...

    So many of us were the first, I wonder why.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    I'm the 2nd and hope I'm the last.
    I'm the youngest of 4 girls, the 3rd daughter born got it and it took her life. Now I'm on a mission to have my 2 oldest sisters get their mamograms no matter how much they might not like them.

    Hope2010, that's a beautiful cat photo you have there!

    No! Unfortunately, I was
    No! Unfortunately, I was the first and hoping the last one who ever gets that diagnosis.


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