Just diagnosed and waiting to see my surgeon - question



  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    So sorry to welcome you

    So sorry to welcome you to this group. I am positive that you are overwhelmed by all of this, so I will try to offer a few ideas that may help you navigate the next few weeks.

    You didn't say anything about your pathology, but that will influence how you are treated. If you have a large cancer, they often do chemo before surgery. Otherwise, you probably will want to ask your surgeon to order a Onco-type DX or mammaprint test. The results may help you decide if you want to take chemo, and they also take a while to come back (and require a piece of the cancer removed in your surgery). They are expensive tests and not always covered by insurance, so that is another thing to look into. If you have DCIS, you may not need these tests, although the biopsy may show one thing and the surgery sample a different type of cancer.

    The first thing you'll want to be sure that you are seeing an oncological surgeon, who specializes in breast cancer surgery. You want someone who has done a whole lot of sentinal node dissections, because you'll want that procedure and it requires some practice.

    Next, because you are so young, you may want to look into BRCA testing. The results take a few weeks, and may influence the surgery(ies) you ultimately decide to have. Your doctor should be able to refer you to a genetics counselor for that.

    The final thing to do quickly is to arrange to have a breast MRI. It will help the surgeon visual your cancer (especially is it is non-palpable as mine was). It will also show if you have any other cancer in that breast or the other one. Something you want to know before surgery.

    There are a whole lot of decisions to come later, but the above suggestions will get you the info needed to help your oncologist later. You most likely won't need an oncologist or radiation oncologist until your pathology report comes back after your surgery, so you can interview now if you want to, but you'll have time later for that.

    Best of luck to you, and please ask questions if you have them. Someone here has no doubt wondered the same thing or gone through it.

    Waiting, then more waiting
    You will find at the beginning of your journey here that you will be waiting a lot. Waiting on appointments, waiting on test results, waiting for this, waiting for that. It will all come together at some point. Waitin was the hardest for me. Drove me crazy with fear. I was on this board I think 24/7. I was dx in April 09. Did not have surgery until June, Chemo in July, Rads followed. Hang in there, will get you through.
  • MrsMicheal3@aol.com
    MrsMicheal3@aol.com Member Posts: 14
    No, it's not normal...
    My Dear Lord! You are my daughter's age!! When I wad diagnosed, last Sep. all I had to wait for was the biopsy report, which DID take a"couple" of weeks, if I remember, correctly.
    However, when my surgeon's office contacted me, they told me that she wanted me in her office, the very next day! And had set aside and hour to explain everything to me and all of my options. I would suggest to you that perhaps you either give them a call back and ask if they are going to address this, or if you need to find another doc who has time for you! This is serious business, as I know you are well aware. And My God...at your young age!! It's so sad and scary that there are so many seemingly uncaring docs out there. My first oncologist acted as if I was inconveniencing him. Needless to say, I found another one and he is wonderful! This is a horrible, scary thing to go through. Did they even tell you what stage? anything??? You are in my prayers, right now, and every day. Let me know how I can help. But please email me at my email address, since I can't seem to figure out how to respond to anyone.
    God Bless You,
    Donna N.
  • MrsMicheal3@aol.com
    MrsMicheal3@aol.com Member Posts: 14
    No, it's not normal...
    My Dear Lord! You are my daughter's age!! When I wad diagnosed, last Sep. all I had to wait for was the biopsy report, which DID take a"couple" of weeks, if I remember, correctly.
    However, when my surgeon's office contacted me, they told me that she wanted me in her office, the very next day! And had set aside and hour to explain everything to me and all of my options. I would suggest to you that perhaps you either give them a call back and ask if they are going to address this, or if you need to find another doc who has time for you! This is serious business, as I know you are well aware. And My God...at your young age!! It's so sad and scary that there are so many seemingly uncaring docs out there. My first oncologist acted as if I was inconveniencing him. Needless to say, I found another one and he is wonderful! This is a horrible, scary thing to go through. Did they even tell you what stage? anything??? You are in my prayers, right now, and every day. Let me know how I can help. But please email me at my email address, since I can't seem to figure out how to respond to anyone.
    God Bless You,
    Donna N.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Waiting, then more waiting
    You will find at the beginning of your journey here that you will be waiting a lot. Waiting on appointments, waiting on test results, waiting for this, waiting for that. It will all come together at some point. Waitin was the hardest for me. Drove me crazy with fear. I was on this board I think 24/7. I was dx in April 09. Did not have surgery until June, Chemo in July, Rads followed. Hang in there, will get you through.

    Kat is right, the waiting
    Kat is right, the waiting happens clear thru this journey. Try your best to just be patient and take it one day at a time. Wishing you good luck!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I don't know what's normal
    I don't know what's normal since I was just diagnosed May 17th. My oncology surgeon saw me 8 days after mammogram/ultrasound. He did biopsy in his office on Friday and Monday I knew it was ILC. I then had breast MRI. My tumor is 6.8 cm. I need a mastectomy. I had left breast biopsied with MRI and it is LCIS but with my family history I've opted for double mastectomy on June 22.
  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
    Rolling out the pink carpet for you...
    Hi and Welcome!

    These breast surgeon types, especially the really good ones are hard to get in with right away.

    I could be wrong but if your Radiologist didn't indicate that you needed to be seen right away you should be fine ten days cancer-wise. But if it makes you feel better make some calls! There as so many talented surgeons out there city by city! :0)

    Now, emotionally,waiting for the appointment, that's another story!

    I understand you want this taken care of right away. Who wouldn't? I did too.

    Hang in there, this is just the beginning of this roller coaster ride.

    There isn't a whole lot you can control in this situation. The only thing you can control is your expectations. Keep them open and try not to laser in on one specific goal. So much can change over the course of this ordeal.

    I will tell you this, you are not alone, everyone here understands what you are feeling and going through at this very moment.

    Everyone here has a unique story and I look forward to hearing yours!!

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Welcome mbernhart
    The waiting does suck big time. I was diagnosed april 23, Have had allot of test.Been all over the place. The first oncologist I had didn't work out. So I had to get another. But I still have to have Chemo, Surgery, Radiation. In that order. I have not started yet! I go to the oncologist tomorrow and hopefully get my schedule to get the port in and start Chemo. They say it will take 9 months to a year to get throught it all. My Surgeon told me not to worry because by the time most wemen are diagnosed they have already had breast cancer for 1 to 5 years and didnt know it. I am so glad you found this board it is a life saver. Good luck to you and keep us posted Kay,
  • putzie
    putzie Member Posts: 66 Member

    see your oncologist before surgery
    Don't have surgery until you have seen your oncologist. Surgeons only know to cut. Your oncologist needs to be involved from the first.

    I agree....please talk to an oncologist and consider options
    First, let me say how sorry I am to hear of your diagnosis. I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carconoma, estrogen positive and HER2nu positive in March. I had no idea what to do and the doctor told me to contact a surgeon. It was going to be 2 1/2 weeks until I had even a consult and so my husband went to work to get me to Mayo Clinic. It was the best move I could have made. I was in the next week and saw surgeons, an oncologist, a main cancer doctor who coordinated my appointments and had all of the tests run. I didn't know I had options until this trip. My doctor recommended I consider having the chemo first followed by surgery. I have now had my 4th chemo and you can no longer feel the tumor in my breast. I know the chemo is working for me!!! Please consider an appointment with an oncologist before your surgeon. Check with your breast center and get ideas from them. They can be so very helpful. Best of luck to you on your journey and above all, stay positive!!!
  • tjohnson2310
    tjohnson2310 Member Posts: 168 Member
    See an oncologist first
    See an oncologist first. If you have a cancer center near by go to them. I am 32 and was diagnosed 1 month ago. After hearing the options given by the surgeon, I made a choice to call MD Anderson Cancer Center. I am so glad I did.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    See an oncologist first
    See an oncologist first. If you have a cancer center near by go to them. I am 32 and was diagnosed 1 month ago. After hearing the options given by the surgeon, I made a choice to call MD Anderson Cancer Center. I am so glad I did.

    the timing will not hurt you
    the timing will not hurt you physically. now mentally is another story. You can see an onc first. and find out people ahead of time to get a second opinion if you want one. we are here for you !!
  • Balentine
    Balentine Member Posts: 393
    carkris said:

    the timing will not hurt you
    the timing will not hurt you physically. now mentally is another story. You can see an onc first. and find out people ahead of time to get a second opinion if you want one. we are here for you !!

    Just know we are all here for you and praying for you
    I am sorry to hear about your dx but wanted you to know that we are all here for you for whatever you need and praying for you as you being this journey none of us volunteer to take but are forced to and we will make it through with Gods help and one another to support each other. Please keep us informed as to what type of cancer, grade, etc you have and what options they are giving you for surgery and treatment. God bless and stay strong and encouraged.
    Lorrie Balentine