Mmmmm, just wondering

Katz77 Member Posts: 598
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I just left my wonderful onc doc. I've been in a bit of a panic mode. Not like me. Don't know exactly why. 2 things. One, there's a 2.3 cm on my right ovary, mmmm, all my girl parts are gone. Had some bleeding (bladder)about 3 wks ago. Maybe infection? No symptoms of UTI. No back pain. Possible " shadowing"? So, get to go to urologist, Yipee.
#2, Femara for 10 yrs? I told him thought it was 5. He said something to the effect of a new study. He didn't make eye contact. I didn't press the issue. Thought I'd talk w my sisters to see if anyone else is doing this, or was told the same thing.
I have stage3c, IDC, HER2, ER and PR pos., 18/20 pos. nodes. He said awhile back I was going to be his masterpiece. Said today for me not to worry,panic, be sad or upset cause he will take care of me and order whatever tests are needed. Said it was his cancer too, and it is his job to take care of me and the cancer.
I'm also having a CT scan of, I guess the Once again didn't ask where or what he's scanning. lol Think it's my imaginary ovary?
Opions, thoughts? Def the femara situation.
Love you all,Gayla


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Hi Gayla
    Sorry for your worries. I hope tests will be fine and you feel better.
    As for 10 years. Recently my new oncologist (I changed mine because old one did not want to discuss details of hormonal therapy) mentioned that she thinks I should take femara/arimidex for as long as I can tolerate it, maybe by the rest of my life or until other side effects will stop me of doing it. Initially I was told 5 years 1 Tamoxifen and 4 femara. There is no published studies yet reporting patients taking arimedex or femara for more than 5 years. However there number ongoing clinical studies, where young women (under 50) suppose to take femara beyond 5 year. My approach :you alway can stop at any time -it is your choice; secondly by the time I finish 5 years more clinical data will be available, choice will be easy.
    Good luck with your test and let us know.
    New Flower
  • camsgram
    camsgram Member Posts: 106
    I asked my onc about
    I asked my onc about removing overies (hysterectomy 10 years ago but kept overies) and he told me they can grow back! Sounded crazy to me so i researched it and it seems that YES they can grow back. Don't know if that helps you but you might want to ask doc.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    camsgram said:

    I asked my onc about
    I asked my onc about removing overies (hysterectomy 10 years ago but kept overies) and he told me they can grow back! Sounded crazy to me so i researched it and it seems that YES they can grow back. Don't know if that helps you but you might want to ask doc.

    I also had a partial hyst.
    I also had a partial hyst. My left ovary shrunk to grape sz a couple of yrs ago, and the right one was pretty healthy,hence the estrogen from it really fed the cancer. The chemo I took " killed" the remaining ovary. The labs says and, ehhh had a transvaginal ultrasound. Th reason it was even noticed, sighh long story is scoloisis and impenged nerves at 2 levels. They wanted to do a steroid shot, so ordered MRI and thats what brought about the mass on ovary story. According to abd ad transvag ultrasound,there is no ovaries. It's all good. Will get CT scan to give everything a look see.
    Thanks for input. I have to say, never heard them growing back. Worked in surgery for 20 yrs. have seen some weird things the body can do, so guess anything is possible. Sure hope like heck they don't grow back. Dirty little bast...ds. Gayla
  • TawnyS
    TawnyS Member Posts: 144 Member
    Arimidex for 10 years
    Hey Gayla. I just wanted to let you know that I am on Arimidex and my oncologist told me 5 years but studies are being done and probably by the time I reach my 5 years it will be extended to 10 years. I hope this helps. I know it is a different drug, but maybe the studies are on all types of these meds. I am very interested in this imaginary ovary. I had a hysterectomy along with my bilateral. I thought I wouldn't have to ever worry about cancer in those areas first. Then when I got more knowledgeable I understand I can get breast cancer again. Now for the ovary thing...? Very strange. Keep me posted and good luck! : )
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Keep us posted!
    I'm praying all goes well. I'm curious? Did they do a sonogram and thought you had something on your right ovary? What did they say when you told them you don't have one?
    Hang in there...keep positive.

  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    sea60 said:

    Keep us posted!
    I'm praying all goes well. I'm curious? Did they do a sonogram and thought you had something on your right ovary? What did they say when you told them you don't have one?
    Hang in there...keep positive.


    Imaginary ovary
    The poor tech seemed petrified. I comforted her a little. Told her it's the road. Full of pot holes. This may not sound nice, but told her it was probably a doodoo ball. lol
    I for some strange reason feel better after visit w my onc. Get the scan and go from there. Thanks to you all. Gayla
    P.S. sea60
    The MRI of my lower back showed a "mass". Then went for ultrasound to see where the mass was. Suspect was on the ovary from the radiologist. Guess he figured, breast cancer, only 49 must still have my parts. Fooled him!
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    Hi Gayla
    Sorry for your worries. I hope tests will be fine and you feel better.
    As for 10 years. Recently my new oncologist (I changed mine because old one did not want to discuss details of hormonal therapy) mentioned that she thinks I should take femara/arimidex for as long as I can tolerate it, maybe by the rest of my life or until other side effects will stop me of doing it. Initially I was told 5 years 1 Tamoxifen and 4 femara. There is no published studies yet reporting patients taking arimedex or femara for more than 5 years. However there number ongoing clinical studies, where young women (under 50) suppose to take femara beyond 5 year. My approach :you alway can stop at any time -it is your choice; secondly by the time I finish 5 years more clinical data will be available, choice will be easy.
    Good luck with your test and let us know.
    New Flower

    Good luck Gayla with your
    Good luck Gayla with your scan. Be sure and post so we know.

    Hugs, Megan
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Katz -
    I think one of the guys on the board said that the same thing happened with his wife's test but I don't remember seeing what the outcome was. I hate to say that I have been a nurse for 30 years and didn't know that they couldgrow back (but then I had an avoidance issue when it came to OB/GYN and spent my time on the trauma/surgical side of things). I hope all the diagnostics go well - it does sound like you have a great oncologist. I love him just from your comments.

    On the Femara issue, my oncologist hasn't decided yet exactly what I will be on but did tell me on my first visit that I would probably be on something forever. Both she and her partner believe that the research is currently showing that there may be benefit beyond the 5 year period. With the research and statistics she quotes and her experience in the field, I just took it to be so and have never expected anything else (though 5 years would surely be nice:)
  • Mariannemm
    Mariannemm Member Posts: 136
    10 years for me
    My onc told me that I would be on Tamoxifen for 10 years due to being a stage 3, lobular cancer with 12 positive lymp nodes. I will be finishing chemo in a couple of weeks and then onto radiation and Tamoxifen. I am having terrible hot flashes and I guess it will get worse before it gets better. Dr also told me that when he knows I am in menopause for sure, since I am 45, then he will have me get a full hysterectomy, so that I won't have to worry about getting cancer in that area.