were do I go to get Help with no INSURANCE. when I am in a late stage breast cancer

mizarrey Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have breast cancer spread to my lymph nodes and now spreading to back bone .. dont have Money or Insurance.... were do I go . called alot of organizations cant get any help.what do I do.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Welcome to the site
    I am sorry for your situation. Have you called American cancer society? Please talk to your oncologist and ask for a clinical social worker. They should help you to file for Medicate and social security disability benefits. What state are you in? Many states have programs for patients with advance cancer.
    Keep posted,
    New Flower
  • rm22111
    rm22111 Member Posts: 54
    Here is the number for Patient Advocate Foundation 1-800-532-5274
    www.patientadvocate.org. My husband picked up their card at the Tour of California health fair. Because of their connection with Lance Armstrong and Livestrong they follow the tour around california giving out information to help cancer patients. We have not had to use them. They help you jump thru any hoops you have to, to get the help you need. If they can not not help I am sure they can give you information on someone that can help.

  • carmadi
    carmadi Member Posts: 2
    Mizarrey so sorry to hear
    Mizarrey so sorry to hear this. I dont know where you live but my sister in New York was in the same predicament - I finally got her help from a local hospital ........... she had bone biopsy, CAT, MRI and is currently undergoing treatment for bone cancer secondary to breast...... all was free........no co-payments, nothing....let me know what state you live in.......
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    I am so very sorry to hear
    I am so very sorry to hear about your situation. I to have no insurence or money. I got accepted at a large cancer hospital in my area. No bills No charges.They do so many charitable cases a year and accepted me. Try calling around to the larger cancer hospitals in you area. They can help you. You could also ask you Dr, to refer you to one. He/She can get the ball rolling easier then you can, and then you can take over. Just to get your foot in the door. I dont know were you live but there is help out there just have to find it. Do you have some one that can help you with this? There is also
    S.S. disability. You can get temp disibility and medicare. That can be applied for online. I wish you all the luck in the world. My prayers are with you. Good luck. Take care Kay
  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member
    I too have a few suggestions for you:

    Fill out "Financial Assistance" papers at the hospital where you had any tests or surgeries done.

    Get on line and find out the pharmaceutical company or companies that make the drugs you have used. Some of them have programs for us that provide the drugs free of charge - even retroactively.

    Speak directly to the billing department at your oncologists office. They may not have such a program but might provide you with an application for assistance from a state agency such as "Family Social Services". An agency such as this can hook you up with the help you need. They might provide you with medical assistance, transportation costs to treatment, food stamps, etc.


    I've had to research this myself recently as I am not uninsured but rather under-insured. Best of luck in your efforts. MM
  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
    www.deannafavre4hope.com Help for the uninsured and underinsured
    I heard about this through a friend and googled it for you...the mission of her foundation is to help those with breast cancer who are uninsured or underinsured. I hope this helps you my Invisible Sister!


    Hang in there!

  • FLiwmom
    FLiwmom Member Posts: 1
    Clinical research trials
    There are many clinical research trials offering treatment as well as surgery, testing, labs etc. all at no charge. Some will also pay for your time and transportation. I, too, have NO insurance and received a total hysterectomy for $0 for a study on pain medication.


    Search by many key words...breast, cancer, lymph, bone....Also, you can limit your geographical area, if you wish. (I am in Florida and had my surgery in California)

    The ACS also has a link on this page for "Clinical Trials Finder", I haven't been there yet, but it may be a start for you...

    There is also the benefit of knowing you are helping others. Your participation may not only help you but help others in the future.

    My very best wishes for you. I know how daunting and overwhelming it can be, especially when you are scared and don't feel well. Take care.