Has your team of doctors been good or bad since your bc diagnosis?

susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have read posts on here where a survivor's team has been the best, like mine. And, I have read others, where I can't believe they even had a license to practice medicine. Would you want to share whether your team is/was good or bad and why? Thanks!

♠♣ Susie ♠♣


  • TawnyS
    TawnyS Member Posts: 144 Member
    I am so lucky to have such a great group of doctors! I only had one doc I didn't "care" for and that was my gastroenterologist....I was dx with Crohn's same time as bc....they saw it on the PET scan. Anyway, that's how I have a GI doc in the mix. I changed him to another one right across the hall and I actually met with him the first time today and I like him a lot. All my other docs, nurses, test running people...whatever their title is...all wonderful! I am truly very lucky. I go to a top notch facility and I am again so lucky it is just 7 miles from my home.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    TawnyS said:

    I am so lucky to have such a great group of doctors! I only had one doc I didn't "care" for and that was my gastroenterologist....I was dx with Crohn's same time as bc....they saw it on the PET scan. Anyway, that's how I have a GI doc in the mix. I changed him to another one right across the hall and I actually met with him the first time today and I like him a lot. All my other docs, nurses, test running people...whatever their title is...all wonderful! I am truly very lucky. I go to a top notch facility and I am again so lucky it is just 7 miles from my home.

    Great group!
    I also had a great group of doctors and nurses helping me thru my bc diagnosis and my treatments. I wouldn't trade any of them for anything! So, I felt very lucky to be a patient of all of them and to have such a great cancer center to go to.

    Hugs, Diane
  • nkosi1127
    nkosi1127 Member Posts: 7
    I love my team - my
    I love my team - my oncologist, plastic surgeon, surgeon, and family doctor. All of them take good care of me -
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    nkosi1127 said:

    I love my team - my
    I love my team - my oncologist, plastic surgeon, surgeon, and family doctor. All of them take good care of me -

    Love them!
    As most know here, I loved all of my doctors, especially my rads oncologist and his team! They went above and beyond, in my estimation, in taking care of me, as well as their other patients. Every doctor was so good to explain everything over and over again to my hubby and myself, to be sure we understood everything that was going on. We were never hurried and felt that each doctor had all day just for us, if needed. ( which it wasn't LOL ) I felt safe in their hands and trusted them with my life. I pray I never have to go thru this again, but, if I did, I would feel good knowing I had such a great group of doctors helping me. They even called our home to check up on me, which I found exceptional! I still see most of them, as they are at the cancer center, which I drop in on with cookies or something, besides my appointments. So, I was lucky!

    Sue :)
  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    no team
    I didn't have a 'team' although I asked everyone of my docs about it. They all said they'd communicate with each other, but they didn't. I wasn't sure what a 'team' was supposed to do or how it would look, so I just went along. But I take every scrap of info to every doctor's appointment. The assistants will copy the new papers/reports and put it into my file.

    On the day of surgery, when I got to the hospital to start the wire localization, my prior films weren't there, from the imaging place. I had brought the reports but was told by the imaging place that the films were already sent. So they were going to 'just take another set', an idea I rejected. Exposing me to more x-rays because someone else screwed up was not an option. Fortunately my surgeon does her own wire localizations (the reason I went with her) and it was not a problem.

    I'm almost one year post surgery and I still can't figure out a schedule for seeing my docs, which ones when, how often, etc.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    I didn't exactly have a
    I didn't exactly have a team...but all of my Drs work for the same place and all tests, etc. are faxed to everyone who I see, be it the GP, surgeon, oncologist, whatever. I don't know if they actually communicate with each other, but, my info is available to all of them! I adored the RNs when I was getting chemo; they were fabulous.

    My oncologist? I have never really ever bonded with him: he has the personality of a wet fish, and I have always felt like a number, not a person. Reggie can't stand him! But...what I say is, he diagnosed me and started a treatment plan and I am still in remission 7 years later! So that makes his lack of warmth and fellow-feeling worth it in my book. ( mostly, anyway) I would like to feel the warm fuzzies, but I don't have that relationship with him!

  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    I didn't have a "team" either
    Although that was available, I didn't choose that option. I live in between two larger cities and had worked at both hospitals in one location so I chose a surgeon I knew and then he referred me to the plastic surgeon. My daughter works in a small town between the two and wanted me to see an oncologist that she had a good realtionship with - and as fate would have it, this oncologist is in a satellite office for a group in the second large city so they sent me over there for my radiation. I absolutely love all of the doctors I have (as long as I can remember which direction I am supposed to be going:) The surgeons are good but the oncolcogist and radiation oncologist are great and their staffs are amazing. I feel very fortuinate to have ended up with the docs I have!
  • Hope 2010
    Hope 2010 Member Posts: 62
    Are they a team?
    I have a group of doctors that work in the same general hopsital area. They recommended each other, so I'm not sure if that's considered as a team. So far my surgeon has informed and shared information with the other doc's so he's been the main person for me. He also has a good reputation in the area and when we ask people about this surgeon, they have nothing but good things to say. I'm just in the beginning stages of this, with just completing all of my testing and hopefully getting all of my options from my surgeon by next week. So far, I would say I have great team of doc's.
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    Not sure if mine are really
    Not sure if mine are really a team or not but they have been great!! Everyone I see is in the same location. I have a surgeon and an Oncologist. They have both been awesome as well as every nurse from the OR to the Dr.s offices to the infusion room. I have not started rads yet but am hoping for the same type of caring people there too. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Not sure if mine are really
    Not sure if mine are really a team or not but they have been great!! Everyone I see is in the same location. I have a surgeon and an Oncologist. They have both been awesome as well as every nurse from the OR to the Dr.s offices to the infusion room. I have not started rads yet but am hoping for the same type of caring people there too. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    I have docs at two different
    I have docs at two different hospitals. I have been seeing my onc for 17 years so we have a strange relationship. He like Chen 's has an interesting personality. DH used to call him Joe Friday "just the facts m'am" and hum the dragnet theme. ( for those too young you'll have to look it up) old show. Now that I am older we have this love not love relationship, because I dont hesitate to disagree. I guess I would file it under "its complicated" my rads onc and I get on much better. The nurses are great. I am looking for a new Gyn she is really fake and pretends to care. I hate that, my onc is really smart and does care he just shows it differently. this may not make too much sense so "its complicated"
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    carkris said:

    I have docs at two different
    I have docs at two different hospitals. I have been seeing my onc for 17 years so we have a strange relationship. He like Chen 's has an interesting personality. DH used to call him Joe Friday "just the facts m'am" and hum the dragnet theme. ( for those too young you'll have to look it up) old show. Now that I am older we have this love not love relationship, because I dont hesitate to disagree. I guess I would file it under "its complicated" my rads onc and I get on much better. The nurses are great. I am looking for a new Gyn she is really fake and pretends to care. I hate that, my onc is really smart and does care he just shows it differently. this may not make too much sense so "its complicated"

    Terrific Team!
    My "team" was terrific! They were all in the cancer center and all consulted on everything and every test that I had. They were kind, sympathetic, understanding and had my best interest as a priority always. My husband loved them too. They always included him in everything, not just talking to me. They helped me thru what was a terrible time in my life and I will never forget their kindness.

  • TawnyS
    TawnyS Member Posts: 144 Member
    carkris said:

    I have docs at two different
    I have docs at two different hospitals. I have been seeing my onc for 17 years so we have a strange relationship. He like Chen 's has an interesting personality. DH used to call him Joe Friday "just the facts m'am" and hum the dragnet theme. ( for those too young you'll have to look it up) old show. Now that I am older we have this love not love relationship, because I dont hesitate to disagree. I guess I would file it under "its complicated" my rads onc and I get on much better. The nurses are great. I am looking for a new Gyn she is really fake and pretends to care. I hate that, my onc is really smart and does care he just shows it differently. this may not make too much sense so "its complicated"

    That's funny!
    My ps (a female) is the same way. She has no time for warm fuzzy huggie feelings like my breast surgeon. Just the facts. Very professional and an amazing memory and most importantly a great plastic surgeon. My onco is an odd one too, but I like him a lot. I think that those onco/hematologists have a different brain than everybody else. They seemed to just be wired different, but as long as they know what they are doing I suppose that is ok!
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    TawnyS said:

    That's funny!
    My ps (a female) is the same way. She has no time for warm fuzzy huggie feelings like my breast surgeon. Just the facts. Very professional and an amazing memory and most importantly a great plastic surgeon. My onco is an odd one too, but I like him a lot. I think that those onco/hematologists have a different brain than everybody else. They seemed to just be wired different, but as long as they know what they are doing I suppose that is ok!

    Awsome team!
    An awesome team! Their dedication and compassion towards me was above and beyond! I couldn't have been in better hands and my cancer center was 1st class! They also were very compassionate and kind to my husband, which we both appreciated!
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    Kylez said:

    Awsome team!
    An awesome team! Their dedication and compassion towards me was above and beyond! I couldn't have been in better hands and my cancer center was 1st class! They also were very compassionate and kind to my husband, which we both appreciated!

    It sounds like most of us
    It sounds like most of us have been very lucky and fortunate in having such a great group or team helping us thru our bc! Thank God for them all!
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    susie09 said:

    It sounds like most of us
    It sounds like most of us have been very lucky and fortunate in having such a great group or team helping us thru our bc! Thank God for them all!

    Great team of doctors.

    Great team of doctors.
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Great team of doctors.

    Great team of doctors.

    I loved my team too! I couldn't imagine being in better hands! Well, except for my husbands. LOL

    ♥ Noel