have watery stool

qwe Member Posts: 124
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I had another surgery on April 26TH do to radiations damage done to the small intestine and got a track infection and was put on Spipro [spelled that wrong] 500mg 2 time a day and I have had watery stool scene I have a colostomy well today the Dr had me go to the Lab and give them a sample cause this is not normal I think the antibiotics killed all my good bacteria. Now my question is has any one here had that problem?


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  • RickMurtagh
    RickMurtagh Member Posts: 587 Member
    MD Anderson
    I hope that they figure out what your issue is, but in the mean time this might help some. Google MD Anderson Bowel Management for Frequent Stooling. That has been the only thing that has made a difference for my post ileostomy takedown. I wish had the link avail or I would provide it. You might search this forum for it. I think I may have posted it before.