update on lung and breathing problems

Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
I waited till I saw the lung dr before I posted an update. I had cxrs, bloodwork and a full pulmonary function. The results were kind of disappointing. According to my dr, I have thickened lung tissue on the right bottom lobe which restricts my breathing, have 63% of lung function for someone my age, now have asthma. This may all be from the pneumonia I had several months ago but also from the lung involvement/movement etc from the surgery. Since it is now 6 months post surgery, it is unlikely to change. The good news as soon as I started on the nebulizer, I got back my strength for walking not fast but not in a wheelchair. The dr has set me up with a medication regimen to help with the asthma and COPD. So now I am learning to adjust to the fact that I don't have cancer, so happy about that, but that I have some permanent lung damage but I am still here and that is something not everyone gets to say. I am grateful for all the advice that was given and I did persist with my cancer drs that I wanted to see a specialist and got to see one of the best. Even had a dr say sarcastically, what did Dr. so and so do that made such a difference and I said at that time, 2 wks ago my husband had to push me in a wheelchair, now I am walking and this happened after I was put on a nebulizer. So, as many of you have said, if you have a gut feeling something is not right, speak up and say your piece and fight for yourself or your loved one to get the treatment you think you need. Stay strong, get my next CT scan in July and holding steady. take care,


  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    So glad you are doing better

    I am so glad to hear you are doing better. We had our surgery about the same time. I have noticed a tight feeling in my right lung since my surgery as well but my surgeon assures me that it is "normal". Given your experience I think I may give it another month or so and get another opinion. I think you are right sometimes our doctors get fixed on a certain explanation for our symptoms and can't get past it.

    I am very glad to hear you are doing better.

    Now if we could just gain weight :)

    Best Regards,
    Paul Adams
    AKA: "paul61"
    McCormick, South Carolina
  • paul61 said:

    So glad you are doing better

    I am so glad to hear you are doing better. We had our surgery about the same time. I have noticed a tight feeling in my right lung since my surgery as well but my surgeon assures me that it is "normal". Given your experience I think I may give it another month or so and get another opinion. I think you are right sometimes our doctors get fixed on a certain explanation for our symptoms and can't get past it.

    I am very glad to hear you are doing better.

    Now if we could just gain weight :)

    Best Regards,
    Paul Adams
    AKA: "paul61"
    McCormick, South Carolina

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  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    paul61 said:

    So glad you are doing better

    I am so glad to hear you are doing better. We had our surgery about the same time. I have noticed a tight feeling in my right lung since my surgery as well but my surgeon assures me that it is "normal". Given your experience I think I may give it another month or so and get another opinion. I think you are right sometimes our doctors get fixed on a certain explanation for our symptoms and can't get past it.

    I am very glad to hear you are doing better.

    Now if we could just gain weight :)

    Best Regards,
    Paul Adams
    AKA: "paul61"
    McCormick, South Carolina

    Hi Paul
    Now I know who you

    Hi Paul
    Now I know who you are on chat!!!
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hi Donna
    So nice to hear

    Hi Donna
    So nice to hear from you and get your update. You are right in saying, at least I am still here. You now have asthma and copd, which are both very manageable with medication. Glad you went with your gut feeling and got the answers you needed to hear! Take care, and have fun gaining some weight.
  • K_ann1015
    K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500
    I have been thinking of you...
    Donna=--I have been wondering how you were doing---nice that you have more strength to walk now!! I am no doctor, but a physical therapist---and even with some "lung damage", you may be able to improve your strength & function gradually. During the time that you could not walk much, your whole body probably lost strength! The effects of immobility are significant, even in healthy college age kids! So do what you can, regularly...you will get stronger, have good days and bad ones---but I think you will be able to tolerate more activity as you get a little strength back. Do you walk regularly? --like every hour or two for a few minutes or so? Just set a realistic goal and work little by little to achieve it.

    I see you glass as half full (not empty)---because this lung problem was not mets! Hang in there---know there are many prayers out there for the lady brave enough to sport green hair on St Patty's Day!
    hugs to you!
  • K_ann1015
    K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500
    paul61 said:

    So glad you are doing better

    I am so glad to hear you are doing better. We had our surgery about the same time. I have noticed a tight feeling in my right lung since my surgery as well but my surgeon assures me that it is "normal". Given your experience I think I may give it another month or so and get another opinion. I think you are right sometimes our doctors get fixed on a certain explanation for our symptoms and can't get past it.

    I am very glad to hear you are doing better.

    Now if we could just gain weight :)

    Best Regards,
    Paul Adams
    AKA: "paul61"
    McCormick, South Carolina

    Hi Paul,
    I haven't been on

    Hi Paul,
    I haven't been on here as much lately (4 kids out for summer vacation & returning to work part time kind of do that to me!)

    I just replied to Donna---and if you guys figure out how to gain weight let me know!!! Although I don't have that problem, my dad does! He doesn't loose a whole lot, but is so thin and can't seem to gain it, despite trying to eat every 2 hours. he Dr's aren't concerned bc he is still on rounds of chemo---this will be the last. Pray for the best---hope your recovery continues as well.

    Since my uncle passed of this disease a few weeks ago, I realize that my dad really is doing well comparatively---but still the fear of mets is always in the back of your mind. I feel we are all getting the "message" from above that every day is precious and don't take any of them or anyone for granted.

    Oh---and I would ask about that feeling in your lung if it continues---always trust your first "gut" feel!
  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    K_ann1015 said:

    I have been thinking of you...
    Donna=--I have been wondering how you were doing---nice that you have more strength to walk now!! I am no doctor, but a physical therapist---and even with some "lung damage", you may be able to improve your strength & function gradually. During the time that you could not walk much, your whole body probably lost strength! The effects of immobility are significant, even in healthy college age kids! So do what you can, regularly...you will get stronger, have good days and bad ones---but I think you will be able to tolerate more activity as you get a little strength back. Do you walk regularly? --like every hour or two for a few minutes or so? Just set a realistic goal and work little by little to achieve it.

    I see you glass as half full (not empty)---because this lung problem was not mets! Hang in there---know there are many prayers out there for the lady brave enough to sport green hair on St Patty's Day!
    hugs to you!

    Kim this helps with weight
    HI Kim,
    Glad to hear from you, like Jim and your Dad my weight is a constant problem, but as I said before there is Nestle High Volume Calorie drink, it has 560 calories in it and will put the weight on but boy it is hard for me to drink. I am still only around 115 but when I was drinking that stuff faithfully, got up to 118. You order it on the internet but drink only a couple of ounces at a time or you will have a Go Litely experience like I did. In small amounts my tummy can tolerate it. I just drink it all during the day. Kim I am moving and only had a 2 week period of using a wheelchair for any long hauls at the drs etc. So I have not been immobile only during the bad period. I am doing some gardening and trying to walk further but Baltimore humidity makes it very difficult and I still don't have too much stamina for length of walks. I just peter out. I am a very optimistic person but it is hard to accept another problem besides the cancer and my rheumatoid arthritis has come back, that chemo works wonders on that, so I do what I do best put one foot in front of the other and keep trucking. For me that is what works!! Hope your Dad can gain some weight and I am sorry about your uncle, it seemed so fast for him. take care and nice to hear from you.
  • cjmac49
    cjmac49 Member Posts: 100
    Glad you're feeling better.
    Happy that the Lung Dr. was able to give you some relief. Someone mentioned lung rehab - might be a good thing to look into.

    Wishing you continued progress.

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  • mmr19
    mmr19 Member Posts: 75
    It's treatable
    Thankfully your lung problems are treatable. That is a relief in itself.

    My husband Lou has also recently been to a lung Dr. He had his lung tapped of fluid and thankfully there were no cancer cells. We thought his shortness of breath was due to the severe fluid retention he had developed. The lung Dr said that the fluid contibuted, but that Lou has emphysema. He was put on a daily medication which helps tremendously. He figures he can deal with that...at least it wasn't cancer cells.

    Glad you are feeling better and pray you continue to get stronger.

  • Hope_Faith
    Hope_Faith Member Posts: 150
    Good news!
    I am so happy to hear that you found a Dr. who would help you. That's wonderful you are no longer needing a wheelchair and that you have a nebuelizer (I'm not sure how to spell it).
    Praying for continued health ~