So at what point in all of this, do you get the sentinal node biopsy done?

2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
MamaG says it's about a 15 on a scale of 1-10 regarding pain, when is this test thing given?

I wish I could run a way...

Thanks for teaching me, love Ronda


  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Sentinel node biopsies are generally done at the same time as lumpectomy/mastectomy, though some hospitals perform them in a separate procedure.

    I had bilateral sentinel node biopsies at the same time as my lumpectomies, and for me, they were not very painful at all -- different hospitals have different procedures.

  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    Sentinel node biopsies are generally done at the same time as lumpectomy/mastectomy, though some hospitals perform them in a separate procedure.

    I had bilateral sentinel node biopsies at the same time as my lumpectomies, and for me, they were not very painful at all -- different hospitals have different procedures.


    Hi Traci
    And this is in the armpit right? After everything you had done did you get that lymphadema (sp) stuff where your arms are sore and swollen?

    How am I ever gonna get through all this? uurrgghhh

    Thank you again, Love Ronda
  • Balentine
    Balentine Member Posts: 393
    TraciInLA said:

    Sentinel node biopsies are generally done at the same time as lumpectomy/mastectomy, though some hospitals perform them in a separate procedure.

    I had bilateral sentinel node biopsies at the same time as my lumpectomies, and for me, they were not very painful at all -- different hospitals have different procedures.


    I had mine done at the same time as the mastectomy. They took 3 to test them during the surgery and found no cancer so they did not take anymore. If they take a few and find cancer they will continue to take more until they find no cancer. You will not feel any pain during the mastectomy because you are knocked out....I would think the same for the lumpectomy but afterwards you will have some pain at the surgery site and down the underside and back of your arm as well as alot of numbness. Most of the numbness and pain are gone now (I had my surgery in January) but still have a little numbness in back of my arm.
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    TraciInLA said:

    Sentinel node biopsies are generally done at the same time as lumpectomy/mastectomy, though some hospitals perform them in a separate procedure.

    I had bilateral sentinel node biopsies at the same time as my lumpectomies, and for me, they were not very painful at all -- different hospitals have different procedures.


    I think that Mama G was
    I think that Mama G was talking about the dye injection. I think that I had four injections and some hurt, others didn't. I did have this surgery in a teaching hospital, and a medical student did the injections that hurt the most. The others weren't too bad. I agree that it all depends on the hospital and the doctor that does the injections.

    I had this done at a different time from my lumpectomy because the stereotactic biopsy did not show invasive cancer and, at the time, ten years ago, the sentinal lymph node surgery was very new and my breast surgeon had not yet learned the procedure. It is a huge improvement over the prior procedure which took a lot more lymph nodes and almost guaranteed that you'd have problems with your arm. This surgery was more painful for me than the biopsy or lumpectomy and took a little longer to recover. But, it's days longer, not weeks longer.

  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    Balentine said:

    I had mine done at the same time as the mastectomy. They took 3 to test them during the surgery and found no cancer so they did not take anymore. If they take a few and find cancer they will continue to take more until they find no cancer. You will not feel any pain during the mastectomy because you are knocked out....I would think the same for the lumpectomy but afterwards you will have some pain at the surgery site and down the underside and back of your arm as well as alot of numbness. Most of the numbness and pain are gone now (I had my surgery in January) but still have a little numbness in back of my arm.

    Thanks Lorrie!!!
    You explained that so well and now I get it. Now will my MRI show them whether or not I have any cancer in them? I am seeing the surgeon on this coming Thursday, he'll be discussing my MRI results.

    Love Ronda
  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    jk1952 said:

    I think that Mama G was
    I think that Mama G was talking about the dye injection. I think that I had four injections and some hurt, others didn't. I did have this surgery in a teaching hospital, and a medical student did the injections that hurt the most. The others weren't too bad. I agree that it all depends on the hospital and the doctor that does the injections.

    I had this done at a different time from my lumpectomy because the stereotactic biopsy did not show invasive cancer and, at the time, ten years ago, the sentinal lymph node surgery was very new and my breast surgeon had not yet learned the procedure. It is a huge improvement over the prior procedure which took a lot more lymph nodes and almost guaranteed that you'd have problems with your arm. This surgery was more painful for me than the biopsy or lumpectomy and took a little longer to recover. But, it's days longer, not weeks longer.


    Hi jk1952
    Oh I thank God I wasn't diagnosed years ago, I am so thankful for today's technology. As long as I am number and or put to sleep I guess I'll learn to deal with some pain.

    Are the pain pills really good and strong? I've never had any surgery ever.

    You sound like you've adjusted well to all you've been through.

    Take care, Love Ronda
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613

    Hi jk1952
    Oh I thank God I wasn't diagnosed years ago, I am so thankful for today's technology. As long as I am number and or put to sleep I guess I'll learn to deal with some pain.

    Are the pain pills really good and strong? I've never had any surgery ever.

    You sound like you've adjusted well to all you've been through.

    Take care, Love Ronda

    I'm not a good person to ask
    I'm not a good person to ask about the pain meds. I rarely take them after I'm out of the hospital, and rely on Advil or Motrin. So far, Advil and Motirn have worked fine. The good pain meds really upset my stomach (and I'm not one that has problems with nausea often).

    They do give you anti-nausea medicine in the hospital, so I can tolerate the pain meds there, and they do work well. If you have pain, don't be afraid to tell a nurse and ask if you can have more pain medication. They'll let you know if it's too soon, and they want you to be comfortable. In most cases, the pain diminishes significantly in a few hours after surgery.

    You'll do fine. The anticipation and worry is the worst part.

  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    jk1952 said:

    I'm not a good person to ask
    I'm not a good person to ask about the pain meds. I rarely take them after I'm out of the hospital, and rely on Advil or Motrin. So far, Advil and Motirn have worked fine. The good pain meds really upset my stomach (and I'm not one that has problems with nausea often).

    They do give you anti-nausea medicine in the hospital, so I can tolerate the pain meds there, and they do work well. If you have pain, don't be afraid to tell a nurse and ask if you can have more pain medication. They'll let you know if it's too soon, and they want you to be comfortable. In most cases, the pain diminishes significantly in a few hours after surgery.

    You'll do fine. The anticipation and worry is the worst part.


    Thanks jk1952
    Advil or Motrin ???? Lord I want the good stuff, like Valium or Percocet, not that I've had those but my husband has and he goes in LaLaLand soon afterwards. You must have a high threshold for pain! Not me, I want knocked out and wake me up in 4 weeks, that I can handle. LOL

    I wish I were a year out of all this already.

    Take care, Love Ronda
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    Thanks Lorrie!!!
    You explained that so well and now I get it. Now will my MRI show them whether or not I have any cancer in them? I am seeing the surgeon on this coming Thursday, he'll be discussing my MRI results.

    Love Ronda

    Will show up abnormalities -
    Will show up abnormalities - not necessarily cancer though - can be just an irritation. Mine showed a questionable area along my jaw bone so the area was biopsied and was 'clean' - was just an irritated area.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I saw my PA in the morning
    I saw my PA in the morning and shortly after noon I was at radiology for a mammogram, they came back in and did a sonogram and then the radiologist came and said needed to do needle biopsies on the mass and one of the enlarged lymph nodes. He used a local anethesia to the area and then did the needle biopsy. It wasn't bad- not much worse than blood draw pricks. The next morning I had the positive results back (Aug 8, 09). Until surgery (Oct. 21, 09)(mod. rad. mastectomy) there were no other biopsies done other than checking a suspicious area along my jaw - just bone scan, MRI, PET, CT, bone density, EEG/EKG before starting A/C on Aug 26, 09.

    Basically, my understanding of SNB is to test the node closest to the tumor to see if the cancer has already spread to the node.

  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    Rague said:

    I saw my PA in the morning
    I saw my PA in the morning and shortly after noon I was at radiology for a mammogram, they came back in and did a sonogram and then the radiologist came and said needed to do needle biopsies on the mass and one of the enlarged lymph nodes. He used a local anethesia to the area and then did the needle biopsy. It wasn't bad- not much worse than blood draw pricks. The next morning I had the positive results back (Aug 8, 09). Until surgery (Oct. 21, 09)(mod. rad. mastectomy) there were no other biopsies done other than checking a suspicious area along my jaw - just bone scan, MRI, PET, CT, bone density, EEG/EKG before starting A/C on Aug 26, 09.

    Basically, my understanding of SNB is to test the node closest to the tumor to see if the cancer has already spread to the node.

    Susan step at a time. Take a deep breath.
    My Sentinel Node B. was done when I had a re-excision because the first biopsy/lumpectomy did not have clean enough margins on one side. I was scared to death and the surgical nurse who calls you the day before the procedure had the technician who does the dye injection call me and explain in detail what she would do. It was (for me) one subcutaneous injection (just under the skin basically) and for about 10 seconds when the dye goes in it really stung. She put ice on the skin and I didna't feel the injection. My surgeon gave me a general anesthetic for the re-exison and node biopsy. Your sentinel node is the first node going into the armpit from the breast. Cancer cells would pass there first, he also took 2 little nodes next to it. While I was on the operating table they do a fast biopsy of the nodes, mine were clean. After surgery is over they really check every little piece and they were still clean. If they had found cancer cells they would have taken a lot more nodes. The worst pain afterwards was taking the tape off the dressing a couple of days later. It took my skin. I made sure they used non-adhesive tape for the mastecomy. The incision for the nodes is not in my arm pit but beside it. That was done 8-6-09 and I am still partially numb in my armpit and the inside of my upperarm. You do not automatically get Lymphodema. I only had 3 nodes taken, but if I had a lot more than Lymphodema could be a problem.

    If you look under the mayo clinic website, this procedure is explained in detail. Didn't make me feel any better, but I have to know everything that is going to be done and how it will be done and why. And that makes me feel better. I do not let them do fine needle biopsy or any of those...I go straight for the lumpectomy. And hopefully that's all that needs be done. In my case, this time I ended up with a mastecomy.

    Different doc's and hospitals have different procedures. Although I was always given Vicodin, I never took it, except during chemo after the Neulasta a couple of times.

    A year ago I would never have thought I could ever have gone thru any of this, but I did and you will too. I am the biggest chicken on earth and do NOT LIKE ANY PAIN AT ALL. Don't be afrqid to tell your doc's how you feel and that you want to be put out (insist on it) and you want good pain meds just in case. I also took Ativan (anti-anxiety) the whole time all of this was going on. I stopped a few weeks after I was thru with chemo. It especially helps at nite so you can sleep. But it helps in the daytime to help calm you down so you can focus and helps you not be so terrified. Still scared, but not like the top of your head is coming off.

    I know exactly how you feel....but you are going to surprise yourself at how well you do. It's ok to be scared, ok to be a chicken, ok to not want pain. Advocate for yourself and make sure they give you pain meds, put you out for any surgeries etc. Belive it or not, this will end and then you will be looking back thinking "Wow, I did it." and you'll be trying to cheer a newcomer on who is just beginning this "journey".

    When are all of these tests scheduled? Please let us know.

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    Mine was also done at the
    Mine was also done at the time of lumpectomy. As Lorrie said they took 3 found no cancer so that was it.. They told me they would keep taking until they were cancer free, but in my case that was just 3. I do not think they will show up on MRI, my MRI was breast only. It is the underarm area, mine is at the bottom of the underarm. I never did have a lot of pain with either incision, a little swelling for the first couple of weeks but very minimal pain. I wish you the very best. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    Hi Rhonda
    I know how you feel about not knowing what to expect. I had never had any surgeries either unit I had my lumpectomy. I was scared! It was not as bad as I had imagined. I also had the setinel node biopsy done at the same time. They took out 7 of my nodes but all clear. As for the pain meds, I had hydrocodone and it was great. I only had to take it they day of surgery and the next day.
    When all of this started I would never have believed that I would be able to be helping someone else the way everyone here helped me but here I am.
    You CAN do this!

  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    ladyg said:

    Hi Rhonda
    I know how you feel about not knowing what to expect. I had never had any surgeries either unit I had my lumpectomy. I was scared! It was not as bad as I had imagined. I also had the setinel node biopsy done at the same time. They took out 7 of my nodes but all clear. As for the pain meds, I had hydrocodone and it was great. I only had to take it they day of surgery and the next day.
    When all of this started I would never have believed that I would be able to be helping someone else the way everyone here helped me but here I am.
    You CAN do this!


    I'm so sorry I scared the *@^$# out of you!
    It was the 4 nuclear dye injections that were injected around my nipple of my effected breast that was about to be removed. It was so horrible and most other places either knock you out to do it, or give you some numbing treatment beforehand. I wrote to the hospital and had their policy changed after I went through that. I would check with your surgeon beforehand to make sure they are going to take care of you and not have you go through what I went through.
  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    Mama G said:

    I'm so sorry I scared the *@^$# out of you!
    It was the 4 nuclear dye injections that were injected around my nipple of my effected breast that was about to be removed. It was so horrible and most other places either knock you out to do it, or give you some numbing treatment beforehand. I wrote to the hospital and had their policy changed after I went through that. I would check with your surgeon beforehand to make sure they are going to take care of you and not have you go through what I went through.

    Oh no Mama G I am not scared, I'm terrified, just kidding
    Really it's okay and actually I may have gotten the names wrong, might not have been you at all. I just want to get as prepared for all this as I can. I'm learning as I go. Don't hold back okay, tell me all of it, whether it's pleasant or not.

    Love Ronda