Good news and Bad news

smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I got some test results back today. Bone scan looks good, No cancer in any other organs. But It has spread to lymph nodes under my arm. Have any of you had it spread to lymph nodes? I got alittle scared again when I heard that. I guess I could use some reassurance. thank you in advace.


  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    My cancer also spread to my
    My cancer also spread to my lymph nodes, they will remove them when you have your surgery. It is fortunate that it did not spread to any other organs. I believe that you have Inflammatory Breast Cancer. I was diagnosed with that on July 8, 2008. There are a few of us that have had it spread to our lymph nodes, so it is treatable. I was scared also, but i am now a 2 year survivor. Just one more hill on this rollercoaster ride. take care, and remember if you need to know anything, just let us know.
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Yes, mine had spread to my
    Yes, mine had spread to my sentinel lymph node. All lymph nodes under my arm were removed. This is very common. Thank goodness it has not spread to any other part of your body. I was diagnosed with Stage 2 IDC invasive ductal carcinoma. I had 8 rounds of chemo and am currently doing radiation. I also had 2 surgeries. You are in a good place on these boards.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    I "had" IDC stage3c, with
    I "had" IDC stage3c, with 18/20 nodes. They'll remove it all. They my do a senital node scan to see exactly ( or close to exact) how many nodes are involved.
    I don't know if this matters,but I work in surgery and work as a surgical tech. Tomorrow I'll be assiting on a mastectomy (had that myself) on a woman w who's cancer spread to the lymph nodes( had that too).The surgeon whos doing her surgery is the surgeon who did mine. I feel honored to be able to continue to do what I do. So you never know who may be taking care of you. You'll be ok, so long as you trust your team that's involved with your care. Sending all love, prayers, hugs and positive thoughts and energy to you. Keep us updated on your progress. Gayla
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    My BC had also spread to my
    My BC had also spread to my lymphnodes~I was diagnosed in March of 2003, and though it was scary, well, I am still here today, 7 years later! Be strong, sister; you can and will get through this too!

  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Just 1 lymphnode for me,
    but it was enough. A lumpectomy, radiation and now arimidex is my treatment. Had the Onco dx test with very low score, so I opted out of chemo. Always worry about that decision....

  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    Just 1 lymphnode for me,
    but it was enough. A lumpectomy, radiation and now arimidex is my treatment. Had the Onco dx test with very low score, so I opted out of chemo. Always worry about that decision....


    Mine didn't spread to any
    Mine didn't spread to any node. Just try and take it one day at a time. So many here have done chemo and can help you. I had radiation treatments after my lumpectomy.

    Good luck, Sue :)
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    I had two positive lymph nodes - they took out 15 when they did my surgery. I freaked a little bit at first also but my oncologist helped to calm my fears. The negative bone scan is a very good thing and they have come a long way with the treatment of this disease. One step at a time.....
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    I had two positive lymph nodes - they took out 15 when they did my surgery. I freaked a little bit at first also but my oncologist helped to calm my fears. The negative bone scan is a very good thing and they have come a long way with the treatment of this disease. One step at a time.....

    many women have cancer
    many women have cancer spread to their lymph nodes and do fine. It defines what kind of treatment you will need.
  • praisenHim
    praisenHim Member Posts: 2
    carkris said:

    many women have cancer
    many women have cancer spread to their lymph nodes and do fine. It defines what kind of treatment you will need.

    I had 17 positive
    lymph nodes and mets to the skull. I am stage 4, IDC but doing very well after skull sugery, chemo, mastectomy and radiation. I was diagnosed in Oct.08 and have been cancer free since July 09. Reasearch has come so far!!